Recent Question/Assignment
3. Tutorial Presentation
In the first week of semester, all students will be assigned a tutorial week (see the schedule above). You will be asked to commit to a -synchronous* (face to face/live zoom tbc) or -asynchronous* (online discussion forum) tutorial group. In the assigned week, the student will b asked to:
• Read the additional article assigned for the tutorial topic and at least two Isaiah commentaries on the assigned passage. Links to suitable commentaries have been placed on ARK, in the section containing the weekly reading folders.
• Prepare a creative presentation piece on the assigned passage in which you engage with some of the ideas from the assigned article. Suggested forms include: - A sermon
- A radio interview
- A newspaper opinion piece
- A blog post
- Any other ideas you might have in consultation with your lecturer
• Following the creative presentation, the student will provide at least three relevant discussion questions for the group that encourage the group to explore the themes and issues from their presentation further.
• The presentation can be in oral or written form equivalent to 1000 words (approximately 10 minutes speaking time).
• Please note, this assessment piece examines your understanding of the assigned passage, your ability to connect an ancient text to contemporary concerns, and your ability presenl academic ideas in a popular format. It is therefore important that you choose a nonacademic form for your presentation and state at the outset the context and audience the you envisage for your presentation.
• At the same time, you are also examined on your understanding of academic ideas and engagement with concepts studied in this unit. Ensure that your presentation demonstrates your own critical reflection on the topic(s) raised in the article assigned foi the tutorial week.
• -Asynchronous- students: The presentation should be posted in the appropriate forum by Monday of the assigned week, either as text, sound or video recording. If you are unsure how to record sound or video, please be in contact with your lecturer. The student will then be responsible for posting their discussion questions in the forum and moderating th forum discussion over the following week.
• -Synchronous- students: If the presentation piece is written, it should be posted on the appropriate forum by Monday of the assigned week. Oral presentations can be recorded ahead of time or given during the tutorial session and recorded by the lecturer via zoom. The presentation will be followed by a discussion time (approx. 20 mins) guided by the presenter.