Recent Question/Assignment

Assessment Task 3 Digital Presentation (40%)
Assessment name: Health Alterations Assessment Task 3 digital presentation
Marking Criteria measured: 1. Discuss the pathophysiology and foundational nursing concepts
2. Articulate the role of the registered nurse in providing and encouraging access
to, and participation in healthcare
3. Application of professional frameworks, ethical and legal codes and standards
to decision making
4. Evidence of collaboration, Quality of communication including grammar and
5. Accuracy of citation and referencing using the Harvard referencing system
Length: 1000 words
Estimated time to complete task: 25 hours
Weighting: 40 %
Individual/Group: Group (In Pairs)
Formative/Summative: Summative
How will I be assessed: 7-point grading scale using a rubric
Due date: Friday 17th May submitted via safe assign in your NUR241 Blackboard site by 4 pm.
Presentation requirements: This assessment task must:
• Be a PDF file poster that contains an introduction, body and conclusion, addressing the task.
• use Harvard referencing for citing academic literature
• be submitted in electronic format as a PDF document via SafeAssign.
Task description: The goal of this task is to know and apply professional, ethical and legal codes and standards to decision making for the person with a health alteration. You will interpret and use evidence to analyse the clinical healthcare of a person with a health alteration. To do this you will in pairs critique a nursing practice guideline or protocol.

What you need to do: Step 1: Search and find a guideline, policy or procedure that discusses the management of one of the disease processes covered in the weekly lectures (listed below).
• Asthma

If you are concerned about your choice of guideline of protocol, please discuss this with your tutor at the end of tutorial or at student drop ins. Do not discuss paediatric guidelines
Step 2: Discuss and argue the pathophysiological basis for the interventions (no more than 2) discussed within the guideline/policy/procedure

Step 3: Discuss the nursing considerations related to these interventions
(My nursing interventions are: Inhaler as short acting medicine and medication therapy such as Ipratropium- write the pathophysiology – about how it works)
Step 4: Identify how the interventions and corresponding nursing action align with relevant nursing professional, frameworks ethical and legal codes such as the RN practice standards, codes of conduct and ethics.
1. Make sure you draw on best available evidence to support your assessment. Journal articles must be no older than 5 years old. Textbooks no older than 7 years old may be used sparingly and only to support pathophysiological information.
2. Referencing correctly is an easy way to secure marks so put effort into this. Make sure you reference from credible journals that are related to the topic. For example; do not use references that are related to oxygen administration in children as this information is not transferable to this patient. It needs to be applicable to this patient.
3. Do not use google! Use the library databases.
4. This is an academic essay written in academic language: use third person, do not use ‘I’
5. Make sure you use correct terminology within your assessment.
The case study assignment is a group Assessment Item. You may work collaboratively with other students to understand concepts in this course, but your answers must be your groups research, interpretation and application of the materials.

Suggested Format • No Template is provided for this task because it requires you to show your individual flair and creativity in creating a poster that meets the task description and rubric criteria.
• I suggest you create the poster in PowerPoint then save it as a pdf file for submission.
• Please ensure you place both students first and last names as per your USC enrollment and student number on the poster.
Resources needed to complete task: • Harvard Referencing guide

NUR241 Assessment Task 3 Digital Presentations Rubric Weighting: 40 %
Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Creative and critical thinkers
LO:1 Weighting: 10%
Discuss the pathophysiology and foundational nursing concepts
discussed in relation to the chosen disease process and as a rationale for the implementation of discussed nursing interventions Pathophysiology broadly
discussed with some minor gaps/omissions in relation to the chosen disease process. and as a rationale for the implementation of discussed nursing interventions Some pathophysiology
discussed, but some
gaps/omissions in relation to the chosen disease process. and as a rationale for the implementation of discussed nursing interventions Minimal pathophysiology
Discussed at a surface level. Major gaps/omissions in relation to the chosen disease process. and as a rationale for the implementation of discussed nursing interventions There was little coverage of the essential pathophysiological Concepts in relation to the chosen disease process. and as a rationale for the implementation of discussed nursing interventions
LO:1,5 Weighting: 10%
Articulate the role of the registered nurse in providing and encouraging access to, and participation in healthcare Insightful and sophisticated discussion of the actions the Registered Nurse may take to manage the needs of the person and their family requiring healthcare. Thoughtful and informed discussion of the actions the Registered Nurse may take to manage the needs of the person and their family requiring healthcare. Clear and coherent discussion of the actions the Registered Nurse may take to manage the needs of the person and their family requiring healthcare. Adequate discussion of the actions the Registered Nurse may take to manage the needs of the person and their family requiring healthcare. Incomplete or superficial discussion of the actions the Registered Nurse may take to manage the needs of the person and their family requiring healthcare.
LO: 2, 5 Weighting: 10%
Application of professional frameworks, ethical and legal codes and standards to decision making Provided a highly
convincing, comprehensive
discussion on how the guideline/policy/procedure aligns with the role and responsibilities of the RN
For the most part, provided
a convincing and comprehensive discussion on how the guideline/policy/procedure aligns with the role and responsibilities of the RN
Provided at times a sound discussion on how the guideline/policy/procedure aligns with the role and responsibilities of the RN
Provided an adequate discussion on how the Guideline/policy/ procedure aligns with the role and responsibilities of the RN, but with obvious gaps in knowledge and understanding. Provided a weak justification
for the proposed discussion on how the guideline/policy/ procedure aligns with the role and responsibilities of the RN, but obvious major gaps in knowledge and understanding.
LO:4 Weighting: 5%
Evidence of collaboration, Quality of communication including grammar and spelling 1. Poster is articulate with a logical succinct expression of argument. Correct terminology and professional language used throughout, there were no mistakes in English expression, spelling, grammar &/or syntax
Kept to word limit. Poster arguments are expressed logically and succinctly Poster uses correct terminology and professional language,
2. There were very few minor mistakes in English expression, spelling, grammar &/or syntax, that do not interfere with meaning.
Kept to word limit. 3. Poster expressed arguments succinctly with a logical progression. correct terminology and professional language used, Infrequent mistakes in English expression, spelling, grammar &/or syntax that do not impede meaning.
Kept to word limit.
Poster is structured to present arguments in a logical progression. use of correct terminology, syntax and professional language was adequate, and there were occasional mistakes in English expression, spelling, grammar &/or syntax that impede meaning.
4. Sentences are limited in variety.
Kept to word limit. Poster did not have a clear focus, arguments were not clearly constructed, and/or it was difficult to discern a logical progression Poster contained incorrect terminology or unprofessional/ inappropriate word use. Frequent mistakes in English expression, spelling, grammar & syntax that impeded meaning.
5. Was under or over the word limit.
LO:4 Weighting: 5%
Accuracy of citation and referencing using the Harvard referencing system Arguments consistently supported from 10 high quality sources
Citation and referencing comply with Harvard referencing style Arguments consistently supported 8-10 relevant sources.
Citation and referencing comply with Harvard referencing style Arguments supported throughout the Poster from 6-8 relevant sources. Citation and referencing comply with Harvard referencing style Support is provided for arguments throughout the Poster from 5 relevant sources. Citation and referencing comply with Harvard referencing style Insufficient support provided to evidence arguments made in the poster and/or citation and referencing format errors
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