Recent Question/Assignment
Assignment Questions
Question 2: What is the name of the Model WHS act that all States and Territories have agreed to “harmonise” with?
(Insert your response here)
Question 4: In the Model WHS Act, introduced in January 2012, the previous term of “Employee” was replaced by the term “Worker”. Who is a considered to be a “Worker” under the Model WHS Act 2012?
(Insert your response here)
Question 7: List two strategies that you could adopt to ensure all workers are involved in safety consultation?
(Insert your response here)
Question 8: If safety concerns were raised during consultation workers with what would you be expected to do?
(Insert your response here)
Question 9: Explain why it is important to provide information to work groups on the relevant WHS legislation, the organisation’s WHS policies, procedures and programs, and any identified hazards and their control?
a. What is one benefit for the new employee of this practice?
b. What is one benefit of this practice for the employer?
c. What is a typical probationary period for a new employee?
d. How often should feedback be provided to the new employee during the probationary period?
(Insert your response here)
Question 15: You have purchased new plant and equipment at your work. At this time there are no workers that are competent in the safe and effective use of the new equipment. What actions would you take?
(Insert your response here)
Assignment Activities
Activity 3
Read the scenario below, and provide a detailed response to how you may handle or resolve the situation within the scenario based on your knowledge and skills. Note: the information sheet in the Participant Resources section (Appendix B) may be of assistance with this activity because it gives some examples for the application of using the hierarchy of control in the workplace.
Using the hierarchy of control form (below) develop plans to deal with the following hazards:
1. Climbing a ladder to change a light bulb located in a wall fixture 4 meters from the floor
2. Preparing a metal cleansing solution using caustic chemical ingredients
3. Stacking shelves with products requiring repetitive lifting and bending
4. Storing turpentine and other flammable solvents in a shed
Hazard Description Control strategy
Ladder Scenario
Chemical Scenario
Lifting Scenario
Storing flammables Scenario
Appendix B
Hierarchy of control measures
The hierarchy of control is a sequence of options which offer you a number of ways to approach the hazard control process.
Here is a list, with typical examples.
Work your way down the hierarchy of control list, and implement the best measure possible for your situation.
Remember you need to go through the steps in order; PPE should not be your first solution – this should be a last resort!!
Eliminate the hazard
• remove hazardous electrical plant from the workplace
• cease in-house operations of hazardous work
If this is not practical, then:
Substitute the hazard with a lesser risk
• use low voltage electrical plant
• substitute movable electrical plant for fixed
If this is not practical, then:
Isolate the hazard
• place hazardous electrical plant in enclosures with restricted access
• place out-of-service tags on plant
If this is not practical, then:
Use engineering controls
• use RCDs (safety switches) to protect socket outlets which supply electrical plant
If this is not practical, then:
Use administrative controls
• perform regular inspection and tests on electrical plant and electrical installations
• implement safe work practices, instruction and training
If this is not practical, then:
Use personal protective equipment (PPE)
• use rubber mats, insulated gloves, eye protection, boots, and head gear (also to be used in conjunction with above measures)