Recent Question/Assignment
Module CPU5001 Web Programming
Occurrence Semester 1 - 2014/15
Document Assessment Item 002 Specification
Title Cookies and their use in maintaining state.
Issue Date Monday 24th November 2014
Submission Date Monday 19th
. January 2015 (12 noon submission deadline time)
CPU5001 module assessment
Assessment 001 (weighted 50%) – Lottery Web Application using JavaScript.
Assessment 002 (weighted 50%) – Cookies and their use in maintaining state.
The aim of this coursework assignment is to test your knowledge of the following topics:
- The use of cookies in websites
- The Law and the use of cookies
- Developing cookie related code using HTML, JavaScript and PHP
Write a technical report which meets the following objectives...
a. To describe what is meant by ‘maintaining state’ with reference to the operation of websites.
b. To describe the purpose of cookies.
c. To discuss the legal requirements that web development companies must address when using cookies.
d. To write test code to demonstrate how to use cookies using JavaScript.
e. To write test code to demonstrate how to use cookies using PHP.
f. To discuss recent developments in the HTML5 standard that provides an alternative method for
maintaining state other than using cookies.
g. To develop a simple website of your own choice that makes use of cookies.