Recent Question/Assignment

Assessment 3: Individual Reflective Essay (30%)
Due Date Week 12 (Start of Week 12) 1800 - 2000 words
• Please note that this assessment is based on your weekly journal. The final essay must demonstrate that you have engaged in the class itself using the process of journaling during each week of the unit. Consequently, the essay will reflect your ongoing learning throughout the trimester and will be based on the journal you have kept for this purpose. The formatting will be written as week 1, week 2, etc.
• The reflective essay will focus on; summarising discussions, activities & learning when you were in class, and applying these discussions to the knowledge and skills provided via class activities and the weekly readings to your own professional practice as a supervisee or supervisor. Your journal should include reference to the class content, weekly readings and at least 10 (scholarly) journal articles read, in addition to any textbook references. The format of your essay will be discussed in greater detail by your lecturer in class. However, your written work is about what is discussed in class and what you are asked to do by your lecturer each week in the classes that you attend.
Do NOT utilise sources such as and other such web materials as these in no way constitute academic references for the purpose of your assignments. If you rely on such sources for theoretical support, you will be deemed NOT to have met the requirements of the assessment.
Assessment Criteria
Reflective essay
Criteria Weighting 100% HD D C P F
Conclusions derived from class readings, discussions and/or tutorial worksheets, including potential ethical issues 40%
Use and depth of reflection (evidence throughout the trimester)
Presentation and referencing effective and organised essay structure with correct referencing of up-to-date resources, in class content and weekly readings 20%
Criteria for journal High Distinction
80% - Distinction
70%- 79% Credit
60-69% Pass
50-59% Fail
Conclusions derived from class readings, discussions and/or tutorial worksheets, including potential ethical issues Shows a deep understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on the supervision process Shows an excellent understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on the supervision process Shows a good understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on the supervision process
Shows a basic understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on the supervision process Shows poor, insufficient understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on the supervision process
Use and depth of reflection A comprehensive analysis is developed. Summarizes and shows insightful synthesis of the literature information, including analysis of gaps and/or limitations of the research A strong analysis is developed. Summarizes and shows insightful synthesis of the literature information, including analysis of gaps and/or limitations of the research A good analysis is developed. Summarizes and shows some insightful synthesis of the literature information, identifies some limitations of the research Analysis is fairly well developed. It summarizes the overall information obtained from the literature reviews and synthesizes adequately the knowledge gained Analysis is not well developed. It lacks summary and/or any synthesis of the relevant literature
Presentation of summary and correct references used All levels of content are covered in depth. Wide range of contemporary references and sources are well cited when specific statements are made High level of content is covered in depth. Wide range of good references and sources are well cited when specific statements are made Appropriate content is covered in reasonable depth. Sources are generally well cited when specific statements are made Most major sections of the relevant content included, but not covered in as much depth, or as explicit, as expected
References were basic and some errors of citation Major sections of relevant content have been omitted or missed Inadequate references and poor citation