Recent Question/Assignment

Assessment Plan
The following outlines the assessment requirements for this cluster. You are required to complete all assessment requirements outlined below to achieve competency for this all units in this cluster.
Your assessor will provide you with the due dates for each assessment task. Write them in the table below.
Assessment Tasks Due Date
1. Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions
2. Assessment Task 2: Case Studies
3. Assessment Task 3: Contributing to Skills Development – Hamilton
4. Assessment Task 4: Contributing to Skills Development – Trudy
Read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement below. Make sure you sign this before you start any of your assessments.
Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of assessment? ? Yes ? No
Have you read and understood the RTO’s policies and procedures related to reassessment? ? Yes ? No
Do you understand the requirements of this assessment? ? Yes ? No
Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed? ? Yes ? No
Do you have any special needs or considerations that must be made in preparation for this assessment? If yes, what are they?
__________________________________________________________________ ? Yes ? No
Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions regarding assessment? ? Yes ? No

Student Name: __________________________________________________
Student Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: _______________

Assessor Name: _________________________________________________
Assessor Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: _______________

Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 1
Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.
Date of submission:
Cluster: Work in Disability
Units: ? CHCDIS011 Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach
? CHCDIS020 Work effectively in disability support.
No. of Pages in Submission:
Assessor to complete
Assessment Task Number & Title Satisfactory/
Not satisfactory Date Is this a reassessment? Y/N
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions
I __________________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own work.
?? None of this work has been completed by any other person.
?? I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s in the completion of this work.
?? I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
?? I understand that if I am found to be in breach of the RTO’s policies, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: _______________

Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.
A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor Signature: _____________________________________________________________________

Assessor Name: ________________________________________________________________________

Date: _______________

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions
The following assessment tasks use a simulated aged care facility called Banksia Care. To complete the assessment tasks, students will need to access information, templates, policies and procedures associated with Banksia. These documents can be accessed on Banksia’s intranet (accessible via the website). To access, head to, navigate to the staff intranet and enter your RTO’s username and password prior to completing your assessment tasks.
In this task, you will demonstrate your knowledge by answering a series of questions that relate to this unit of competency.
You must answer all questions correctly to achieve a satisfactory outcome for this task.
? Access to a computer.
? You may use your learning materials as a reference if required.
? Banksia Care supporting documents (accessible from the Banksia Care website):
– HR SD1 Position Description – PCW.
? You must complete this task in your own time or at a time allocated by your trainer/assessor.
? Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment task.
You need to answer all questions correctly to be marked Satisfactory for this task. If you answer any questions incorrectly you will need to resubmit your answers to those questions again. Your assessor will provide you with a due date by which you must resubmit your new responses. You have up to three attempts to achieve a Satisfactory outcome.
? Your answers for each question.
? Answer all questions below by indicating your response to each question in the space provided.
? You may use your learning materials as reference if required.
? You must answer all questions and their parts correctly to achieve a Satisfactory outcome for this task.
a) Considering access and equity, do you think the problem lies with the person in the wheelchair or the environment the person is in? Explain your answer.
b) Describe this picture in terms of access and equity.
c) Determine if this is individual or structural discrimination and explain why.
d) Explain what federal legislation and/or standard is being breached in this picture and why. What legislation from your state would apply?
Jeremy is 12 years old. He has a mild intellectual disability and very bad eczema, which leaves his skin itchy and raw. He goes to the local school where there is a reputation for bullying. Several children in the school call Jeremy ‘Dumb scratch’.
Sometimes the bullies take his school bag and tip his lunch onto the ground. ‘You don’t need food anyway – freaks don’t deserve to eat!’ they yell at him.
Jeremy tells his teacher, but the teacher says, ‘Toughen up and get over it!’
a) How do you think the response to Jeremy’s disabilities will contribute to his quality of life in the future? Describe three ways.
b) Discuss how the behaviour of the bullies and the teacher are examples of individual discrimination. What can be done to remove the discrimination?
Peter is 12 years old. He has a mild intellectual disability and a speech impediment, which makes it difficult for people to understand him.
He goes to the local school, which has a reputation for inclusiveness. Peter has a teacher’s aide who assists him in the classroom. She has been working with him for some time and can understand his speech easily and she will help Peter get his message across if he is struggling.
The teacher’s aide works closely with Peter’s speech therapist. Peter has been buddied up with a boy of his own age, Martin. Peter knows he can always go to Martin if he has any problems.
A new child at the school called Peter an insulting name and started to imitate his speech. This was reported to the principal, who called the new child into his office and explained why his behaviour was inappropriate. The child apologised to Peter, and they ended up playing football together.
Peter is good at art and sport. The school makes sure there are plenty of opportunities to build on these skills – not only for Peter but for all the children.
Peter enjoys going to school. Sometimes the work is hard, but the teachers and the teacher’s aide always spend time to help him understand. He is starting to reap the benefits of speech therapy, and he is improving his ability to communicate.
c) How do you think the response to Peter’s disabilities will contribute to his quality of life in the future? Describe three ways.
In days gone by, disengagement for people with an intellectual disability was a major problem. Many people were left spending most of their day doing nothing, just waiting for something to happen – bathing, feeding, clothing and so on, but engagement in everyday activities was impossible.
Person-centred active support is a support mechanism to provide the right amount of assistance to assist a person to be engaged and to exercise choice and control over their lives.
d) An important part of person-centred active support is breaking tasks into simple steps.
Imagine you have a client who enjoys cooking. Write down all the steps involved in making a simple dessert – fruit salad with ice cream. Make sure you include the opportunity for choice in the steps.
e) Choose one of the steps that you wrote above.
Use the ASK–INSTRUCT–PROMPT–SHOW–GUIDE approach to explain how you would do each of these to support a client with this step.
The first one has been completed as an example for you.
ASK Would you like to peel the banana?
f) If you found that your client could quite easily do the task after you prompted them, what would you do next time you were helping them with this task?
Henry was raised in a family of atheists.
When Henry was in his 20s, he had a car accident that left him a paraplegic. During his recovery, he met a Catholic priest who talked to him about spiritual matters.
Henry was very taken by the Catholic religion. He started attending services in the hospital and reading the bible the priest gave him. His newfound religion gave him the strength to carry on.
After his release from hospital, Henry asks his family if they will take him to church on Sundays. His family are disgusted that he has found religion and says he must forget all that religious rubbish. There is no way they will take him to church, and if the priest comes to visit the door, it will be shut in his face.
Henry is depressed. He cannot get to church without his family’s support.
Is this an invasion of Henry’s human rights? Explain your answer, making sure you refer to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Massimo works with people with intellectual disabilities. Today he has taken a group of five adolescents to the park for an outing. They have skateboards and he takes them to the skate park, which he does each week. They always enjoy their outing and, because they are good friends, there is never any trouble.
Today a pretty young woman is at the skate park with her little brother. She is around Massimo’s age.
She and Massimo start talking, and they enjoy each other’s company. Massimo asks her for her number when her brother is ready to go home. She tells him she has a pen in the car.
Massimo checks on his clients and because they are playing nicely, he leaves them to go to the car park. The car park is not in the direct line of sight of the skate park. Massimo gets the phone number, and they chat for another 15 minutes.
All of sudden Massimo hears yelling from the skate park. He runs back to find one of his clients, Mike, has been pushed off his skateboard by a bully. Apparently, the bully had laughed at them all. Mike had gotten angry at him, so the bully pushed him off his board.
Mike has hit his head on the concrete, and he has a nasty gash, which is pouring blood.
Massimo feels bad as he could have dealt with the bully if he had been there.
a) What was Massimo’s duty of care to his clients?
b) How has Massimo breached his duty of care?
c) What are the consequences of Massimo’s actions?
d) What should Massimo have done when the woman said she needed to get a pen from her car?
e) What documentation will Massimo need to complete?
Gary has ADHD. He is disruptive, noisy, fidgety and frustrated and finds it very difficult to stay on task.
Gary’s mother is going crazy. She feels like she is yelling at him all the time to stop, be quiet, sit still or get on with his homework.
a) What advice would you give to Gary’s mother to use positive reinforcement techniques to assist Gary in managing his behaviour? Provide three examples to assist Gary’s mother.
b) List four things that might motivate Gary to learn.
c) What are three things that might demotivate Gary to learn?
‘Boundless Canberra’ is an ‘all abilities’ playground that has opened in Canberra, ACT. The playground provides a space where everyone can meet and play, regardless of their abilities. The play equipment is easily accessible for people of all abilities without being specifically designated ‘disabled access’.
The community is encouraged to use the playground and to support it through fund raising and other activities.
(More information can be found at
a) In what way do projects such as this contribute to community education?
b) What opportunities does the playground give to community groups? Suggest two.
Match the roles and responsibilities listed in the table to the following people involved in providing disability support:
a) Support worker
b) Supervisor
c) Carer
d) Family
e) Health professional
Roles and Responsibilities Correct Answer
Understands and communicates organisational aims and standards
Booking and going to appointments with clients
Referral to other health professionals when required
Set boundaries
Delivery of care within the scope of their practice
Cleaning, grocery shopping and gardening
Undertakes risk assessments
Monitors safety
Plan excursions and transport
Daily care for the person needing support
Summarise the human rights framework that exists in Australia for persons with disabilities.
Positive behaviour support includes eight steps to help someone displaying challenging behaviours. List and briefly describe the eight steps.
Indicate true or false to the questions below.
Question True or False
Providing a suggestion board or box for satisfaction comments and improvements is one way to consult with people with a disability.
People with a disability don’t require representation in advisory and reference groups.
To consult with people with a disability, you should incorporate verbal and/or visual opportunities for feedback.
Inclusive consultation and engagement take into account a variety of access and communication requirements.
When people have the same disability, their requirements will be the same.
You should always have available and promote an accessible complaints process when working with people with a disability.
When you advocate for a person with a disability, you are also supporting them in learning the skills of advocating for themselves. Briefly outline four skills to achieve effective advocacy.
June is a 22-year-old living with Down Syndrome. She lives in a share house with three other people with Down Syndrome and has a job she enjoys. Her Individual Support Plan was put in place to help her learn to interact confidently with others, manage her finances and learn the skills of living on her own such as paying her bills, cooking, and cleaning.
June’s support worker, Karen, visits to take her shopping for food. While they are out, June excitedly tells Karen that she has met a young man at work who wants to take her out on a date. June says that he thinks she is really funny, and wants to go to dinner and a movie. June confides to Karen that she hopes she will get her first kiss.
Karen is worried that June could be taken advantage of or harmed in some way during the date, as she hasn’t had any experience with the physical side of a relationship. Karen tells June that she can’t go on the date and that June needs to call the young man and tell him she won’t be going when they arrive back at June’s house.
a) Explain what dignity of risk means.
b) Explain how Karen’s response interferes with June’s dignity of risk.
c) What should Karen have done instead of telling June she couldn’t go?
Match the risk area for abuse or a systemic issue with the correct definition.
Risk Area for Abuse/ Systemic Issues Correct Answer Definition
Paternalism a) Negative attitudes or discrimination against someone based on a distinguishing characteristic such as a mental illness, health condition, or disability.
Social isolation b) The state of depending on or trusting in something or someone which makes it harder to report abuse.
Misconceptions c) Interference by the state, a group, or an individual with another person, defended on the basis that ‘it was for that person’s good’.
Reliance on others d) Ascribe lower quality of life to a person living with a disability (e.g. paraplegia, blindness, brain injury) than the person does themselves.
Ableism e) The state of having minimal contact with others which means the person is less likely to have someone check up on them.
Stigma f) A view or opinion that is incorrect because based on faulty thinking or understanding.
Value judgement around quality of life g) The discrimination of and social prejudice against people with disabilities based on the belief that typical abilities are superior.
List and briefly describe three types of abuse experienced by people with a disability. Provide at least four signs/indicators for each type of abuse listed that you would look for when monitoring your clients.
Briefly explain delegation and supervision requirements and how the relationship works when tasks are assigned to support workers by health professionals.
List at least three national and/or state/territory statutory bodies that you need to know about as a support worker and give a brief description of what they do.
Briefly explain what the Office of the Health Ombudsman is for.
Define the two concepts of consent below:
a) Informed
b) Uninformed
a) Match the definition to the correct National Standards for Disability Services.
Standard Definition Answer
1. Rights a) The standards promote the meaningful inclusion of and participation in society by people with disabilities, plus that of their families, friends, and carers.
2. Participation and Inclusion b) The standards promote the seeking of feedback to improve services at a nationwide and individual level.
3. Individual Outcomes c) The standards promote effective and accountable management and leadership to maximise outcomes for people with disabilities.
4. Feedback and Complaints d) The standards promote the right of the individual to freedom of expression and self-determination and to live free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
5. Service Access e) The standards promote a person-centred approach that helps people reach their goals through assessment, planning, delivery, and review.
6. Service Management f) The standards promote access to, commencement, and exit from services in a prompt, equitable, fair, and transparent way.
b) Identify the industry standards body that manages the National Standards for Disability Services.
In Australia, the concept of social and emotional wellbeing has been employed in the National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Mental Health and Social and Emotional Wellbeing 2017–2023. Outline the purpose of the framework.
Define the following attitudes and stereotypes. Give one example of what it might look like.
a) Paternalism
b) Ableism
c) Stigma
Define what a misconception is and list three common misconceptions that are often attributed to people with disabilities.
Briefly outline how the value judgement around qualify of live affects people with a disability and give four examples of dangers this form of misconception might cause when used by health professionals.
Explain the social model of disability and how it has affected the contemporary view of disability support.
Match the activity to the correct category:
a) Care
b) Support
Activity Correct Answer
Help someone eat.
Help someone learn to make a cup of tea.
Help someone find equipment or technology to make a task easier.
Help someone learn to read bus timetables to travel on their own.
Help someone to stay hydrated.
Help someone to go to the toilet.
Help someone to find a job.
Briefly describe what empowerment is for a person receiving support and give two examples of how you would demonstrate it.
Summarise the concept of social role valorisation as it applies to everyone having the right to live life as they choose.
Access and read HR SD1 Position Description – PCW (available via the Banksia Care website). Provide an outline of the reporting lines for this position.
Briefly describe the roles of an interdisciplinary team.
a) List two key organisations within the disability sector.
b) Name the main organisation that provides funding and accreditation for the disability sector.
c) Name the standards that services in the disability sector are accredited against.
Define cultural competency and briefly explain how it applies to the role of disability support work.
According to the State of the Disability Sector Report 2021, briefly outline the four key issues for disability and community support.
a) Explain the purpose of an individual care plan.
b) Outline what the key contents of an individual care plan are.
Match the type of disability/functional capacity to its definition according to the National Disability Service (NDS).
Standard Definition Answer
1. Intellectual a) Used to describe multiple disabilities arising from damage to the brain acquired after birth. Results in deterioration in cognitive, physical, emotional or independent functioning.
2. Physical b) Refers to sensory impairments associated with severe restrictions in communication, and participation in community life. It is not just vision impairment with hearing loss, or hearing loss with a vision impairment. It is a unique disability of its own, requiring distinct communication and teaching practices.
3. Acquired brain injury c) Encompasses blindness and vision impairment (not corrected by glasses or contact lenses), which can cause severe restriction in communication and mobility and in the ability to participate in community life.
4. Neurological (including epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease) d) Encompasses speech loss, impairment and/or difficulty in being understood.
5. Deafblind (dual sensory) e) Applies to conditions appearing in the developmental period (age 0–18 years) associated with impairments of mental functions, difficulties in learning and performing certain daily life skills and limitations of adaptive skills in the context of community environments compared to others of the same age.
6. Vision f) Includes recognisable symptoms and behaviour patterns frequently associated with distress, which may impair personal functioning in normal social activity. Normally expect there to be a diagnosis. General issues with behaviour (where there is no specific diagnosis) should be reflected in the support needs data (for example, support needs in relation to ‘interpersonal interactions and relationships’).
7. Hearing g) Applies to children aged 0–5 where conditions have appeared in the early developmental period, but no specific diagnosis has been made and the specific disability group is not yet known.
8. Speech h) Used to describe conditions that are attributable to a physical cause or impact on the ability to perform physical activities, such as mobility.
9. Psychiatric i) Encompasses deafness, hearing impairment, hearing loss.
10. Developmental delay j) Applies to impairments of the nervous system occurring after birth.
List five pieces of current terminology used in disability support.
a) Outline the five steps of a risk assessment framework.
b) Describe the risk assessment considerations for the following roles/actions.
Role/Action Risk Assessment Considerations
Personal Care Worker
Working in a person’s home
Assisting a person to engage outside of their regular setting
Planning an activity
Define what are the principles of trauma-informed care.
a) Define what a restrictive practice is and list five types of restrictive practices as defined by the NDIS Act 2013.
b) As the use of restrictive practices is regulated by the NDIS, outline the rules around using them.
a) Provide a definition of Psychosocial disability and brief how it can impact on a person’s life.
b) Outline the differences between psychosocial disability and mental health.
c) Outline the ways in which psychosocial disability can interact with other disabilities.
d) Outline the episodic nature and additional or alternate supports that may be required during different periods.
Did the student demonstrate the required level of competence for each of the following points? Comments Date: Date: Date:
Yes No Yes No Yes No
Did the student answer all written questions correctly in line with the decision-making rules provided in the Marking Guide?
If ‘no’ to the above, have arrangements been made for re-assessment?
Where any items above are marked ‘No’, outline the gaps below. Ensure feedback is provided to the student on their Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Note actions that will be taken to correct the gaps.
Comments: What did you observe? Are there any gaps? What did the student do to demonstrate competence?
Please outline any reasonable adjustments made for this task here.
Assessment Task 1 Outcomes
Attempt Date Outcome Assessor Name Assessor Signature
Attempt 1 ? Satisfactory
? Not Satisfactory
Attempt 2 ? Satisfactory
? Not Satisfactory
Attempt 3 ? Satisfactory
? Not Satisfactory

Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 2
Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.
Date of submission:
Cluster: Work in Disability
Units: ? CHCDIS011 Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach
? CHCDIS020 Work effectively in disability support.
No. of Pages in Submission:
Assessor to complete
Assessment Task Number & Title Satisfactory/
Not satisfactory Date Is this a reassessment? Y/N
Assessment Task 2: Case Studies
I __________________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own work.
?? None of this work has been completed by any other person.
?? I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s in the completion of this work.
?? I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
?? I understand that if I am found to be in breach of the RTO’s policies, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: _______________