Recent Question/Assignment
2:421 .11 4G V-
Individual Assignment
Marked out of 25, counts for 25% of the final mark
DUE: In class, in hardcopy on Monday May 27th, 2019. Also submit a version online via the
Moodie site before midnight May 27., 2019 MST.
(NOTE: A typo on the subject outline suggests Tuesday Week 12 as the due date. This is
incorrect. Correctly it should read: Monday Week 12)
This assignment involves the developrnent of a complete research proposal. Such proposals are often required of students starting (coursework) Masters projects, Masters by Research projects or PhD projects. With some variations, this experience will also be useful for those of you who might need to submit funding proposals to research funding agencies in your future ca reers.
The assignment involves the following steps:
1. Identify a topic that addresses some aspect of the Internet of Things (loT), possibly the topic that you addressed in Assignment One (but this is not mandatory). Students who received feedback suggesting that their Assignment One topic was too general, or otherwise unsuitable, should avoid going back to the same topic.
2. The proposal must be written using the UOW thesis templates (Latex or Word), organized as a sequence of chapters.
3. The proposal must contain the following chapters (these are minimum requirements —with your instructor's approval you can provide additional content):
a. Introduction: You need to motivate the problem, state your high-level research questions, explain which gaps in the literature you propose to address, summarize the rest of the proposal, provide an overview of the structure of the proposal and explain how the proposed research would lead to practical impact (if any).
b. Background: Here you need to survey the literature that is relevant to your proposal. You must survey a minimum of 30 papers. You can draw inspiration from survey papers published in outlets such as ACM Computing Surveys. A survey achieves the following:
1. It explains the existing literature on a given topic
2. It offers (an often novel) taxonomy of the existing proposals in the literature
3. It identifies open questions
c. Aims and significance: Here you need to outline the overall objectives of the research, provide detailed motivations, refine the overall objectives to specific research questions (first listed in the introduction chapter), and position the proposal in the context of the existing literature.
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c. Aims and significance: Here you need to outline the overall objectives of the research, provide detailed motivations, refine the overall objectives to specific research questions (first listed in the introduction chapter), and position the proposal in the context of the existing literature.
d. Research plan: Here you need to refine your objectives to the level of specific tasks or work packages. You need to explain in detail what you will do in each task, and connect these to the overall outcomes. You need to provide a detailed timeline (in the form of a Gantt Chart) explaining in what sequence you will execute these tasks (assume a horizon of 36 months). You also need to provide a publication plan, listing the expected results you will publish, where you will submit these resu. (conferences and/or journals) a. when. You can interleave the task plan and publication plan in the same Gantt Chart. Ensure that the publication plan involves high-quality outlets (i.e., don't list poor quality conferences and journals).
e. Conclusion: Here you need to summarize the rest of the document and identify five open questions (see Assignment One for more detail on what is expected here) that you will not have addressed at the end of your proposed research project.
4. Use any one of the following: (I) the Harvard referencing style, (2) the IEEE style or (3) the Springer LN. style.