Recent Question/Assignment
2000 words, you can choose any topic from the question.
ICT 101 Discrete Mathematics for IT
Assessment # 4 - Group Assignment
Trimester 2, 2019
Overview of Assignment
Students will work in groups of 2-3 on a mathematical investigation. Students will be given a problem scenario including suggestions for modelling and exploration. They will have to analyse, design and construct a mathematical model and investigate its solution and describe their conclusions in mathematical and/or graphical form.
The report length can be around 5 – 10 pages. The report must have a short statement of the contributions of each group member
Task Description: Written Report
Your group will be exploring one Mathematical problem and its uses in the real world. You are to write a report on your findings.
Your group can choose one from the following problems or your group can choose to come up with your own. However, after forming group and deciding on the topic to work on your group must meet their respective tutor to get an approval.
The problems your group can choose from are:
• Polynomial Evaluation algorithm
• Algorithm for constructing an Euler circuit
• Kruskal’s algorithm
• Insertion sort
• Euclidean Algorithm
The written report must have the following sections:
1. Introduction
2. Problem definition
3. Real world applications based on the problem of your choice
4. Solution to the problem (If there are many solutions then discuss one solution and also research and discuss why it is an effective solution to the problem).
5. Possible algorithm (How computing can be useful in providing the solution discussed in section 4) 6. Conclusion
7. Short statement about contributions/Reflections from each group member
8. References
Submission Requirement
Deadline to submit written report: Week 11 Sunday (2nd June 2019), 11.59pm via Moodle.
The report must be:
1. Word or pdf document (5 to 10 pages long)
2. Size: A4
3. Use Assignment Cover Page (download from Moodle) with your details and signature
4. Single space
5. Font: Calibri, 11pt
Deduction, Late Submission and Extension
Late submission penalty: - 5% of the total available marks per calendar day unless an extension is approved. For extension application procedure, please refer to Section 3.3 of the Subject Outline.
Please read Section 3.4 Plagiarism and Referencing, from the Subject Outline. Below is part of the statement:
“Students plagiarising run the risk of severe penalties ranging from a reduction through to 0 marks for a first offence for a single assessment task, to exclusion from KOI in the most serious repeat cases. Exclusion has serious visa implications.”
“Authorship is also an issue under Plagiarism – KOI expects students to submit their own original work in both assessment and exams, or the original work of their group in the case of a group project. All students agree to a statement of authorship when submitting assessments online via Moodle, stating that the work submitted is their own original work. The following are examples of academic misconduct and can attract severe penalties:
• Handing in work created by someone else (without acknowledgement), whether copied from another student, written by someone else, or from any published or electronic source, is fraud, and falls under the general Plagiarism guidelines.
• Students who willingly allow another student to copy their work in any assessment may be
considered to assisting in copying/cheating, and similar penalties may be applied. ”
Marking Criteria
Criteria Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
0-49% 50-64% 65-74% 75-84% 85-100%
Understanding of the problem
3 marks Inaccurate mathematical description of the problem Basic mathematical description of the problem Accurate mathematical description of the problem Accurate mathematical description of the problem and some connections with relevant theories Polished mathematical description of the problem and references to relevant theories
Evidence of depth of research 2 marks Little or no relevant reading and references Some relevant reading and references Some relevant reading and references with explanations of connections to the problem Relevant reading and references and clear connections illuminating the problem Relevant reading and references and polished connections illuminating the problem
Mathematical analysis 10 marks Little or no application of mathematical knowledge and concepts Basic application of mathematical knowledge and concepts Accurate application of mathematical knowledge and concepts Accurate and comprehensive application of mathematical knowledge and concepts Polished application of mathematical knowledge and concepts
Mathematical experiments 10 marks Little or no evidence of experiments Basic discussion of scenarios and experiments Careful discussion of scenarios and relevant experiments Comprehensive discussion of scenarios and relevant experiments Polished discussion of scenarios and wide-ranging and
relevant experiments
2 marks Little or no evidence of finding solutions Basic solutions of the problem
and some
justification Solutions of the problem found and justified and
discussion of
their utility Good analysis and justification of solutions of the problem and their significance Polished analysis and justification of solutions of the problem and their significance
3 marks Poorly organised report with unclear structure Well organised report but with some errors Clearly organised report with few errors Clearly organised report and good use of tables and graphs Polished report and creative use of tables and graphs