Recent Question/Assignment
Unit Semester 2 , 2019 BMGT3001 Governance and Business Ethics
Assessment Type Report
Assessment Number 2
Assessment Name Individual Case Study
Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed LO 3: Evaluate ethical dilemmas in the global environment based on the knowledge of diverse cultural and philosophical traditions that influence behavior.
LO 4: Reflect on theory and practice to develop and justify solutions for complex management problems relating to ethics and social responsibility.
Alignment with Unit and Course Unit Learning Outcome Graduate
Attributes Assessed
ULO 3: Evaluate ethical dilemmas in the global GA 1: Communication environment based on the knowledge of diverse GA 2: Collaboration cultural and philosophical traditions that influence GA 3: Research
behavior. GA 4: Critical Thinking ULO 4: Reflect on theory and practice to develop and GA 5: Ethical Behavior justify solutions for complex management problems GA 6: Flexibility relating to ethics and social responsibility
Due Date and Time Week 11
Word Count: 2OOO
Submission In Turnitin
Assessment Description • Assessment 2 will familiarize students with current local, national or global ethical issue.
• You will work individually to prepare a report on a case study, which must be agreed to by the lecturer by week 7.
• Each student will chose a case study related to any current issue affecting at the local, national or global scale.
• The case study must not be from the text book.
• Report Structure must include:
• Title Page
• Executive summary
• Table of contents
• Introduction-
History/background: What is the issue at hand?
Where is the issue prevalent? Why is it important?
• A brief history of the organization
• Discussion of the case
• Your Argument
• Ethical Decision Making Approaches & Theories o Explain which ethical decision making approaches and theories your relied upon to reach your conclusions and why.
• Summary/Conclusion o Restate the importance of the issue
o Paint the picture of the world if your plan is or not implemented
• Reference List
• Appendix (include any supplementary tables or images here)
Research Requirements • Research required supporting discussion and analysis in report. Sources should be varied and include, but not limited to, the Textbook, Newspaper articles, Books and Journal articles.
• A minimum of 10 resources and at least 5 being academic in nature (journal articles, books, professional periodicals).
• You should also use the EBSCO Databases, accessible through the Library Moodle page.
Misconduct • This report will be submitted online through Turnitin.
• Copying information from another student or online sources will not be tolerated.
• All students MUST acknowledge the author of any research used in the report.
• To avoid being charged with Misconduct, you need to apply proper Harvard Style Referencing (ask your lecturer if you do not know what this means).
• Use the library referencing guide accessible via Moodle.
Detailed Submission Requirements Before submission please ensure that the submitted work satisfies the following requirements:
• This report will be submitted online through Turnitin via Moodle;
• The assignment must be typewritten;
• The assignment must follow the Harvard referencing style;
• Word length:2000 words;
• Font/Font size: Times New Roman (preferred) /12, regular;
• Page numbers: yes;
• Line Spacing: 1.5;
• Paragraph Style: Justified.