Recent Question/Assignment
Name of course: Consumer Health and Public Health Systems.
PDF textbook attached to get information on class materials.
For this activity, you will need to attend a city council meeting in the city of your choice (you must attend the meeting in person to understand the entire depth of what takes place and the feeling of a city council meeting). Pay special attention to the topics discussed in the meeting and what topics seem to be pertinent to the city council members as well as the community members. You will then write a reflection paper regarding your experiences, including the date of the meeting and the city. The reflection paper should include information regarding your experiences and how they relate to this class's material. The reflection paper should be 3-5 pages, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font. DUE TO COVID, YOU WILL WATCH A RECORDED MEETING TO COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT.
Here is the link to a recorded meeting: