Recent Question/Assignment
Assignment developed by Matthew Felicetti 2016, updated 2017(MF), updated 2018(MF & JM), updated
• Unix server through Putty for compiling and testing
• Notepad ++ for writing solutions
• LMS for submission
• The code o Submitted as a .c file in the normal assignment submission portal. (Do not submit the executable.)
Plagiarism is the submission of somebody else’s work in a manner that gives the impression that the work is your own. For individual assignments, plagiarism includes the case where two or more students work collaboratively on the assignment. The School of Engineering and Mathematics treats plagiarism very seriously. When it is detected, penalties are strictly imposed.
This program will perform different operations on images saved as Bitmaps. (extension .bmp)
The output files for this assignment are bmp, and hence you will need to open the results in windows or on macOS using a suitable image editor.
If you want to add your own images you can but they must be 24-bit Bitmaps, and the width of the image*3 must be divisible by 4
The program will perform the following different operations on images:
Print image information – Print a summary of the image properties
Save a copy of an image – Load and save a copy of an image
Change Luminosity – Make image lighter or darker
Remove channel - Remove either the red, blue or green components of an image
Quantize – Reduce the number of colours in an image
Invert – Invert all the colours in an image
Flip Horizontally – Flip the image horizontally
Crop – Cut a section out of the image to make a new image
Please note this is not the ideal solution, but one designed to test your understanding of various topics.
1. You must include the stdio.h, stdlib.h and string.h libraries
2. Add the following macro
3. The following structs are to be used
4. The following function prototypes are to be used:
a. All are described below
b. You can change the naming
c. You cannot change the types
Each function is described by a different document. These documents can be found on LMS or the links below.
First four functions involve opening a file and printing the information in the file, make sure to test and ensure these are working before continuing.
The next two functions involve saving to a file, make sure to test and ensure these are working before continuing.
The next two functions are for changing the luminosity, make sure to test and ensure these are working before continuing.
The next four functions are for removing a channel, make sure to test and ensure these are working before continuing.
The next two functions are for inverting the image, make sure to test and ensure these are working before continuing.
The next two functions are for quantizing the image, make sure to test and ensure these are working before continuing. THESE FUNCTIONS ARE MORE DIFFICULT
The next two functions are for quantizing the image, make sure to test and ensure these are working before continuing. THESE FUNCTIONS ARE MORE DIFFICULT
The next two functions are for cropping the image, make sure to test and ensure these are working before continuing. THESE FUNCTIONS ARE VERY DIFFICULT, ONLY ATTEPT IF YOU HAVE TIME AND UNDERSTANDING
• You are only allowed to include the stdio.h, stdlib.h and string.h header files. No others. Do not use conio.h
• You cannot use goto statements.
• Formatting can be changed if the user interface is user friendly
• Text to user needs to be easily understandable. You can change the text but the same inputs must be used.
• The program must print YOUR student number, name and the assignment number as specified.
• The program must print the password as specified.
• The code must be done using ANSI C and compile on using gcc • Code must not crash or have the potential to crash due to stack overflow or segmentation fault
• Types should be used appropriately.
• Variables should be limited to an appropriate scope
• You must use comments to explain significant lines of code. Read documentation guide
• You must use comments to explain how to use the functions and solution
• The code should be around 400 – 600 lines of code without the bonus (without comments). If your code is significantly larger you may want to reconsider your approach.
Part 1.
Solve the problem by implementing a program using C code.
Given on LMS, assignment tab
Automatic Deductions
• Use of goto minus 40 marks
• No student number minus 100 marks
• No password minus 100 marks
• Includes header files outside of stdio.h, stdlib.h and string.h minus 60 marks
main – 5 points
Main menu exits, selects function and repeats correctly 0
Does not compile or not attempted. 1
Many or major mistakes 2
Some mistakes 2
Implemented correctly
Functions are called correctly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. (function not implemented can be commented out) 1
Implemented correctly
Menu is user friendly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
load_image – 14 points
struct RGB_Image is used correctly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
concat is used correctly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
fopen called correctly, and
if file not found prints message to user and returns 1 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
fseek called correctly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
header information is read and is stored appropriately 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
Dynamic memory is created correctly 0
Does not compile or not attempted. 1
Many or major mistakes 2
Some mistakes 5
Implemented correctly
Pixels are read and stored correctly 0
Does not compile or not attempted. 1
Many or major mistakes 2
Some mistakes 3
Implemented correctly
File is closed correctly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
free_pixels – 2 poi nts
rows are freed correctly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
Row pointers are freed correctly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
print_information_image – 4 points
load_image called correctly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
Information printed correctly 0
Does not compile or not attempted. 1
Many or major mistakes 2
Some mistakes 3
Implemented correctly
save_image – 10 points
strcpy is used correctly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 2
Implemented correctly
fopen called correctly for writing 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
Header information correct 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
Pixels are written correctly to the file 0
Does not compile or not attempted. 1
Many or major mistakes 2
Some mistakes 3
Implemented correctly
File is closed correctly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
save_copy_image – 5 points
load_image function called correctly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
save_image function called correctly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 2
Implemented correctly
Image file is copied correctly (check file) 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
Memory is freed 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
change_luminosity_image , change_luminosity_pixels – 8 points
Luminosity level scanned from user correctly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
Concatenation of file name performed correctly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 2
Implemented correctly
change_luminosity_pixels called correctly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
Luminosity changed correctly, positive, negative,
limits (check file) 0
Does not compile or not attempted. 1
Many or major mistakes 2
Some mistakes 4
Implemented correctly
remove_channel_image, remove_red_pixels, remove_green_pixels, remove_blue_pixels – 7 points
Menu implemented
correctly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
Concatenation of file name performed correctly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
The three pixel functions are called correctly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
Colour is removed from image (check file) 0
Does not compile or not attempted. 1
Many or major mistakes 2
Some mistakes 4
Implemented correctly
invert_image, invert_pixels – 5 points
Invert_image function is implemented correctly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
Pixels are inverted correctly (check file) 0
Does not compile or not attempted. 1
Many or major mistakes 2
Some mistakes 4
Implemented correctly
quantize_image, quantize_pixels – 6 points
Menu implemented
correctly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
Concatenation of file name performed correctly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
Images are quantized correctly (check file) 0
Does not compile or not attempted. 1
Many or major mistakes 2
Some mistakes 4
Implemented correctly
flip_horizontal_pixels, flip_horizontal_image– 8 points
Images are flipped correctly (check file) 0
Does not compile or not attempted. 2
Many or major mistakes 6
Some mistakes 8
Implemented correctly
crop_image, re_allocate_pixels – 7 points
Realloc used correctly 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
Members updated
correctly – including file size, width and height 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 1
Implemented correctly
All memory freed correctly with no memory leaks 0
Does not compile, not attempted or any mistakes. 4
Implemented correctly
Images is cropped correctly (check file) 0
Does not compile or not attempted. 1
Implemented correctly
All - 20 points
Is the code correctly indented? 0
The code is not indented or very poorly indented, or lack of attempt 1
Several errors in indenting. 2
Code is indented appropriately.
Are variables named appropriately 0
Variables are named poorly, or lack of attempt 1
Variables are named suitably for the code. 3
Variables are named suitably for the code and the domain.
Are variables limited to an appropriate scope? 0
Any globals used, or lack
of attempt 1
Variables are not limited to an appropriate scope. 3
Variables are limited to an appropriate scope.
Are appropriate variable types used where appropriate? 0
All variables are declared as the largest types, or lack of attempt 1
Some types are not suitable. 2
All variable types are suitable.
Is there no unsafe behavior 0
Unsafe behavior, or lack of attempt
Code does not crash or have the potential to crash due to stack
overflow or segmentation fault
Comment at the top of the code explain implementation and purpose. And suitable comments throughout the code. 0
No comments 2
Poor comments 3
Reasonable comments 5
Excellent documentation