Recent Question/Assignment

Assessment Task 2 Instructions vocational
Carefully read the following:
Football South East Coast is sporting association based in a small town on the NSW South Coast and is responsible for administration and development of football for the NSW South East Coast. The association employs a General Manager, Operations Manager, Marketing and Communications Officer, High
Performance Athlete Development Officer, Marketing Officer, Promotions Office, Administration Manager and Receptionist.
FSEC's Vision is to be the number one sport played through South East NSW.
FSEC's Mission is to grow football by supporting members and the football community through, strong
leadership, sound communication and the provision of a clear strategic direction that secures the sport's long-term prosperity.
Values listed in its current Strategic Plan include:
• Operating with trust and Integrity with each other, as well as with members and the community.
• Customer focus through appreciation of interests and passion of our members and the broader football community.
• Camaraderie through recognising the superior strength and efficiencies of good team work
• Innovation through best practice and change
• Openness and transparency in communicating with our members, customers and the broader community.
One of the organisation's key strategic goals is to improve participation in community football, specifically io 1,..-
increase the total number of players by 4% in 2018.
Another goal is to increase the participation of girls aged between 5 and 18 by 2% in 2018.
These goals have been translated into an Operational Plan for the organisation.
As the Marketing and Communications Manager, you are responsible for the following key result areas:
Membership Growth, Programs and Events and Volunteer Development.
Complete the following activities:
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2. Conduct a meeting with the team. CNAcg -)1)C)49
Prepare for a meeting with your team to discuss the new Operational Plan and to develop a team performance plan by reviewing the organisational information provided to you above, as well as the Operational Plan. Familiarise yourself with the Team Performance Plan Template, as you will be completing this document after the meeting.
As communications manager, you are required, as a minimum, to cover the following during the meeting:

• Provide an introduction to the meeting, including the purpose of the meeting
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Indicate to all tea
mbers that it is important for them to take an active role in the
planning meeting so that their ideas for implementing the strategic pla
• goals for the upcomin 12
performance months will be taken into consideration and includedand inassociated the team
planni g nng framework.
Ensure that all team members have read the n. Give them the opportunity to
• ask questions if anyone needs clarification. YouOperational should exPlalaiy parts of the
Operational Plan that are not understood. p n to the team an
Work with your team on each section of the performance planning template. Ask your team for ideas and write them up on the white board.
During the meeting, your assessor (in the role of a staff member) will raise a workplace concern during the team performance planning session. Concerns or problems that are outside yourg authority will have to be discussed with the General Manager. Tell the team that you will et back to them shortly with a response.
During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate the effective interpersonal and communication skills including:
• • Team building techniques including clear explanation of goals and outcomes
• Asking questions and listening to responses to clarify understanding
Active listening skills
• Respecting and acknowledging the views of others
• Non-verbal communication skills that encourage discussion and feedback, for example, nodding, smiling, eye contact.
Training Institute
Submit a text of an email to the General Manager (your assessor).
, The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite,
business-like) style.
It should summarise the meeting, and explain the workplace concerns in a few paragraphs.
/& ,01 T• he assessor will respond to the concern.
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4. Complete your team performance plan
Following the meeting, complete the Team Performance Plan Template, incorporating the feedback that you received from the other meeting participants.
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Student Assessment Tasks
Vocational Training Institute RTO 41111 CRICOS 03487C
Version 5.0
J&S Learningwork 2018
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Training inslhnr
5. Submit your team performance plan to the team (your assessor)
You should also include:
• A request for feedback on the team performance plan.

A schedule of meetings for the next 12 months to support the implementation of the actions
documented in the performance plan. The schedule should commence following thmeetie ng. meeting date and for the next 12 months. You can decide on the frequency
• An outline of the actions you intend to take to address workplace concerns, including the feedback that you received from the General Manager.
• A brief overview of the training and development activities that you intend to impleme plan. You nt over the next 12 months to address training needs identified in the team performance should include the details of at least two activities that you have identified for the outcomes of team as a whole and include the title of the activity, as well as the date and location and completing the activity.
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Assessment Task 3 Instructions
Carefully read the following:
Football South East Coast does not currently have a professional development process in place and would like to introduce one to ensure the professional development of all staff members.
A budget of $1,000 per annum is to be allocated to professional development for each staff member is.
Complete the following activities:
1. Develop professional development policy and procedures for Football South East Coast
Conduct research by identifying and reviewing a range of professional development policies and
procedures that have been developed in ar scenarios.
The document should be approximatel 2 pages
• Criteria for determining whether the professional development opportunity is appropriate
• Budget allocated to each staff member ,Ipc),- 9-04-k -ziv-trt
• Process for documenting and evaluating outcomes from professional development V-E•ciDA OU'AL- u' `U46); 'Ce—V
7 Your policy and procedures should include, asjs4rrAnimum, the following:
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• Purpose of the policy
^ Scope of the policy — who it applies to
• Types of professional development that may be undertaken —
• Process for identifying professional development needs
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en po icy and procedures to the team yo
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Assessment Task 4 Instructions
Carefully read the following:
After 12 months, data shows that your team has exceeded the percentage increase in the number of new football players, and you have decided to recognise your team for their efforts.
Complete the following activities:
1. Select reward and recognition schemes
Using the Internet, research both informal and formal staff reward and recognition schemes and make notes on what you find.
The following links will provide some examples.
Choose and develop at least five examples that would be appropriate for your team in the case study.
2. Submit text of an email to the General Manager (your assessor).
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite,
business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the reward and recognition schemes that you have identified
and seek their feedback and approval to move forward with the project.
Indicate which of the schemes you think would be most appropriate for the FSEC team as per
the scenario and why.
You will be assessed on whether your email addresses the required content as described, as
well as the clarity of your email.
The General Manager will reply to your email with authority to implement one of the schemes
that you have selected.
3. Submit text of an email to the team (your assessor).
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite,
business-like) style.
It should thank them for their efforts in achieving the strategic goals and give the details of the
reward and recognition scheme that you are introducing.
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Assessment Task 5 Instructions
Carefully read the following:
Two staff at FSCE have lodged complaints with you, the Communications Officer, about the Marketing
Officer's work.
The staff complain that Jackie is often talking to friends on her mobile and so when the office phone rings
they answer the phone. Even when Jackie can see they are trying to answer queries that directly relate to her work, she does not end her personal call. This not only takes other staff member's time in answering
such calls, but also then to make notes for Jackie on the call.
The staff have said that the behaviour is recent, and until recently Jackie has always been hard-working and
You need to meet with Jackie to discuss the issue and identify realistic solutions.
Complete the following activities:
1. Submit text of an email to the Communications Officer (your assessor).
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite,
business-like) style.
It should request her to attend a meeting with you to discuss her work.
Include the date and time of the meeting.
Read the following guide about managing underperformance. You will be assessed on your demonstration of the skill referred to under key points for employers to remember. 1-Ap://
2. Conduct the meeting with the Communications Officer (your assessor).
Conduct the meeting with Jackie, explaining to her what the problem is, why it is a problem, how it impacts on the workplace and why there is a concern.
At the meeting, you are required to:
• Explain the purpose of the meeting
• Explain to Jackie what the problem is
• Explain how this behaviour impacts on the workplace and why it is a concern. Ensure that you focus on the issue not the person.
• Demonstrate your interpersonal and communication skills by:
o Keeping your communication clear and simple
o Listening to Jackie and confirming and clarifying information shared
o Asking questions to confirm information
o Emphasizing Jackie's strengths as set out in the scenario information
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. Discuss and agree on a solution, using your skills to come up with realistic
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and creative solutions.
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Vocational Tr•InIng Instlit.•
our assessor).
3. Submit text of an email an email to the Communications Officer (y
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite,
business-like) style.
The email text should summarise the meeting, and the solution agreed to.
The email should be sent to Jackie within I day of the meeting,
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Version 5.0
J&S Leamingwork 2018

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