Recent Question/Assignment

L a w - A s s i g n m e n t T w o' ( 2 )
Question One (1) (i5 Marks)
Discuss the roles of Investment Promotion Authority in the bl•siness industry and their ultimate impacts in PNG economy. Give one practical example to support your discussion.
Question Two (2) (10 Marks)
Explain the relationship between Investment Promotion Authority and Private Sector in PNG.
Question Three (3) (10 Marks)
Explain why it is necessary that all registered companies mnst make known their latest changes to IPA Registrar.
Question Four (4) (15 Marks)
Describe the procedures of how YOU can effectively register l:our company with IPA. Be specific and practical in your explanations.
Question Five (5) Marks)
Why is it very impoifan* for IPA Registrar to distinguish betWeen exempted enterprises from all the registered companies?
Question Six (6) (1 15 Marks)
Describe a share ond its importance in business to a shareholder and share trading company. Give one example to support your discussion.
Question Seven (7) (i Marks)
Explain what is Solvency Test and its ultimate impact in business in buying shares under guarantee basis. Give one example to support your discussion.
Question Eight (8) Marks)
Explain why a share trading company facilitates in issuing of Share Certificates and Scrip less Trading methods when investors buy shares.
2 1 P a g e I n t r ö d u c t i o o T o B u s i s L a w - A s s i g n m e n t T h r e e ( 3 )
Question One (1) (1 .5 Marks)
Explain what company records ore and their ultimate impacti for a company's operations, courts and IPA. Give practical example situation to support your digussion.
question Two (2) (16 Marks)
Distinguish the terms (opacity, rights and power according business in your own words. Give one example to support your discussion.
Question Three (3) (1 .1 Marks)
Explain how you value accounting records of a company and state why Companies Ad 1997 is relevant for that.
Question Four (4) (IQ5Marks)
Explain why Limited Company Boord of Directors usually opi oints external auditors in ouditing company's books of accounts.
Question Five (5) (IS Marks)
Distinguish Company Board of.Directors and Company Direct-' according Companies Act 1 997.
Question Six (6) (1 .1 , Marks)
Describe how Company Directors are appointed and remov« according 10 Companies Act 1 997. Discuss them in your own words where summarize the relevant legal facts of (c $.ponies Act 1 197 detailed in your book.
Question Seven
Explain the importunce of o Company Director's duties in o Company's daily operations. Give one example to support your discu tßion.
Question Eight (8) (If; Marks)
Outline and explain a Company Director's powers of .nr:nagement in managing a shareholding company in your own words.
2 1 P a g e, I n t r o d u c t i o n T c B u s i n e s s L u w „ Å s s i g n m e n t F o u r ( 4 )
Question One (1) (15 Marks)
Discuss Liquidation and its impacts in o company's operatior, and business partners operations. Give one example to support your discussion.
Question Two (2) ('C Marks)
Explain why Liquidation is very important for o liquidating company in business.
Question Three (3) (l s Marks)
Explain how liquidators are appointed by Company Board of Directors of either a company being wind up or a company who wants to facilitate share transfer to buyer under guarantee basis.
Question Four (4) (10 Marks)
Describe the procedures of engaging business contracts by company managements.
Question Five (5) (15 Marks)
Explain why business contracts ore important and their significance in business. Give one example fo support your discussion.
Question Six (6) (10 marks)
Explain why business contrad terms are very important when they venture in business under contractual agreements.
Question Seven (7) (10 Marks)
Discuss how a business interested person should value Low of Torts for his or her business career. Give one example to support your discussion.
Question Eight (8) (13 Marks)
Outline and explain the breach of duty of care under Law of Torts in your own words. Support your discussion with ultimate examples.

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