Recent Question/Assignment
Assessment Task 3 Due Date SILOs Assessed
Presentation: Literacy/numeracy inquiry project design Submission Details 25 October, 2019
A 15-20 minute narrated presentation (equivalent to 3000 words) uploaded to LMS submission portal and shared for review by a peer
Grading Criteria and Feedback
1. Introduction
• Orients the audience to the inquiry topic and situates it within literacy or numeracy research and a specific context
• Justifies the purpose for the inquiry topic and introduces the audience to key definitions and concepts
2. Plan
• Evaluates own teaching practice in terms of the inquiry topic
• Outlines benefits and outcomes to implementing the plan
3. Act
Outlines the steps involved in the action or initiative
• Justifies of the actions that are planned to be taken with links to curriculum, pedagogy and assessment
4. Observe
• Demonstrates an understanding of how the collection of data can inform practice
5. Reflect
• Shows an awareness-of and reflexivity-about the action plan, including an understanding of the inherent value of inquiry to your future teaching practice
6. Conclusion
• Develops an informed stance on the topic in relation to implications for teaching literacy or numeracy
7. High standard of academic literacy (Pass/resubmit)
• Consistent use of the required academic style
• Correct referencing, spelling and grammar
For this task, you will present an 'action plan' that identifies an inquiry topic around the quality teaching of literacy or numeracy relevant to your teaching area (either primary or your secondary subject method). Your presentation will demonstrate how the 'action or initiative' will inform and drive your ongoing professional practice. Based on the findings of the literature reviews, you will create a narrated presentation (eg. PowerPoint with voice-over; video; YouTube) to share with your peers. You will also use the grading criteria to peer-assess someone elses presentation. The following sections must be included in your presentation:
• Introduction: The introduction must orient the audience to the literacy/numeracy inquiry topic, issue or concern related to your teaching practice that you want to address. What are the assumptions underlying the action or initiative, and how are they justified/positioned within the literature? What research and evidence support the action or initiative? Why should it work for your students? What would be a good working title for your action or initiative that you plan to implement?
• Plan: In this section, you need to outline why this is an important issue/problem for you. How do you know that it is an issue for your own practice? What personal events, experiences and/or artefacts have informed the formation of the plan? What general teaching and learning benefits do you want to achieve? What specific outcomes are you seeking from this action or initiative?
• Act: What will you do specifically to improve your teaching practice and students' learning outcomes in literacy or numeracy? Outline the steps that you intend to implement. Use a table to show what these steps are, how they align with research, and what links you have established to curriculum, pedagogy and assessment.
• Obsenre: How you will know if your action or initiative is effective and has an ((p300 09 student learning/engagement? What data do you plan to collect? What purpose will that data serve in showing the overall impact of your action or initiative? Are there potential ethical or political issues, and how will you manage them? What support and resources will you need? What are you expecting the data to tell you?
• Refl.: Reflect upon the important components of the action or initiative and what you are expecting to achieve. Articulate your final position on the topic drawing from the literature reviews. Ask yourself: So what? How does this action plan connect with your development as an educator?
• Conclusion: As you write and present this final section, imagine an audience member who only gets to hear the conclusion. You need to ensure it is pithy and relatively brief. What do you want that audience to remember? What are your key messages about literacy/numeracy teaching, and how do these strengthen the link between theory and practice