Recent Question/Assignment

HND732: Diabetes in Social and Psychological Contexts
Assessment 2: Support for empowerment
This document supplies detailed information on assessment tasks for this unit.
Key information
• Due: Monday 3 June, 2019 – no later than 11.59pm EST
• Weighting: 60%
• Word count: 3000 words
“Credentialled Diabetes Educators (CDEs) apply evidence based education and self-management skills, interventions and techniques to improve outcomes for people with prediabetes and diabetes”. Australian Diabetes Educator’s Association, 2017, p. 9) .
Empowerment is an effective approach for promoting positive emotional, behavioural and psychological outcomes and to help individuals to make informed choices to self-manage their health (Anderson & Funnell.
2010) .
Task description
Critically examine the concept of empowerment and how it relates to self-management of diabetes, focusing on three unique life stages/age groups and key life transitions during adolescence, middle age, and older adulthood. In your response, discuss evidence-based strategies to empower and support individuals and their families to adjust to living with diabetes and self-manage their condition, during these life stages and transitions.
Learning Outcomes
This assessment assesses the following Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO) and related Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO):
Unit Learning Outcome (ULO) Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)
ULO 2: Identify key aspects of life transitions of GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities chronic illness and their relevance to diabetes GLO 4: Critical thinking education. GLO 5: Problem solving
ULO 4: Identify strategies within a multidisciplinary GLO 1: Discipline- specific knowledge and capabilities:
team that can be adopted in clinical practice when appropriate to the level of study related to a
considering the impact of diabetes on people’s discipline or profession lifestyles and emotional well-being. GLO 5: Problem solving
ULO 5: Explain the concept of empowerment GLO 1: Discipline- specific knowledge and capabilities:
and/or self-efficacy in relation to consumer appropriate to the level of study related to a participation and health promotion. discipline or profession GLO 5: Problem solving
ULO 6: Identify key aspects relevant to diabetes management of people from diverse backgrounds and vulnerable populations. GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities
GLO 4: Critical thinking: evaluating information using
critical and analytical thinking and judgment
GLO5: Problem solving
GLO8: Global citizenship
• Use information from what you have learned from the course material, readings and your own research of the topic.
• Draw on theoretical concepts provided in the unit.
• Familiarise yourself with the online resources provided on Future Learn.
• Access relevant contemporary literature to support the information in your essay. References should mainly include refereed journal articles and text books.
• The suggested readings in the unit are a good place to start. References to non-peer reviewed websites, information designed for consumers and/or Wikipedia are not appropriate for this assessment task.
• Make sure you self-assess your assignment against the marking rubric available before submission. This enables you to make sure all the required areas have been covered.
Presentation requirements
• Front page: to include student name and number, Assignment title and word count.
• Adhere to word limit requirements (within 10%). The word count does not include headings, references page, reference citations and direct quotes.
• A reference list should be provided on a separate page headed ‘References’ at the end of the assignment.
• Appendices (if applicable) are attached after the reference list page.
• Do not include a table of contents unless instructed to do so.
• Headings are not necessary for this assignment task.
12-point type size.
Times or Times New Roman.
Double-line spacing throughout, including reference list (Do not insert extra lines between paragraphs or the references list entries.)
Page numbers
Page numbers to be provided in the top right hand corner on all pages except the front page.
2.54 cm at the top, bottom, left-hand, and right-hand sides of the page.
Paragraph indents
Indent the first line of each paragraph (using the tab key or paragraph tool).
Exceptions: abstract, block quotations, titles and headings, table titles and notes (consult with APA 6 style manual for specific detail).
Justification of text
All text needs to be aligned to the left, not justified.
Your assignment must contain a purposeful introduction outlining some general background to the topic, an aim and purpose and themes for discussion (approximately 10% of the word limit).
The body of the assignment will constitute about 80% of the word limit and provide key arguments supported by literature. The body of the assignment is normally organised in paragraphs of approximately 150 words with each paragraph focused on explanation of one idea. There should be a logical progression of ideas as demonstrated by logically linked arguments/discussion made in each paragraph. Each paragraph should commence with a topic sentence and end with a link to the next paragraph.
The conclusion paragraph should provide a summation of ideas, draw together the discussion, present no new material (references are not expected in the conclusion paragraph) and offer your position drawn from the discussion (approximately 10% of the word limit).
Academic writing style
The conventions of written English are expected to be followed to ensure clarity of discussion. This includes correct use of grammar, punctuation and spelling as well as the use of appropriate sentence and paragraph structure. It is also expected that word choice will be formal and professional language will be used.
Resources for essay writing
The following links provide guidance for essay writing
Acknowledge sources and adhere to referencing conventions as per APA Style
Paraphrasing and direct quotations
Unless really necessary, most assignments do not require the use of direct quotes. Instead, re-expression of author arguments (paraphrasing) into your own words is required. Paraphrasing of author arguments/statements must be supported by a reference. If a direct quotation is used, you must explain how it adds to the discussion and provide a reference as per APA Style guide 6.
Turnitin (Feedback Studio)
The Turnitin/Feedback Studio is a program that allows you to check whether there is any copied material in your assignment. Checking prior to submission in the dropbox gives you the opportunity to correct any errors. See the following link to Turnitin 3.1517178021-1392669345.1509937587
Academic integrity, plagiarism and collusion
Plagiarism and collusion constitute extremely serious breaches of academic integrity. They are forms of cheating, and severe penalties are associated with them, including cancellation of marks for a specific assignment, for a specific unit or even exclusion from the course. If you are ever in doubt about how to properly use and cite a source of information refer to the referencing site above.
Plagiarism occurs when a student passes off as the student’s own work, or copies without acknowledgement as to its authorship, the work of any other person or resubmits their own work from a previous assessment task. Collusion occurs when a student obtains the agreement of another person for a fraudulent purpose, with the intent of obtaining an advantage in submitting an assignment or other work.
Work submitted may be reproduced and/or communicated by the university for the purpose of assuring academic integrity of submissions:
Submission details
Your assignment is to be converted to a PDF document before submission. Please check the document before submitting to the dropbox to ensure the formatting has not changed. Software for converting word documents to PDF is available to download from the Deakin software catalogue at no cost.
This assignment task is to be submitted via Turnitin - FutureLearn Step (Course 3, Week 1).
To ensure appropriate support is available should any technical issues arise, you are strongly advised to submit your assignment before 4pm on the due date.
You are responsible for ensuring that the correct version of your assessment task is properly uploaded into the correct assessment dropbox.
Extension requests
Requests for extensions should be made to the Unit Chair well in advance of the assessment due date. Please follow the link for detailed information and form:
Special consideration
You may be eligible for special consideration if circumstances beyond your control prevent you from undertaking or completing an assessment task at the scheduled time. See the following link for advice on the application process:
Assessment feedback
Individual feedback on your assessment task will be available after the feedback release date from where you submit your assignment. Feedback is provided via written comments on your assignment and on the rubric. Review your feedback and use it to help you in your next assignment.

Editable Microsoft Word Document
Word Count: 3111 words including References

Topic Selected: Diabetes and it's chronic transition

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