Recent Question/Assignment
This is an assignment from Enterprise Systems Lifecycle Management unit. Please use description from case study “Developing a Sustainable IT Capability: Lessons from Intel’s Journey”. Thanks
IFN561: Enterprise Systems Lifecycle Management
Assessment Task 3
Assessment Task 3
Task overview
Assessment name: Case Study
Task description: This report will extend your skills by explaining and evaluating different approaches of a case study.
Learning outcomes measured: ULO1: Explain the technical and socio-economic foundations of enterprise systems and their use in different corporate settings.
ULO2: Recommend and justify a range of IT strategies to address the limitations and barriers of an organisation enterprise system.
ULO3: Communicate effectively in professional and scholarly contexts to a variety of stakeholders in written formats.
ULO4: Analyse technology trends relating to enterprise systems.
ULO5: Analyse a real-world case study to explain how service management facilitates continuous improvement in enterprise systems.
Final report due: Wednesday, 2 November 2022
Weighting: 50 %
Individual/Group: Individual
How will I be assessed: 7-point grading scale using a rubric
Task details
What you need to do: 1. Read the Criterion-Referenced Assessment Rubric.
2. Read the assignment description and background.
3. Follow the step-by-step guide of the assignment.
Presentation requirements: This assessment task must be completed for submission on Blackboard under Assessment Tasks Assessment Task 3 by using the Assessment Task 3 Individual Template.
Resources needed to complete task:
• IFN561 Blackboard site
• QUT Cite|Write APA guide.
Submission Information
What you need to submit: You need to submit the following item:
1. Completed IFN561_Assessment_Task_3_Individual_Template.docx
How to submit: 1. Access “Written Assignment Submission Area: Assessment Task 3”
2. Attach file by browsing your computer.
3. Select the correct file.
4. Click Submit.
5. To check successful submission, you will receive a text match % (if this is an option), and you are able to resubmit, view or download your paper.
6. ALWAYS check your student email for the submission receipt.
Moderation: All staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare their judgements before marks or grades are finalised.
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At university, students are expected to demonstrate their own understanding and thinking using the ideas provided by ‘others’ to support and inform their work, always making due acknowledgement to the source. While we encourage peer learning, it is not appropriate to share assignments with other students unless your assessment piece has been stated as being a group assignment. If you do share your assignment with another student, and they copy part of or all of your assignment for their submission, this is considered collusion and you may also be reported for academic misconduct. If you are unsure and need further information you can find this at:
To prepare the report for this assignment, you need to read the case study “Developing a Sustainable IT Capability: Lessons from Intel’s Journey”, which you will find on Blackboard under Assessment Tasks Assessment Task 3. This report will provide a comprehensive description of the operational planning and the approach taken to implement a new system. The project report should explain the development plan: how the system will work technically, what services it will provide, its systems integration and implementation, considerations associated with and the effects of its rollout, change and risk management, as well as IS maintenance and continuous improvement.
In the case study, the case organisation has formulated a clear goal. To achieve the goal, your task is to provide reasonable recommendations which enterprise system the case organisation should use, and further recommendations regarding the systems integration and implementation, change and risk management, as well as IS maintenance and continuous improvement.
Step-by-step guide
The project report will be presented in the format of a written report containing the following sections:
A. Introduction. This section should provide an outline of the organisation, background of the organization, its situation (needs and threats), and objectives that the report is proposing to address.
B. Integration Techniques & Transition Plan. This section should outline whether there were any integration techniques used during the implementations. You need to explain the type of integration and why that approach was selected. Further, describe any potential integration techniques for the systems integration and implementation to achieve the case organisation’s goals. Regarding the transition plan, you should explain the rollout strategies for each of the new information system across the organisation. You should outline the main steps in each rollout strategy and explain whether the selected approach is the best option for each implementation and why.
C. Change & Risk Management. This section should outline the risks involved in the sourcing strategy selected above, installing and implementation of the new system, and outline the approaches that are taken to manage those risks. You also need to propose a change management strategy.
D. Service Management & Continuous Improvement. Use the ITIL Service Lifecycle Process Model to briefly describe the service strategy, design, transition, and operation of the case organisation. In this regard, describe any incidents and problems that occurred and/or might occur in the case organisation, and explain how event management can help deal with the incidents/problems. Then, focus on request fulfilment and outsourcing, as well as continual service improvement, where you should focus on the 7-step improvement process. In this regard, analyse how one technology trend (choose from enterprise blockchain, IoT, cyberphysical system, cloud computing, etc.) can help to achieve the goals more efficiently.
E. Conclusion. This section summarises the key findings from the previous sections and may be numbered here for clarity. Relate your conclusion to the objectives of the report and arrange your points logically so that major conclusions are presented first.
F. References: The references must contain all the material cited in the report. It must be accurate and consistent with APA style. Refer to
G. Appendix. The appendix may contain extra supporting information (if any) that is included at the end of the report so as not to distract the reader from the main aspects of the report. The appendix contains detailed information, such as supporting questionnaires, tables, graphs, and diagrams. The material used in the appendix should be numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text.
IFN561 Enterprise Systems Lifecycle Management | Assessment Task 3 Rubric
Criteria High Distinction (7) Distinction (6) Credit (5) Pass (4) Fail (1-3)
(5 marks) Based on the current situation, the report clearly, concisely, and thoroughly argues the need for a new system and future considerations, interleaving many supporting points from the strategic objectives and requirements. The objectives are clear, viable, detailed, and well supported.
Mark indication: 5 The report clearly and fairly concisely argues the need for a new system and future considerations, interleaving some supporting points from the strategic objectives. The objectives are clear, viable, detailed, and supported.
Mark indication: 4 The report clearly states the need for a new system and future considerations, supported by a persuasive set of relevant information. The objectives are clear, viable, and detailed.
Mark indication: 3 The report clearly states the need for a new system, supported by some business objectives. The objectives and benefits are clear and viable.
Mark indication: 2.5 Either objectives are not or insufficiently described; or situation, needs, or threats, are not or insufficiently explained.
Mark indication: 0-2
Integration Techniques & Transition Plan
(12 marks) The integration techniques are identified and clearly described. The reason for selecting the given integration techniques is well explained. The transition plan for all systems is identified and logically and appropriately justified. The reasons why the business will not be interrupted adversely as a result of the implementation of the new information system are clearly described and supported.
Mark indication: 12 The integration techniques are identified and described. The reason for selecting the given integration techniques is provided. The transition plan for all systems is identified and logically justified. The reasons why the business will not be interrupted adversely as a result of the implementation of the new information system are clearly described. Some opportunities for improvement exist.
Mark indication: 10 The integration techniques are identified and described. The transition plan for all systems is identified and reasonably and appropriately justified. The reasons that the business will not be interrupted adversely as a result of the implementation of the new information system are provided. Minor oversights or opportunities for improvement exist.
Mark indication: 8 The integration techniques are identified but the description lacks depth. The transition plan for most of the systems is identified and somewhat justified. Major oversights or opportunities for improvement exist.
Mark indication: 6 The integration techniques are not identified or, where identified, they are not clear or incomplete. The transition plan for some of the systems are missing or, where present, are not well explained.
Mark indication: 0-4
Change & Risk Management
(12 marks) The identified risks are realistic, logical, and supported by a persuasive set of relevant information. Identified risks are very well evaluated based on many supporting points, and approaches to manage changes and risks are clearly explained and well justified. Change management strategy is clearly described and supported.
Mark indication: 12 The identified risks are realistic, logical, and supported by a persuasive set of relevant information. Identified risks are clearly and well evaluated, and approaches to manage changes and risks are supported and well justified. Change management strategy is well described.
Mark indication: 10 The identified risks are realistic and logical, and they are clearly evaluated, and approaches to manage changes and risks are supported and justified. Change management strategy is described.
Mark indication: 8 The identified risks are somewhat realistic and logical; however, they are not clearly evaluated. As a result, approaches to manage changes and risks are not well supported and justified. Change management strategy lacks depth in the description.
Mark indication: 6 Risks are not identified or, where identified, they are not realistic, logical, or appropriately justified. Change management strategy is not clear or not provided.
Mark indication: 0-4
Service Management & Continuous Improvement
(16 marks) The ITIL Service Lifecycle Process Model is used to clearly and precisely describe the service strategy, design, transition, and operation of the case organisation. Event management is used highly effectively to explain any incidents and problems. Request fulfilment, outsourcing, and continual service improvement are well applied, where technology trends are recommended in an excellent way.
Mark indication: 16 The ITIL Service Lifecycle Process Model is used to clearly describe the service strategy, design, transition, and operation of the case organisation. Event management is used effectively to explain any incidents and problems. Request fulfilment, outsourcing, and continual service improvement are well applied, where technology trends are recommended in a very good way.
Mark indication: 14
The ITIL Service Lifecycle Process Model is used to describe the service strategy, design, transition, and operation of the case organisation. Event management is used to explain any incidents and problems. Request fulfilment, outsourcing, and continual service improvement are adequately applied, where technology trends are recommended in a good way.
Mark indication: 11 The ITIL Service Lifecycle Process Model is used to describe the service strategy, design, transition, and operation of the case organisation, but the description lacks depth. Event management is used to explain any incidents and problems, however, with some errors. Request fulfilment, outsourcing, and continual service improvement are applied, where technology trends are recommended.
Mark indication: 8 Either the ITIL Service Lifecycle Process Model is not used adequately; or event management is insufficiently explained; or request fulfilment, outsourcing, and continual service improvement are not well applied; or technology trends are not well recommended.
Mark indication: 0-6
(3 marks) A clear and well supported conclusion is provided which is clearly linked back to the previous sections.
Mark indication: 3 A clear conclusion is provided and well supported by the previous sections.
Mark indication: 2.5 A conclusion is provided and logically followed the previous section.
Mark indication: 2 A conclusion is provided but not well supported by previous sections.
Mark indication: 1.5 The conclusion is not provided or, where provided, it was not supported by the previous sections.
Mark indication: 0-1
Written Presentation
(2 marks) Assignment is cohesively written in a very clear format. Very few grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Your in-text citations and reference list are all present and correctly formatted in APA style.
Mark indication: 2 Very good ability to prepare tasks evident in the team work meeting agenda and meeting minutes, which reflects the team’s ability to work effectively as a group to reach interesting outcomes.
Mark indication: 1.5 Assignment is mostly in a clear format. Some grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation errors, but they do not interfere with the overall meaning. Your in-text citations and reference list are all present and formatted in APA style, with few minor errors.
Mark indication: 1.5 Assignment is somewhat clear. There are some grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation errors that somewhat interfere with the overall meaning. Your in-text citations and reference list are all present and formatted in APA style, with some errors.
Mark indication: 1 Assignment is unclear. There are numerous errors in grammar, spelling and/or punctuation that interfere with the overall meaning. Your in-text citations and reference list is missing some entries and/or has some significant errors.
Mark indication: 0-0.5