Recent Question/Assignment

ASSESSMENT 1: Portfolio
Title Assessment 1: Portfolio of short responses
Due Date Monday 20th November (WEEK 4) @ 11:59pm AEDT
Length 1500 words including references
Weighting 50%
Submission 1 word document submitted to Turnitin
Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO) You will demonstrate the following Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO) on the successful completion of this task:
• ULO 1: compare and critique historical and contemporary constructions of childhood and families, including those pertaining to Indigenous childhoods.
• ULO 2: identify the ways to ensure children feel that they are belonging, being, and becoming.
• ULO 3: explain the diverse range of issues affecting children, families and communities including social, economic and educational policies and their impact upon service provision for children and families.
• ULO4: Critically analyse texts, images, and songs in terms of the construction of childhood, and families across diverse contexts.
This section describes the purpose of the assessment task (the ‘why’)
Working with and supporting children and families within the context of their community can present challenges. Early childhood professionals should reflect on the diversity of issues that face children and families. The aim of this assessment task is for students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding regarding contemporary and diverse issues facing children, families, and communities.
Task Description
This section provides a brief description of the assessment task (the ‘what’).
This task requires students to reflect upon key issues presented in the unit content and complete three (3) x 500-word responses to the questions under the Task Instructions.
Task Instructions
This section provides step-by-step task instructions (the ‘how’).
Drawing on a range of relevant literature, answer each of the following three questions in approximately 500-words.
Question 1
Part A: In your own words, write a short definition (2-3 sentences) for proximal processes.
Part B: Think about the aspects that influence children’s lives today and how this has changed over the last twenty years. With reference to the unit content discuss how contemporary life may enhance or hinder proximal processes and outcomes compared to how life influenced them in the past. Frame your answer using the levels in Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model.
Question 2
The extent to which victims of bullying suffer negative outcomes is partly determined by how they cope with being bullied. In your future practice as an early childhood teacher, how can you ensure the children in your care have the skills and strategies to overcome bullying incidents with reference to the unit content. Make links to the Early Years Learning Framework (DET, 2022) where relevant.
Question 3
You are working at a long day care centre where a new family has enrolled. You have planned a cooking experience with the children when the boy (aged 4) states, “cooking is the girl’s job, boys should not cook!” Discuss the following points with reference to the unit content:
? What language and actions would you use to handle this situation?
? How can you teach gender equality as part of the Australian culture with children aged 3-5 years?
? What are the strategies you could implement to work towards social justice and equity?
Formatting and style
APA 7 formatting is required for this task.
• Include a cover page that contains:
• The title of the task in bold
o Your name (as author) and Student ID
o Your faculty (Faculty of Education, Southern Cross University)
o The unit code and name (TCHR2002 Children, Families, and Communities)
o Your unit assessor’s name (Kelly Simpson)
o The due date
• Include the question/question part you are responding to at the start of each response.
• Indent the first line of each new paragraph
• Use 12-point Arial font.
• Double line space your writing and your reference list
• APA Referencing style is required to be used for this task
• Include one reference list for all responses on a new page at the end of task. Place the title References in bold in the centre at the top of this page.
• At a minimum, your sources for this task will include a range of unit materials and broader literature.
• Broader literature may include textbooks, peer reviewed articles, and other authoritative sources.
• While there is no set number of references required for this task, a good guide to keep in mind is to include one reference every 100 words.
• Academic Integrity -
• SCU Student Learning Zone -
Referencing Style Resource
Please refer to the APA 7th Referencing Guide for this task -
Task Submission
• Your task should be submitted using the submission point in the Turnitin folder titled FINAL SUBMISSION POINT: Assessment 1 - Portfolio in the Assessments Tasks and Submission section on the Blackboard TCHR2002 site. Only Microsoft Word documents submitted via the Turnitin portal on Blackboard will be accepted. You must label your final submission with your surname and initials and the assessment task's name, e.g. SmithJ_PortfolioTask1.doc
• You are strongly advised to undertake your own SIMILARITY CHECK via Turnitin, PRIOR to the due date, to identify and resolve any academic integrity issues prior to submitting - see SCU Academic Integrity and Turnitin. You can submit up to three times and receive the similarity match report immediately – after three attempts, you will need to wait 24 hours.
• It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that you have submitted the correct file and the FINAL version of your assessment for marking BEFORE the due date/time.
• Turnitin does not generate an automatic email receipt. If you have successfully uploaded your assessment, a green bar will appear at the top of the screen that says: Submission uploaded successfully: Download digital receipt. Use the hyperlink to download your digital receipt and store this with your assignment file.
• If you have any difficulty submitting your assignment, please contact Technology Services and make sure that you log a job with them, so you have evidence of your attempted submission. To avoid any last-minute problems, make sure you submit well before 11:59pm on the due date.
Academic Integrity
At Southern Cross University academic integrity means behaving with the values of honesty, fairness, trustworthiness, courage, responsibility, and respect in relation to academic work.
The Southern Cross University Academic Integrity Framework aims to develop a holistic, systematic, and consistent approach to addressing academic integrity across the entire University. For more information see the SCU Academic Integrity Framework
NOTE: Academic Integrity breaches include poor referencing, not identifying direct quotations correctly, close paraphrasing, plagiarism, recycling, misrepresentation, collusion, cheating, contract cheating, fabricating information.
At SCU the use of GenAI tools is acceptable, unless it is beyond the acceptable limit as defined in the Assessment Item by the Unit Assessor.
Instructions for this task
GenAI May Not be Used
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools, such as ChatGPT, must NOT be used for this Assessment Task. You are required to demonstrate if you have developed the unit’s skills and knowledge without the support of GenAI. If you use GenAI tools in your assessment task, it may result in an academic integrity breach against you as described in the Student Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct Rules, Section 3.
Special Consideration
Students wishing to request special consideration to extend the due date of an assessment task must submit a Request for Special Consideration form via their MyEnrolment page as early as possible and prior to the original due date for that assessment task, along with any accompanying documents, such as medical certificates. Please refer to the Special Consideration section of the SCU Policy
Late Submissions & Penalties
Except when special consideration is awarded, late submission of assessment tasks incur a late penalty. Penalties will be incurred as soon as the deadline for task submission is reached.
• A penalty of 5% of the available marks will be deducted from the actual mark at one minute after the time listed in the due date
• A further penalty of 5% of the available mark will be deducted from the actual mark on each subsequent calendar day until the mark reaches zero.
Please refer to the Late Submission & Penalties section of Policy
Grades & Feedback
Assessments that have been submitted by the due date will receive an SCU grade. Grades and feedback will be posted to the ‘Grades and Feedback’ section on the Blackboard unit site. Please allow 7 days for marks to be posted.
Assessment Criteria
See the marking rubric for the marking criteria and grading standards.
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Assessment Rubric
Marking Criteria and & allocation
High Distinction + (100%) High Distinction
(85-99%) Distinction
(75-84%) Credit
(65-74%) Pass
(50-64%) Marginal Fail
(35-49%) Fail
(0-49%) Not addressed
Criteria 1
Definition of proximal process
/5 marks Achieves all the criteria for a high distinction to an exemplary standard. Provides a well-articulated and concise definition of proximal processes accurately that reflects the concept. Provides a solid definition of proximal processes accurately that reflects the concept. Provides an appropriate definition of proximal processes that reflects the concept. Provides a satisfactory definition of proximal processes that reflects the concept; however, it may lack clarity and some minor inaccuracies.
Provides a satisfactory definition of proximal processes that reflects the concept; however, it lacks clarity and includes inaccuracies.
Provides an inaccurate or irrelevant definition of proximal processes. Not attempted
Criteria 2
Explanation of contemporary and historical influences on proximal processes and outcomes with reference to the unit content
/10marks Achieves all the criteria for a high distinction to an exemplary standard with outstanding integration of the unit content Provides a comprehensive discussion of the ways in which contemporary life may enhance or hinder proximal processes and outcomes compared to the past, using Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model to frame the answer.
Provides a clear and concise discussion of the ways in which contemporary life may enhance or hinder proximal processes and outcomes compared to the past, using Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model to frame the answer. Provides an appropriate discussion of the ways in which contemporary life may enhance or hinder proximal processes and outcomes compared to the past, using Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model to frame the answer. Provides a satisfactory discussion of the ways in which contemporary life may enhance or hinder proximal processes and outcomes compared to the past, using Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model to frame the answer. Provides a limited discussion of the ways in which contemporary life may enhance or hinder proximal processes and outcomes compared to the past, drawing in limited ways Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model to frame the answer. Provides an inadequate or irrelevant discussion of the ways in which contemporary life may enhance or hinder proximal processes and outcomes compared to the past, and/or has not used Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model to frame the answer. Not attempted
Criteria 3
Strategies for supporting children's coping skills in response to bullying with reference to the unit content.
Achieves all the criteria for a high distinction to an exemplary standard, with outstanding integration of the unit materials. Provides a comprehensive discussion of strategies for supporting children's coping skills in response to bullying, with clear links to the Early Years Learning Framework where relevant. Provides a clear and concise discussion of strategies for supporting children's coping skills in response to bullying, with links to the Early Years Learning Framework where relevant. Provides an appropriate discussion of strategies for supporting children's coping skills in response to bullying, with some links to the Early Years Learning Framework where relevant. Provides a satisfactory discussion of strategies for supporting children's coping skills in response to bullying, with some links to the Early Years Learning Framework where relevant. Provides a limited discussion of strategies for supporting children's coping skills in response to bullying, with few or no links to the Early Years Learning Framework where relevant/limited relevance made in links to the Early Years Learning Framework.
Provides an inadequate or irrelevant discussion of strategies for supporting children's coping skills in response to bullying, with no links to the Early Years Learning Framework where relevant.
Not attempted
Criteria 4
Promoting gender equality and social justice in the early childhood setting with reference to the unit content
/15 Achieves all the criteria for a high distinction to an exemplary standard, with outstanding integration of the unit materials. Provides a comprehensive discussion of language and actions that could be used to address the situation, strategies for teaching gender equality to young children, and strategies for working towards social justice and equity in the early childhood setting. Provides a clear and concise discussion of language and actions that could be used to address the situation, strategies for teaching gender equality to young children, and strategies for working towards social justice and equity in the early childhood setting. Provides an appropriate discussion of language and actions that could be used to handle the situation, strategies for teaching gender equality to young children, and strategies for working towards social justice and equity in the early childhood setting, with very minor limitations or errors.
Provides a satisfactory discussion of language and actions that could be used to handle the situation, strategies for teaching gender equality to young children, and strategies for working towards social justice and equity in the early childhood setting, with some minor limitations or errors. Provides a limited discussion of language and actions that could be used to handle the situation, limited strategies for teaching gender equality to young children, and limited strategies for working towards social justice and equity in the early childhood setting, with some major limitations or errors and/or consistent minor limitations or errors
Provides an inadequate or irrelevant discussion of language and actions that could be used to handle the situation, strategies for teaching gender equality to young children, and strategies for working towards social justice and equity in the early childhood setting.
Not attempted
Criteria 5
Academic Literacy including correct word count, correct writing conventions, use of professional language and academic referencing (APA 7th style) and a minimum of 10 academic references.
/5 Achieves all the criteria for a high distinction to an exemplary standard, without any errors. Excellent standard of writing and presentation with no errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, paragraph structure, or APA 7th referencing.
Word count within +/- 10% of the set word count. Very good standard of writing and presentation with very minor and very inconsistent errors in spelling and punctuation and grammar and paragraph structure and APA 7th referencing.
Word count within +/- 10% of the set word count. Good standard of writing and presentation with some minor and inconsistent errors in one or two areas of spelling or punctuation or grammar or paragraph structure, or APA 7th referencing.
Word count within +/- 10% of the set word count. Satisfactory standard of writing and presentation with errors in most areas of -spelling, punctuation, grammar, paragraph structure, APA 7th referencing
Consistent errors in one or two of the above areas
Word count over/under +/- 10% of the set word count. Poor standard of writing and presentation with consistent errors in most/all areas of spelling, punctuation, grammar, paragraph structure, and APA 7th referencing
Word count significantly under or over +/- 10% of the set word count for the task Significant improvement needed in writing and presentation with consistent errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, paragraph structure, and APA 7th referencing Not attempted
Description of SCU Grades
High Distinction:
The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements, demonstrates distinctive insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts, and shows exceptional ability to synthesise, integrate and evaluate knowledge. The student’s performance could be described as outstanding in relation to the learning requirements specified.
The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements, demonstrates distinctive insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts, and shows a well-developed ability to synthesise, integrate and evaluate knowledge. The student’s performance could be described as distinguished in relation to the learning requirements specified.
The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements specified, demonstrates insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts. The student’s performance could be described as competent in relation to the learning requirements specified.
The student’s performance satisfies all of the basic learning requirements specified and provides a sound basis for proceeding to higher-level studies in the subject area. The student’s performance could be described as satisfactory in relation to the learning requirements specified.
The student’s performance fails to satisfy the learning requirements specified.