Recent Question/Assignment
Mulga Meadows
Mulga Meadows is a gold mining company that operates open-pit mines in Western Australia.
Potential sites are spread throughout the state. In addition to the quality of the deposit, issues of transportation, native title, and facilities for employees are also important considerations in determining which potential sites will be developed.
Extraction involves mining large quantities of ore that are then processed as per the flow chart below (see Figure 1) .
Figure 1 – Gold mining process flow chart
Create a spreadsheet to allow scenario planning for Mulga Meadows. You can focus on any aspect (or combinations) of the company’s operation (such as site feasibility analysis, mining, processing, or rehabilitation). Your model will:
1. Identify at least three stakeholders affected by the operations of the business (in terms of the sustainability criteria in requirement 2).
2. Identify at least 3 sustainability criteria, at least one in each of the categories of economic, social, and environmental performance.
a. Identify and justify where you obtained each criteria and how it is measured.
b. Provide an ethical evaluation of each criteria (maximum 100 words each).
3. Identify a legislative requirement relating to the operations of the business.
4. Identify at least four choices that will affect your criteria.
Your model should allow you to input choices and see the effect on the criteria. This will require you to make assumptions about the relationships between the choices and performance criteria that should be clearly stated and able to be adjusted.
(Note that throughout your work on the assignment it will be important that you plan, apply, and reflect upon your teamwork. You will report on your application of good team-management processes in the oral presentation.)
Instruction document for Excel Spreadsheet
User requirements for the spreadsheet model:
Organise your spreadsheet with a title page and menu, with links to the key areas/ worksheets as follows:
Identification: The title of the spreadsheet, who created it, what it was created for, the date of creation and the date the spreadsheet was last altered.
Documentation: Including instruction on how to use the spreadsheet, limitations, and assumptions. Demonstrate UNDERSTANDING AND RESPONDING TO NEED by summarising your response to each of the four requirements listed in the ‘Required section” identifying specifically how each of the four requirements has been met.
Data: A clear LAYOUT and clear labels are important. Much of the data may be assumed (in which case make sure that this is made clear).
Workings: Workings should be presented separately. This will make the user interface less cluttered and easier to understand. It also allows any complex calculations to be clearly explained, and therefore AUDITABLE. All formulas should be ACCURATE. There should be no numbers included in formulae – it should all be based on links to the data so that your model will be FLEXIBLE.
Input/ Output: Here the focus should be on organising the input and output cells for USABILITY. LAYOUT and USABILITY are particularly important in this area.
In the documentation area/ worksheet provide a table with each of these principles in the far left column and showing the excel function or design characteristic that supports that principle and another column with the cell reference(s) or area where it can be found.
Principle Excel Function or design characteristic that demonstrates that you have incorporated the principle Cell reference(s) and link
Excel functions:
• Cell naming; Conditional formatting; At least one appropriate graph; Data input with a dropdown list; Data input with error messages for unacceptable input; If statement; A menu with hyperlinks; Additional Excel Function
Principles of good spreadsheet design:
In building these sections of your spreadsheet model pay particular attention the following principles of good spreadsheet design (see further Excel Fundamentals.doc in the assessment tab on Blackboard).
Understanding and Responding to Need: The user’s need is summarised in the identification page, and then related to the use of the spreadsheet model in the documentation. The documentation also relates features of the model to the user’s needs.
Accurate: No errors in formulae. All spelling is correct.
Usability: Instructions, limitations and assumptions clearly specified in the documentation page. Clear labelling throughout. Model is organised, or Excel functionality is included, to make it easy and efficient for the user.
Flexibility: Data can be easily changed without compromising the model’s integrity. Model signals if the relevant range is exceeded (either through limits on input values or messages contingent on output).
Auditable: Explanation for workings. Use of cell labels so that formula can be read. No numbers typed directly into formulae.
Layout: Use of the separate areas/ worksheets. Structure of the input/ output areas so that the effects of changes in input can be seen in the same view as the input.
Oral Presentation (individual)
In Week 12 (or otherwise negotiated with your lecturer) you will make a 5 minute oral presentation. You will be marked individually and you must address all of the points noted below.
The focus of your presentation will be on the ways in which you and your team planned and managed the coordination and teamwork necessary to complete the assignment. It is important that any concerns about other team member’s performance be dealt with constructively and you should focus on what YOU have learned from the experience, and what YOU might have done better.
Because you will need to address the planning that you did as a team, preparation for your presentation should begin as soon as you form your team.
In addition to your presentation, you should provide a brief summary of your reflections for each of the following (maximum of 200 words each).
Knowledge and application of effective group processes
(In your reflection consider the following: Describe ways and any resources used in order to effectively manage the group’s processes and roles. Identify any instances where conflict arose within the Group - how was this dealt with as a group - and how did you deal with it personally? If there were no instances of conflict - why do you think there wasn't any? How would you have dealt with it had there been any conflict?)
Effective interpersonal skills when engaging with team members
(In your reflection consider the following: Identify the ways in which the group worked or did not work co-operatively. What interpersonal skills were the most important? Are there any interpersonal skills you feel you need to develop further and how might you achieve this?)
Recognise and capitalise on the skills of group members
(In your reflection consider the following: How did the group assign roles and responsibilities to each member? How did you assist the group to identify and develop the right role allocation? If the roles had been allocated differently, would the outcome have been better?)
Recognise and respect diversity of values and experience of group members
(In your reflection consider the following: Identify any individual differences in terms of values and experience among the group members. How did the group accommodate these differences? Were there any areas that could have been handled differently?)
Contribute equally to group tasks
(In your reflection consider the following: How did the group assign workload equitably across the group? How was this monitored, and what steps were taken if some group members were not contributing as agreed? Do you believe that you contributed appropriately or did you do more or less than others, and if so, why?)
In addition to the quality of your reflection on these issues, you will also be marked on the quality of your oral presentation skills. Please see the marking rubric for further details.