Recent Question/Assignment

Part 1
A 15 minute presentation relating to one aspect of pain management and the use of evidence-based practice
Part 2:
Critically explore the pain management of an individual patient using the Manchester PAIN model as a structured approach
1500 words equivalent
2000 words
Criteria for success
Part 1: Presentation deadline October 20
The aim of this activity is for the student to clearly articulate the area identified and to present information, based on their analysis of the evidence, to a chosen group of practitioners, highlighting its importance and to stimulate interest and desire to develop that area of practice. The students will critically appraise and synthesise the evidence from a variety of sources to demonstrate a comprehensive and critical understanding of the chosen aspect of pain management. The presentation will summarise this.
A copy of the Power Point presentation including notes pages to illustrate reading and a full reference list must be uploaded prior to the date of the presentation.
Equivalent to 1,500 words
Part 2. Managing pain in an individual patient deadline 27 October
Critically evaluate the pain management of an individual patient using a model such as the Manchester PAIN model as the framework.
The aim of this activity is for the student to demonstrate evidence of in-depth knowledge and understanding of current scholarship and research relating to the pain management process and link this to the challenges of complexity encountered in clinical practice. Within this section they must demonstrate critical awareness of current issues and developments to identify specific pain management issues.
2,000 (+10%) word limit
Criteria for success
This should be brief and introduce the patient. As this is a pain essay you don’t need to detail all their care. Focus on the pain issues only. It may be that you wish to focus more on one aspect of the PAIN model due to the particular circumstances of the patient. If so identify this within the introduction
Main body
The bulk of the marks are awarded for your critical analysis of the pain issues for your patient so get to the main body as early as possible.
You may wish to consider subheadings for each element of the model you have chosen for instance PAIN. Back up your points with references throughout each segment.
Preparation should include the biopsychosocial nature of pain (including theories such as the gate control theory) and the particular issues related to your patient. Avoid being general always relate things to your patient.
Assessment should include what assessment tools if any were used on your patient and cover what the literature says should be used for patients like yours. If you pain assessments scores were taken please include them throughout
Intervention should include what treatments were used and also evidence from the literature as to what should be used in cases like your patient. You should briefly identify how the treatments work and you can relate this back to pain theories. State the effects of the interventions actually given had on the pain scores from the patient. It is OK for you to show that the treatments didn’t work well and to suggest what might have worked better using the literature as back up for that argument.
Normalisation should include a critical discussion about how well the analgesia worked and whether or not you was able to return the patient to a condition which enabled them to undertake ‘normal’ activities in an appropriate time span.
This should tie the essay together and only needs to be brief

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