Recent Question/Assignment
2. Assessment 2 – (Assessment 2 is in two parts, Task A and Task B. Each part has different weighting, but they are both due on the same day)
TASK A: Play-Based Project and Presentation
(2500 words equivalent)
Students develop and document a play-based activity appropriate for implementation with children aged 3-4 years old. They must link the activity to appropriate curriculum outcomes. They need to discuss the pedagogical theory underpinning their activity and the implications and considerations for implementing and evaluating the activity.
This task addresses learning outcomes 4-6
• Explain the fundamental role of a play-based curriculum in children’s learning and development and explore and contrast the notion of play in a variety of socio-cultural contexts
• Apply observation and program planning skills to develop play-based educational experiences for individual children and groups of children
• Apply key components of the processes used to select, adapt, and/or create a curricular program experiences for individual children and groups of children
Using the lesson plan framework below, develop a play-based activity appropriate for a specified group of children (3-4 years old) that is clearly linked to
1. appropriate EYLF outcomes, and
2. is appropriate for the specific nature (socio-cultural context) of the target group of children who will participate in the lesson.