Recent Question/Assignment

SIT40516 - Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
BSBDIV501 - Manage diversity in the workplace
Student Assessment Guide
Student ID: _________________________ Student Name: _________________________
ABN: 80 600 951 264 RTO: 41322 CRICOS: 03858C
Level-6, Suite 6.01/138 Queen Street, (02) 4608 9972 Campbelltown, NSW 2560
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COURSE TITLE: Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
1. This form must be stapled on top of the Assessment Workbook upon submission.
2. This Assessment Receipt Form must be dated and signed in.
1. I am aware that penalties exist for plagiarism and academic dishonesty.
2. I am aware of the requirements set by my Trainer/Assessor.
3. I have retained a copy of my Assessment.
Student Signature: Date:
================================= Tear Here ===========================
Students must retain this as a Record of Submission.
Assessment Handed On:
Unit Code & Description: BSBDIV501- Manage diversity in the workplace.
Assessment Received by
Staff Name: ………………...……..............……...……...
Signature: ……………………...……...……...………….…...
Student ID: ..............................................................
Student Signature: ……………………………………….…….
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This assessment booklet and tools has been designed for students undertaking face to face mode of study to provide information before students take assessments and contains assessment tools to assess the skills and knowledge required from students to be deemed competent in this unit.
This booklet might not be suitable for students taking other modes of study e.g. online or work based.
Please read all the information given to you when you receive this assessment booklet. If you do not understand any part of this booklet, please inform your assessor/trainer.
The assessment booklet contains two (2) parts:
PART 1: Assessments information: This part contains information on assessments for this unit of competency and how assessment will be conducted throughout unit to achieve the competency. It includes:
• Application of the unit of competency
• Purpose of assessment
• Elements, performance evidence and knowledge evidence requirements of the unit
• Conditions, context, required resources and location of the assessment. ? • Assessment tasks.
• Outline of evidence to be collected.
• Administration, recording and reporting the requirements including special adjustments, appeals, reasonable adjustments and assessors’ intervention.
PART 2: Assessment tasks: This part contains the information to successfully undertake the assessment task. In each assessment task, students will find the following information: ? • Task instructions.
• Role play / Practical Demonstration information. Information on resources required, where applicable
PART 1 Assessment Information
Application of the unit of competency:
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage diversity in the workplace. It covers implementing the organization’s diversity policy, fostering diversity within the work team and promoting the benefits of a diverse workplace.
It applies to individuals who direct the work of others in teams of variable sizes. They may work with staff from different cultures, races, religions, generations, or other forms of difference in any industry context.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
Purpose of assessment:
The purpose of assessment is to determine competency in the unit BSBDIV501- Manage diversity in the workplace.
1. Implement diversity policy
2. Foster respect for diversity in the work team
3. Promote the benefits of diversity
Performance evidence:
Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:
• demonstrate the application of diversity policy in a work context
• critically review a diversity policy
• implement strategies to ensure that diversity is understood and respected in the work team
• demonstrate compliance with procedures for handling complaints or harassment allegations
• promote the benefits of diversity to others.
Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once.
Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
? outline formal and informal complaints procedures
? identify and outline key features of relevant current legislation regarding:
? age discrimination
? disability discrimination
? racial discrimination
? sex discrimination ? human rights
? equal opportunity.
Context and conditions for assessments:
To comply with the assessment condition of this unit:
• ASTRAL INSTITUTE will conduct practical assessment for this unit in its Commercial Kitchen Located at RTO Address
• You will have access to suitable facilities, equipment and resources.
• Assessment will be conducted at RTO classroom, resources to assist in managing diversity in the workplace (Please refer Appendix1 at the end of this assessment tool for detailed list of assessment resources)
• Knowledge assessment for this unit will be conducted at ASTRAL INSTITUTE classroom at location identified at timetable.
• All ASTRAL INSTITUTE assessor those are assessing this unit will satisfy the requirements specified in Standards for Registered Training Organisations’ requirements for assessors. Resources Required:
The assessor will ensure that assessment is conducted in a safe environment and you have access to the following resources for the unit.
- Computers with access to internet and printers
- DIDASKO learner guide for unit BSBDIV501
- Access to ASTRAL INSTITUTE classroom with access to equipment and documents defined in conditions of assessment above and in Appendix at the end of the guide. Clustering/holistic assessment:
There is no provision for clustering of assessments in this unit.
Competency Requirements:
To be judged competent in this unit, you will be required to demonstrate all indicators which are shown in the Marking Guide (assessor’s document).
You must satisfactorily complete all assessment tasks to be Competent (C) in the unit. Students with unsatisfactory completion of any of the assignment tasks will be deemed Not Yet Competent (NYC).
Assessors will ensure that the evidence collected meets the requirements of the Rules of Evidence (authentic, current, sufficient and valid) prior to entering results into the competency record sheet.
Students unsuccessful at achieving “Satisfactory” for any assessment at the first attempt will be given two opportunities for reassessment. If the student is still deemed Not Yet Competent (NYC) after two reassessments in a unit of competency student will be required to repeat the unit as per the scheduled delivery of the course. For further details, refer to ASTRAL INSTITUTE ReAssessment Policy and ASTRAL INSTITUTE Course Progress Policy.
Assessment tasks Assessment description Due date Location of assessment
Task 1 (AT1) – Knowledge
Test You are required to choose the correct option(s) from the choices given for the questions and short answers. Students must present your assignment in a clear and professional manner.
You will be given 3 hours to complete this task. Needs to be completed in the classroom
Task 2 (AT2) –
This is a Project based assessment task where you are required to complete 4 sub tasks. You will be given 4 hours to complete the task.
Needs to be completed in ASTRAL INSTITUTE classroom
Assessment Task:
To achieve competency in this unit, you must satisfactorily complete all the following assessment tasks within the date and time specified in the session plan. This will demonstrate that you have all the required skills and knowledge for this unit.
Outline of evidence to be collected:
You must submit the following evidence to be marked competent for this unit. Your assessor will ensure that the evidence submitted meets the Rules of Evidence which are valid, sufficient, current, and authentic.
Assessment Task 1 (AT1) – Knowledge
Test ? Completed knowledge test with questions answered and submit to your assessor electronically or paper based.
? Complete and sign the cover sheet for assessment task
Assessment Task 2
(AT2) – Project ? Completed (Report Template)
? Completed tasks 1,2 ,3 and 4
? Completed and signed cover sheet for assessment
Administration, recording and reporting requirements:
You must read and follow this information carefully while completing assessments for this unit of competency and if you are unsure of any instruction, please contact your assessor to clarify.
The assessments are intended to be equitable, fair and flexible.
Submission of assessment:
You must ensure that the completed assessment tasks are submitted along with the assessment cover sheet:
• Your assessor will mark the submitted assessment, provide feedback to you and complete the comments section against each task, where applicable.
• ALL tasks must be completed in legible English. It is preferred that the tasks submitted for assessments are typed and that they are legible and clear, if handwritten.
• You must submit all assessments on or before the due date specified by the assessor as per the training plan.
• Extensions for individual assessment tasks may be negotiated in specific circumstances with your assessor/trainer. However, you need to provide genuine evidence documents when seeking an extension to due date (e.g. extensions due to illness will require a medical certificate). To arrange an extension, you must speak to your assessor prior to the due date. Extensions must be confirmed by the trainer in writing.
• You are permitted to use dictionaries and to seek support (as required) unless it puts in jeopardy the integrity of the assessment, your assessor will let you know if this is the case.
• Unless the assessment task specifically allows pair work or group activities such as brainstorming, you must submit your own original work and must not copy the work of other students. Plagiarism is unacceptable.
• You can submit your assessment tasks through the learning management system or hand in hard copies in the classroom.
Recording an assessment result:
Once the assessments have been completed, the assessor will record the assessment results on the student assessment record sheets and LMS/student management system and all results will be approved by the course coordinator.
Assessors will check that you have completed the student declaration prior to filling out the assessment sheet.
Retaining assessment records:
ASTRAL INSTITUTE will securely retain all completed student assessment items for each student for a period of six months from the date on which the judgement of competence for the student was made. ASTRAL INSTITUTE will also retain sufficient data to be able to reissue AQF certification documentation for a period of 30 years.
All assessment records submitted to the assessor for marking will be stored and retained properly. And a hard copy submitted to student administration for filing along with the evidence.
The assessor will ensure that the student records are securely retained in accordance with the ASTRAL INSTITUTE record control policy accessible by the Student Administration Officer.
Assessment outcomes:
For unit of competency:
There are two outcomes for assessments: C = Competent and NYC = Not Yet Competent (requires more training and experience).
You will be awarded C = Competent on completion of the unit when the assessor is satisfied that you have completed all assessments and have provided the appropriate evidence required to meet all criteria in line with the Rules of Evidence. If you fail to meet this requirement, you will receive the result NYC = Not Yet Competent and will be eligible to be re-assessed in accordance with the ASTRAL INSTITUTE Re-Assessment Policy and ASTRAL INSTITUTE Course Progress Policy.
For assessment task:
There are two assessment outcomes for tasks. S = Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory. On the individual assessment cover sheet for assessment tasks you will be marked Satisfactory, if you have completed the task successfully, submitted all evidence and satisfied the assessment criteria and Not Satisfactory, if you have not completed the task, the evidence is not sufficient or does not meet the requirements of the assessment criteria. Re-assessment:
If you are unsuccessful at achieving competency at the first attempt, you will be given two further opportunities for re-assessment at a mutually agreed time and date. For further details, refer to the ASTRAL INSTITUTE Re-Assessment Policy and ASTRAL INSTITUTE Course Progress Policy. As this is a competency-based program, the assessment continues throughout the program until you either achieve Competency in the assessment tasks or a further training need is identified and addressed.
Student access to records:
You have the right to access current and accurate records of your participation and results at any time. You can see your results or attendance progress by logging in to the Learning Management System at any time or you can request a copy of your records by contacting the student administration and the assessor.
You may seek clarification about the assessment information and the instructions and tasks at any time from the assessor.
Reasonable adjustments and special learning needs:
ASTRAL INSTITUTE works to ensure that students with recognized disadvantages can access and participate in education and training on the same basis as other students. Disadvantages may be based, for example, upon age, cultural background, physical disability, limited or non-current industry experience, language, numeracy, or digital literacy issues.
Where pre-training interviews and assessments reveal that a student may require special support or where, after enrolment, it is made apparent that the student requires special support, reasonable adjustments will be made to the learning environment, training delivery, learning resources and/or assessment tasks to accommodate the particular needs of the student. An adjustment is reasonable if it can accommodate the student’s particular needs, while also taking into account factors such as the student’s views, the potential effect of the adjustment on the student and others and the costs and benefits of making the adjustment.
Any adjustments made must:
a. Be discussed, agreed, and documented in the assessment record
b. Benefit the student.
c. Maintain the integrity of the competency standards and course requirements as stipulated in the training package.
d. Be reasonable to expect in a workplace.
Reasonable adjustment may consist of:
a. Providing additional time for students to complete learning and assessment tasks.
b. Presenting questions orally for students with literacy issues.
c. Asking questions in a relevant practical context.
d. Using large print material.
e. Extending the course duration.
f. Presenting work instructions in diagrammatic or pictorial form instead of words and sentences.
Complaints and appeals:
If you are dissatisfied with an assessment outcome, you may appeal the assessment decision. In the first instance, you are encouraged to appeal informally by contacting the assessor and discussing the matter with them. If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of such discussion, you may appeal further to either the course coordinator and/or Head of Department. If you are still dissatisfied, you may appeal formally and in writing to have the result reviewed. For more information, refer to the Assessment Policy and the Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedures.
Assessor intervention:
Assessors will check if you are ready for the assessment and defer the assessment if you are not. Feedback will be given to you at the completion of the assessment.?During role play, the assessor may act as a client or employer, where required, but the assessor will not interfere with the assessment. If the assessment activities might impact on your safety or that of others, the assessor will stop the assessment immediately.
Plagiarism, cheating and assessment dishonesty:
ASTRAL INSTITUTE considers plagiarism and cheating as a serious misdemeanour. Evidence of plagiarism and cheating is treated on a case-by-case basis and the consequences for students engaging in such practices may include failure of the assessment or unit or exclusion from the course. For more information, refer to ASTRAL INSTITUTE’s Assessment Policy.
Assessor feedback:
Assessors will provide feedback on the assessment that you have submitted. This can identify your strengths and weaknesses or be an overall comment on your submission. A copy of the feedback along with your submission will be given to you and you must keep a copy of it throughout the completion of the course.
Student Declaration:
I .............................................................................. (Student Name) have read and understand the information provided above and also understand and accept that any act of plagiarism and academic dishonesty may have penalties including cancellation or suspension of my enrolment with ASTRAL INSTITUTE. I further declare that:
• All assessment work submitted for this unit competency is my own original work and plagiarism and collusion has not occurred.
• Assessment work has not been copied or submitted for any other unit/course.
• I have taken proper care and effort to ensure my work has not been copied by another person.
• I have retained a copy of this assessment for my own records in the event I have to reproduce my work.
• I am aware that any assessment deemed unsatisfactory will require me to undergo reassessment which may be different to the one originally submitted.
Student signature: ............................................................... Date: ....../....../.......
Part 2
Assessment Tasks
Assessment Cover Sheet: Assessment Task 1 (AT1)
Student Detail
Student Name
Student Id:
Group No (If Applicable):
Assessment Details
Unit of Competency BSBDIV501- Manage diversity in the workplace.
Assessment Task Knowledge Test
Due Date
Date of Submission
Assessment Outcome Satisfactory ? Not Satisfactory ? Not completed?
Assessor name
Assessor Signature and Date
Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this assessment task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where this work has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.
Assessor Student
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
Signature: ........................................................
Date: ................................................................ I have received, discussed, and accepted my result as above for this task and I am aware of my appeal rights.
Signature: ..................................................
Date: .........................................................
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Test
Required documents and equipment:
- Computer with internet connection to refer to various resources.
- Student assessment booklet and a pen (organized by the student).
- ASTRAL INSTITUTE Learners’ resources for the unit BSBDIV501- Manage diversity in the workplace (organised by the trainer).
- Learner’s notes
Instructions for students:
This assessment will be conducted in the ASTRAL INSTITUTE classroom with access to the resources listed above.
You must satisfactorily perform all tasks to be deemed satisfactory for the assessment. Planning the assessment
- Recommended date for assessment:
- Access all resources mentioned in required resources either printed copies or access via the internet
- Time required for assessment: 3 hours - You must:
o Answer all the questions satisfactorily to be deemed competent o Complete the assessment and submit in due timelines o Submit with a completed assessment cover sheet
- Your assessor will set a time to provide feedback
Evidence specifications:
At the end of the assessment, you will be required to submit the following evidence before the due date specified by the assessor:
- You are required to submit a completed (ticked) multiple choice question listed and short answers in Knowledge test.
- Completed and signed cover sheet for assessment Evidence submission:
- Documentation can be submitted electronically or paper based.
- Your assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet.
1. Which of the following is correct?
(a) Australia doesn’t have a quota system, but many companies choose to set diversity targets.
(b) Australia has a quota system regarding the number of women in management roles. It applies to large companies only.
(c) Australia doesn’t have a quota system, but it does have compulsory targets in many areas of diversity.
(d) Australia has a quota system for key under-represented areas such as women, disability and older workers.
2. What is ‘diversity management’?
(a) Diversity management is a collective term used to describe all human resource policies and procedures related to equal employment opportunity.
(b) Diversity management is the name given to the team of employees responsible for establishing diversity aims and objectives.
(c) Diversity management is about recognising and valuing human differences and creating an inclusive environment.
(d) Diversity management is the process of identifying the diverse needs of staff and matching them to the needs of the organisation.
3. Within an organisation, which of the following areas is most affected by the diversity policy?
(a) Administration.
(b) Marketing and promotions.
(c) Human resource or staffing functions.
(d) Finance and accounting.
4. Which of the following places is NOT an appropriate location for a company’s diversity policy?
(a) On the company intranet.
(b) In a filing cabinet, in a locked storeroom.
(c) In the employee handbook.
(d) With the owner, manager and/or department manager.
5. Which is NOT true?
(a) Diversity can help capture a greater share of the consumer market, improve customer responsiveness and build better relationships with customers.
(b) Diversity helps improve employee morale, reduce absenteeism and turnover costs.
(c) Diversity increases complaints and conflict, but that is the price to pay for increased productivity and market share.
(d) Diversity can foster creativity and innovation.
6. If your company was concerned about its diversity performance, what would you suggest they do?
(a) Conduct a diversity audit to see how well their diversity policy has been implemented and understood.
(b) Gather data from surveys and the HR database on the breakdown of employee diversity statistics.
(c) Create a diversity council to monitor and review the diversity policy.
(d) All of these answers are correct.
7. Carrie wants to apply for a promotion to Regional Marketing Manager. Upon talking to her manager, she is told that due to the extensive travel the position entails, they prefer to hire a man. What is this an example of? a) Indirect discrimination.
b) Direct discrimination.
c) Covert discrimination.
d) Enculturation.
8. What is statute law?
(a) Statute law is the term given to the process of making legislation in parliament at a state or federal level.
(b) Statute law can also be referred to as common law. It is judge-made law.
(c) Statute law is the term given to legislation made at local council level, such as council regulations.
(d) Statute law is case-based law.
9. In which of the following Acts of Parliament would you be likely to find legislation regarding conditions of work, such as annual leave, parental leave and the right to request flexible work arrangements?
(a) The Privacy Act.
(b) The Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012.
(c) The Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986.
(d) The Fair Work Act 2009.
10. Jeffrey is a carer for his disabled wife. He is semi-retired and works 28 hours a week. He was not included in a training course that everyone else in his department did, as his manager said he did not work enough to justify the cost. Without the training, he cannot apply for a promotion or take project opportunities in another department. What could this be an example of?
(a) Allowable discrimination.
(b) Stereotyping.
(c) Direct discrimination.
(d) Indirect discrimination.
11. Jazzercise is a gym for women only. It places an advertisement for a female fitness instructor. Can they do this?
(a) No. It is direct discrimination.
(b) Yes, if they have a special exemption with the HREOC. It is an example of allowable discrimination.
(c) Yes, if they have a special exemption with the HREOC. It is an example of covert discrimination.
(d) No, they cannot do this. It is an example of overt discrimination.
12. What does the term ‘unjustifiable hardship’ mean?
(a) Where employing a person with a disability would be too difficult because they may pose a health and safety risk to themselves or others, or making allowances for them would be too costly.
(b) When the organisation makes efforts to accommodate employees with a disability, where all reasonable circumstances are considered.
(c) Where the manager or supervisor has a duty of care to protect their staff from harassment, bullying and discrimination and fails to do so.
(d) Longstanding direct and indirect discrimination that seems to be ingrained in the company.
13. Prejudice, bias and a ‘boys club’ mentality can prevent women from achieving high-level management positions. What is this commonly referred to as?
(a) Potential pregnancy.
(b) The merit principle.
(c) An inclusive environment.
(d) The glass ceiling.
14. Under the Disability Discrimination Act, an employer must make reasonable accommodation to employ someone with a disability. Which of the following is true?
(a) You must make reasonable accommodation, even if doing so will result in a large expense for the organisation.
(b) You are exempt from making reasonable accommodation if the disability poses a workplace health and safety risk.
(c) For privacy reasons, the employee does not have to disclose any disability or condition to the employer if they don’t want to.
(d) Making reasonable accommodation is always a difficult and expensive thing to do.
15. A company diversity audit reveals a lack of women in management. What suggestions would you make to improve the efficacy of the diversity policy?
(a) Run a staff meeting and reprimand management for being biased and discriminating against women.
(b) Set targets for women in management and put out a directive that states that no men are to be promoted until the targets have been achieved.
(c) Review recruitment and selection procedures for bias and indirect discrimination, establish networking groups for women and suggest setting a target for women in management roles.
(d) Conduct the diversity audit again the following year and hope the statistics have improved.
16. A company diversity audit and review of grievances over the past year reveals a problem with bullying and discrimination against LGBTI employees. How could the organisation show support for the LGBTI community?
(a) Conduct training to overcome stereotypes and bias. Support the Pride in Diversity program and establish network support groups for LGBTI employees.
(b) Review the organisation’s grievance procedures.
(c) Retrain managers as the problem must be due to poor role modelling.
(d) Run a staff luncheon, encourage employees to communicate effectively and introduce them to someone from the LGBTI community.
17. What could your company do to be more inclusive of age-based diversity?
(a) All of these answers are correct.
(b) Have a policy and strategy for flexible work arrangements made available to all staff. (c) Encourage all staff to keep up to date with technology and make training available.
(d) Conduct training to identify and break down commonly held stereotypes on age generations.
18. You want to employ someone who can work a rotating roster of weekends and evenings. Which of the following questions abides by EEO?
(a) The job is physically demanding and I’m concerned you’ll not be able to manage with the shiftwork at your age.
(b) The job involves being on a rotating roster, which will include some weekends and evening shifts. Can you comply with this?
(c) You mentioned earlier that you were a mum. Who will look after the kids when you work evenings and weekends?
(d) Do you have family responsibilities? How will this impact on your ability to work shiftwork?
19. Which is the legal definition of sexual harassment?
(a) Unwelcome behaviour of a sexual nature that a reasonable person would find offensive, humiliating or intimidating.
(b) Repeated behaviour of a sexual nature that a reasonable person would find offensive, humiliating or intimidating.
(c) Sexual behaviour that a person would find offensive.
(d) A pattern of sexual behaviour that is unwelcome and offensive.
20. Which best describes the usual order that a grievance procedure takes?
(a) Raise the grievance with your immediate supervisor. If this is not resolved, or you are unhappy with the result, report the grievance to HR. If the matter is still not resolved, seek support from the Human Rights Commission.
(b) Ask to have an informal chat with HR and then report the grievance to your manager. If the matter is still not resolved, seek support from Fair Work Australia or the Human Rights Commission.
(c) Seek immediate support with Fair Work Australia to manage the grievance.
(d) Try to resolve the problem directly with the person/s concerned. If this doesn’t work, then raise the grievance with your immediate supervisor. If this is not resolved, or you are unhappy with the result, report the grievance to HR. If the matter is still not resolved, seek support from Fair Work Australia, or the Human Rights Commission.
21. Which of the following is NOT true?
(a) Bullying can include physical and psychological harm.
(b) To prove sexual harassment, you need to demonstrate a pattern of repeated behaviour.
(c) Bullying and harassment often occur in situations where there is a power imbalance between people.
(d) Grievances can be costly and time-consuming for the organisation.
22. Jenna works in stores. She feels intimidated and harassed by a regular supplier. How should her manager handle the situation?
(a) The manager doesn’t need to as he only has responsibility to protect her from bullying and harassment from colleagues.
(b) The manager should ask her to keep a diary and record what happens each time she feels harassed, so there is clear evidence to confront the supplier later on.
(c) The manager should ban the supplier and never do business with the company again.
(d) The manager should speak to the supplier and clearly state that their behaviour is harassment and must cease. If necessary, talk to the supplier’s manager.
23. What is the best way for an organisation to ensure that staff are aware of the company’s policy on harassment and bullying and know what to do if they experience it?
(a) Run training sessions at least on an annual basis and any time that there is an update on policy and/or legislation.
(b) Make the grievance procedure and policy on harassment and bullying available in various forms, such as electronic, hard copy and in various languages, if necessary.
(c) Include awareness training during the induction of new employees.
(d) All of these answers are correct.
24. Masie has been repeatedly asked out by Jim, a colleague. She has said ‘no’ on several occasions, but he still keeps asking. Masie feels so uncomfortable now that she tries to avoid any situation where she might be alone with Jim. Could this be sexual harassment?
(a) It could be sexual harassment because it is unwanted, of a sexual nature, and Masie is avoiding Jim, which demonstrates she is not only uncomfortable, but intimidated by the situation.
(b) It could be seen as general harassment, because Jim is hassling her, but it is not sexual harassment.
(c) No. Asking someone out on a date is not sexual harassment. While it might not be a good idea to date colleagues, there is no law against asking someone out on a date.
(d) It would only be sexual harassment if Masie felt offended, intimidated, or humiliated.
At this stage, she only feels uncomfortable.
Marking Guide
While marking the students written answers, ensure that each student has a thorough understanding of the required knowledge and underpinning skills.
SECTION 1: implement diversity policy
Q25: What information would you find in a diversity policy?
Q26: List four legislative Acts that have a direct impact on the information that must be incorporated into diversity management policies and work practices.
Q27: List six grounds or protected areas within antidiscrimination legislation.
SECTION 2: foster respect for diversity in the workplace
Q28: List four things an organisation can do to manage age-based diversity?
Q29: An applicant for a cleaning job is required to fill out a detailed application form and submit it via email along with an electronic copy of their résumé. The applicant has a learning disability making it difficult to fill out the form and so they do not apply. Could this process be a form of direct or indirect discrimination? Explain.
Q30: Legislation requires an organisation to make reasonable accommodation or adjustment to support a person with a disability. Give two examples of this.
Q31: At times, discrimination can be allowable. Give two reasons that can support allowable discrimination.
Q32: Define sexual harassment, identifying the key legal components of the definition.
Q33: What legislation covers bullying in the workplace?
Q34: Identify the key internal steps to a company grievance procedure.
Q35: What avenues can an employee take if they are not satisfied with how the organisation handled the grievance?
Q36: Discuss four ways by which an organisation can promote the benefits of diversity to its employees?
Q37: Many organisations promote their diversity achievements in external forums. List three based on the benefits of using external forums.
Q38: Give two examples of external diversity forums.
Q39: Provide two examples of how a diverse workforce has enhanced products and services in your organisation, or an organisation you have been a customer in.
Q40: Describe how diversity can be used as a competitive advantage in improving products and services.
Q41: Helping staff get to know each other can help break down stereotypes and create an inclusive environment. Give four examples of how the manager and/or the organisation can do this.
Knowledge Questions checklist – to be completed by the assessor
Marking criteria Students response (to be completed by the
After the Knowledge test, the student has provided authenticity for the following questions:
1. Which of the following is correct? S NS
2. What is ‘diversity management’? S NS
3. Within an organisation, which of the following areas is most affected by the diversity policy? NS
4. Which of the following places is NOT an appropriate location for a company’s diversity policy? NS
5. Which is NOT true? S NS
6. If your company was concerned about its diversity performance, what would you suggest they do? NS
7. Carrie wants to apply for a promotion to Regional Marketing Manager. Upon talking to her manager, she is told that due to the extensive travel the position entails, they prefer to hire a man. What is this an example of? NS
8. What is statute law? S NS
9. In which of the following Acts of Parliament would you be likely to find legislation regarding conditions of work, such as annual leave, parental leave and the right to request flexible work arrangements? NS
10. Jeffrey is a carer for his disabled wife. He is semi-retired and works 28 hours a week. He was not included in a training course that everyone else in his department did, as his manager said he didn’t work enough to justify the cost. Without the training, he can’t apply for a promotion or take project opportunities in another department. What could this be an example of? NS
11. Jazzercise is a gym for women only. It places an advertisement for a female fitness instructor. Can they do this? NS
12. What does the term ‘unjustifiable hardship’ mean? S NS
13. Prejudice, bias and a ‘boys club’ mentality can prevent women from achieving highlevel management positions. What is this commonly referred to as? NS
14. Under the Disability Discrimination Act, an employer must make reasonable accommodation to employ someone with a disability. Which of the following is true? NS
Marking criteria Students
response (to
After the Knowledge test, the student has provided authenticity for the following be completed
by the
15. A company diversity audit reveals a lack of women in management. What S NS suggestions would you make to improve the efficacy of the diversity policy?
16. A company diversity audit and review of grievances over the past year reveals a problem with bullying and discrimination against LGBTI employees. How could S NS the organisation show support for the LGBTI community?
17. What could your company do to be more inclusive of age-based diversity? S NS
18. You want to employ someone who can work a rotating roster of weekends and S NS evenings. Which of the following questions abides by EEO?
19. Which is the legal definition of sexual harassment? S NS
20. Which best describes the usual order that a grievance procedure takes? S NS
21. Which of the following is NOT true? S NS
22.Jenna works in stores. She feels intimidated and harassed by a regular supplier. How S NS should her manager handle the situation?
23.What is the best way for an organisation to ensure that staff are aware of the S NS company’s policy on harassment and bullying and know what to do if they experience it?
24.Masie has been repeatedly asked out by Jim, a colleague. She has said ‘no’ on several S NS occasions, but he still keeps asking. Masie feels so uncomfortable now that she tries to avoid any situation where she might be alone with Jim. Could this be sexual harassment?
25: What information would you find in a diversity policy? S NS
26: List four legislative Acts that have a direct impact on the information that must be S NS incorporated into diversity management policies and work practices.
27: List six grounds or protected areas within antidiscrimination legislation. S NS
28: List four things an organisation can do to manage age-based diversity? S NS
29: An applicant for a cleaning job is required to fill out a detailed application form and submit it via email along with an electronic copy of their résumé. The applicant has a S NS
learning disability making it difficult to fill out the form and so they do not apply. Could this process be a form of direct or indirect discrimination? Explain.
Marking criteria Students
response (to
After the Knowledge test, the student has provided authenticity for the following be completed
by the
30: Legislation requires an organisation to make reasonable accommodation or S NS adjustment to support a person with a disability. Give two examples of this.
31: At times, discrimination can be allowable. Give two reasons that can S NS support allowable discrimination.
32: Define sexual harassment, identifying the key legal components of the S NS definition.
33: What legislation covers bullying in the workplace? S NS
34: Identify the key internal steps to a company grievance procedure. S NS
35: What avenues can an employee take if they are not satisfied with how the S NS organisation handled the grievance?
36: Discuss four ways by which an organisation can promote the benefits of S NS diversity to its employees?
37: Many organisations promote their diversity achievements in external forums. S NS List three based on the benefits of using external forums?
38: Give two examples of external diversity forums. S NS
39: Provide two examples of how a diverse workforce has enhanced products and S NS services in your organisation, or an organisation you have been a customer in.
40: Describe how diversity can be used as a competitive advantage in improving S NS products and services.
41: Helping staff get to know each other can help break down stereotypes and S NS create an inclusive environment. Give four examples of how the manager and/or the organisation can do this.
Task outcome S NS
Assessor’s remarks
Assessor’s signature Date
Students signature Date
Assessment Cover Sheet: Assessment Task 2 (AT2)
Student Detail
Student Name
Student Id:
Group No (If Applicable):
Assessment Details
Unit of Competency BSBDIV501- Manage diversity in the workplace.
Assessment Task Project
Due Date
Overall AT2 Assessment
Outcome Satisfactory ? Not Satisfactory ? Not completed ?
Assessor Name
Assessor Signature and Date
Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this assessment task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where this work has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.
Assessor Student
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
Signature: ........................................................
Date: .............................................................. I have received, discussed, and accepted my result as above for this task and I am aware of my appeal rights.
Signature: ..................................................
Date: ..........................................................
Assessment task 2: Project
Required documents and equipment:
- Computer with internet connection at ASTRAL Institute classroom - Student assessment booklet and a pen (organized by the student).
- Model answers and marking guide in this document.
- Report Template (provided by Assessor)
- Diversity policy (Provided by the Assessor)
- Learners’ resources for the unit BSBDIV501- Manage diversity in the workplace (available on didasko-online material)
Planning the assessment
- Recommended date for assessment:
- Access all resources mentioned in required resources either printed copies or access via the internet
- Time required for assessment: 4 hours - You must:
o Produce all evidence as required.
o Complete the and submit in due timelines o Submit with a completed assessment cover sheet
- Your assessor will set a time to provide feedback
Evidence specifications:
At the end of the assessment, you will be required to submit the following evidence before the due date specified by the assessor:
- Completed (Report Template)
- Completed tasks 1,2 ,3 and 4
- Completed and signed cover sheet for assessment
Evidence submission:
- Documentation can be submitted electronically or paper based.
- Your assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet.
AT2- Project
You are required to do the following.
• Complete Tasks 1, 2, 3 and 4
• Your report should be presented fully typed, in a short report format, printed copy using the template provided- (Report Template)
• Follow the short report format:
- Cover or title page
- Table of contents
- Introduction
- Body – with headings and numbering systems
- Conclusion
- References: list sources of information and research referenced in text
- Appendix: flow chart of the grievance procedure
• You must read and familiarise self with the Kingfisher Garden Centre diversity policy. This is a fictitious diversity policy developed for this assessment.
• To gather ideas, research what major companies are doing to manage diversity. Large companies such as the major banks (Westpac, ANZ and Commonwealth), BHP, PepsiCo, etc., tend to have information on their websites. You must also use the research gathered throughout the unit, as directed in the ‘Extend your learning’ activities.
Task 1: Introduction and legislation
1. Introduction
• Write an introduction to the report. Clearly identify the purpose of the report and what the report aims to achieve.
• Include a definition of diversity and comments on the benefits of diversity in the workplace.
2. Legislation
2.1 Relevant legislation
Make a list of the applicable federal and state/territory legislation.
2.2 Protected attributes
Include a list of all the protected attributes or grounds for discrimination.
3. Discrimination
Create a statement about Kingfisher Garden Centre’s position on discrimination and define the term discrimination.
3.1 Direct discrimination
Provide a clear definition of direct discrimination and provide examples to clarify understanding.
3.2 Indirect discrimination
Provide a clear definition of indirect discrimination and provide examples to clarify understanding.
3.3 Adverse actions
Explain what ‘adverse actions’ means and provide examples to clarify understanding.
3.4 Allowable discrimination
Explain how sometimes discrimination is allowable. Give examples that relate to the Kingfisher Garden Centre to clarify understanding.
Task 2: Age, gender and family diversity
• Use the Report Template and complete Task 2.
• Review Kingfisher’s diversity policy. How could you improve the diversity policy in the following areas?
4. Age-based diversity
How well does it provide for age-based diversity? How could it be improved?
5. Gender diversity
How well does it provide for gender-based diversity? How could it be improved?
6. Parental support, including supporting women returning to the workforce after maternity leave
How well does it provide for family-based diversity? How could it be improved?
7. Work/life balance
• State Kingfisher’s policy stance on work/life balance and any supporting policies and procedures.
• What strategies should be implemented to support work/life balance?
• Ensure you address strategies that could support the policy. For example, if you say Kingfisher values work/life balance, what strategies will you put in place to achieve this?
Task 3: LGBTI, disability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
• Use the Report Template and complete Task 3.
• Review Kingfisher’s diversity policy. How could you improve the diversity policy in the following areas?
8. LGBTI community
How well does it provide for LGBTI diversity and how could it be improved?
9. Disability
How well does it provide for disability diversity and how could it be improved?
10. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
How well does it provide for Indigenous diversity and how could it be improved?
Ensure you address strategies to support the policy in the areas in 8, 9 and 10. For example, Kingfisher has a scholarship program for Indigenous people. How can the company encourage an uptake of this?
11. Recruitment and selection
11.1 Recruiting employees
How can Kingfisher aim for diversity in recruiting (attracting applicants) and promoting employees?
11.2 Selecting employees
What strategies can be put in place to prevent discrimination and bias in the selection process?
Task 4: Bullying and harassment
• Use the Report Template and complete Task 4.
• Review Kingfisher’s diversity policy. Address the following topic areas.
12. Bullying and harassment
12.1 Definitions
Write a clear definition of bullying and sexual harassment. Provide employees with links to websites for where they can go for support and further assistance if they feel they have been bullied or harassed.
12.2 Grievance procedures
How could Kingfisher’s current grievance procedure be improved? Create a flow chart on the grievance procedure and include it in the Appendix.
13. Training needs
Based on the suggestions for improvement you have made in Tasks 1, 2, 3 and 4, write an overview of the training needs Kingfisher employees will have. Include suggestions for how these training needs will be met, taking into consideration the different needs of your employees. This can be presented as a table.
14. Promoting diversity
14.1 Promoting diversity to staff
How would you promote the benefits of diversity and communicate any updates to a diversity policy to staff? Explain.
14.2 Promoting diversity externally
Besides the AHRI awards, what other external forums could be used to promote Kingfisher’s diversity success and further enhance the benefits of diversity in the workplace to the broader society?
15. Conclusion
Now that you’ve got a good understanding of what should be in a diversity policy, reflect on Kingfisher’s policy.
• What areas were neglected, or not adequately addressed?
• What are the benefits of having a policy on managing diversity?
• What have you learnt from doing this report and studying this unit?
16. Reference list
[Include an alphabetical list of sources of research cited in your report. Refer to your training provider’s referencing guide for how to do this.]
17. Appendices
[Appendix 1: Grievance procedure]
Assessor checklist
To be completed by the assessor.
Learner’s name:
Did the learner successfully demonstrate evidence of their ability to do the following? Assessor comments Completed
Yes No
Developed a report using the report format.
• Cover or title page
• Table of contents
• Introduction
• Body – with headings and numbering systems
• Conclusion
• References: list sources of information and research referenced in text
• Appendix: flow chart of the grievance procedure
Produced a report that is accurate in detail, clear in meaning and complete.
Identified key features of current legislation.
Located and reviewed diversity policy.
Used analytical skills to determine how to make intelligent applications of the diversity policy.
Provided feedback and suggestions for improvement to the diversity policy.
Included strategies to support policy development and to ensure that diversity is understood and respected in the work team.
Demonstrated knowledge of formal and informal complaints procedure.
Helped others to see the benefits of diversity and used ideas from diversity to contribute to a competitive advantage.
Demonstrated compliance with protocols or handling complaints of bullying or harassment.
Addressed own prejudices and demonstrated respect for difference in personal interactions.
Aimed for diversity in selecting and recruiting staff.
Identified and addressed training needs to address issues of difference in the team.
Managed tensions and encouraged collaboration and respect between staff who struggle to work effectively with difference.
Captured ideas and information from the diversity in the workforce to enhance products and services and contribute to competitive advantage.
Supported organisational efforts to value diversity.
Competency Record Summary Sheet:
Competency Record Summary Sheet
Unit of Competency: BSBDIV501- Manage diversity in the workplace
Student’s Name: Student’s ID:
Assessor’s Name: Date of completion:
Assessments Student Results
Satisfactory(S) Not yet
satisfactory( NYS) Not
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Test ? ? ?
Assessment Task 2: Project ? ? ?
Note: student is required be marked satisfactory in all assessment tasks to be deemed competent in this unit.
Unit Outcome: ? Competent ? Not Competent
Is re-assessment required: ? Yes ? No
Assessor’s Signature: Date:
Student’s Signature: Date:
Appendix1- Assessment resource in ASTRAL INSTITUTE Classroom
ASTRAL INSTITUTE will conduct practical assessment for this unit in its classroom Located at RTO Address with access to following resources:
Assessment must ensure access to:
? legislation, regulations and codes of practice for managing diversity
? workplace diversity policies and procedures
? interaction with others.
Copyright: Instructions in this tool have been developed by NTA and ASTRAL INSTITUTE for sole purpose of use by ASTRAL INSTITUTE. Any part of these assessment instructions cannot be reproduced in full or part for without approval of ASTRAL INSTITUTE and NTA which holds authorship rights.

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