Recent Question/Assignment

Group Project 40 MARKS
Overall Allocation: 40%
(Business Website/App Development)
Task: This assignment has two parts:
Part A: Report
Submission Deadline: Week 10 Friday @ 5.00pm on VU Collaborate. 10% of the final mark will be deducted for each delayed day.
Report: 500-1500 Words
Assignment Type: Group (3-4 Students per Group,
every student will present)
Overall Allocation: 20%
Total marks: 20
Part B: Project Demonstration+ Presentation
Submission Deadline: Week 11 Lecture Time
Presentation Date: Week 111 during Lecture/lab time
Required Slides: 5-10 Slides only
Assignment Type: Group (3-4 Students per Group, every student will present).
Overall Allocation: 20%
Total marks: 20
Submission Procedure:
Please submit a soft copy on VU collaborate via the link titled ‘Assignment 1’ in the ‘Assessments’ section as a zipped file. All assignments must have signed assignment cover with clear student names and their IDs. Please note that marks will be deducted if the assignment fails to comply with specifications and deadlines above!
Assignment Objective:
The main core element of this assignment is the development of an e-business website or mobile application with features of innovation, planning and implementation of a true entrepreneurial small business. Your task is to research the opportunity, review its full potential and convert your findings into a software application (a website or mobile application based on your choice).
I. Software Development Company
II. Computer Hardware Company
III. Network Support Company
IV. Innovative IT Solutions
V. A Social Media Cloud based company
First Come-First Get: Duplicate project allocation is not allowed.
1- Plan this business from start-up to harvest. See lecture slides
2- Prepare a Detailed Report according to marking criteria points (See marking criteria of Assignment Part A)
3- Develop a business website or mobile application (20 bonus marks in case of mobile app) (Part B) which clearly put your business as e-business. It must reflect criteria mentioned below. It should display your ABN/ACN number (temporary), contact us page, online Payment method like PayPal , marketing of your products, list of available services. Link to social media, location maps and attractive graphics are additional features to get bonus marks.
4- Please put this disclaimer information on your website: “This website is for a class assignment project and not for commercial purpose”
Please prepare a detailed Report and PowerPoint presentation according to the given criteria (only one slide for each of first 7 criteria) and present it during Week 10 labs.
The marking criteria are given below:
Marking Criterion Marks
Value Proposition Canvas
(How unique and cool is your business idea and why should I buy your product?) 20
Business Model Canvas (Lean Start-up)-See Lecture 4 – ALL 9 Components. (What are value propositions? Fill up all value hypothesis etc) 80
Capital Required (Financial Evidence from Industry ) 20
Compliance Needs (What are the legal requirements in your business and form of your business?) 20
Reality Check (Consultation with existing owners of similar business)
Marketing Planning (How will you sell your idea and who will be your first customer?) 20
(Writing Style + organization) 20
Total Marks 200
Report+ Presentation 100+100
Part B:
For the same business you chose in Part A, develop a business website or mobile application which clearly put your business as e-business. It must reflect criteria mentioned below. It should display your ABN number, contact us page, online Payment method like PayPal , marketing of your products, list of available services. Link to social media, location maps and attractive graphics are additional features to get bonus marks. Demo state this website during the tutorial+ 2-5 slides of Innovative features
The marking criteria are given below:
Marking Criterion Marks
Look and Feel _ user friendliness 20
Design and implementation)
(website or Mobile app working correctly + flow of information) 80
Innovative Features 20
Client Feedback (Peer + Instructure Feedback)
Completeness factor (All business aspects are considered during the development e.g. Functional area description, ABN displayed + contact us page, maps, (Transaction working correctly like single payment+ shopping cart/bill generation))
Presentation Skills 20
Total Marks 200
Running Mobile App 20 (bonus)
Peer Assessment: ALL Projects will be demonstrated in Week 11 lab/lecture for user/peer feedback.
Demonstration to class (WEEK 11 Lecture)
Demonstration to Tutor/Lecturer (WEEK 11 Lab)
No demonstration-No Marks
File format: It is recommended that all code files be zipped (using zip only option, no other compression files will be accepted). Marking strictly follows marking criteria. Both Part A and Part B need to be submitted in the same file.
Students should use this marking guide as reference to complete this group assignment. However, in marking the assignment I will have discretion in varying marks per person depending on the quality and effort that they provide to this assignment. In this group assignment I expect all students to contribute equally.
Please keep an eye on relevant announcements at VU collaborate. In case of any question, please don’t hesitate to contact me after the Lecture.

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