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1Assessment Event 1 – Short Answer Questions 3Question 1 3Question 2 3Question 3 4Question 4 4Assessment Event 2: Go Green Simulation 5Task 1: Develop Workplace Sustainability Policy 51.1 Gather information 51.2 Develop scope 51.3 Develop policies and procedures 61.4 Develop implementation plan for policies and procedures 61.5 Seek approval with policy and procedures plan 6Task 2: Communicate Workplace Sustainability Policy 7Promote policies and procedures to users 7Task 3: Implement Workplace Sustainability Policy 7Record results with implementation of policies and procedures 7Task 4: Review Workplace Sustainability Policy Implementation 74.1 Identify any variance and provide feedback to stakeholders 74.2 Identify and analyse issues with the implementation 84.3 Modify policy and procedures 8Appendix A: Go Green Simulation 9Go Green Simulation Background 9Simulation Details 9Your Role in the Simulation 9Phase 1: 9Phase 2: 9Phase 3: 9Assessment Conditions for the Observation Session 10Appendix B: Observation Check Sheet 11Assessment Submission SheetCourse Title Advanced Diploma of Business Course Code BSB60215Unit Title Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability Unit Code BSBSUS501Version 7.0 Created on April 2016Please read and sign this assessment coversheet and submit it together with your assessment to your Assessor by the due date.Student Name Student IDAssessor Date DueDeclaration I affirm that all work submitted in this assessment is my own work and does not involve plagiarism or teamwork other than that authorised for any particular assessment activity. I have read the Student Assessment Handbook under Section 2 Assessment Guidelines and understood the serious consequences in case this work is found plagiarised.Student Signature: Date Signed: ____/____/____Assessor Use OnlyFirst Submission Date Re-submission Date Re-assessment Date0S0NYS___/___/____ 0S0NYS___/___/____ 0S 0NYS___/___/____Feedback: Trainer/Assessor’s Comments:I hereby confirm that I have been given feedback from the Assessor and I agree with the assessment outcome.Student Signature Assessor Signature Date ___/___/______Student Feedback on Assessment: Would you like to make any comments about this assessment?Assessment ReceiptStudent Name Student IDCourse Code & Title BSB60215 Advanced Diploma of Business Extension Granted Yes ? No ?Unit Code & Title BSBSUS501 Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability Date Received ___/___/____First Submission ? Re-submission ? Re-assessment ? Received byAssessment InformationWelcome to your Student Assessment Guide for BSBSUS501 Develop Workplace Policy and Procedures for Sustainability.This Student Assessment Guide will give you the opportunity to show your skills in developing and implementing workplace sustainability policy and procedures. You will achieve this through taking part in a simulation titled Go Green, an initiative set up by your RTO.This assessment has the following two events:Assessment Event 1 – Short Answer QuestionsThere are four questions that will provide us with evidence on your general knowledge of legislation related to sustainability, the processes used to develop policy, and barriers to implementation.This assessment is completed in your own time and by a submission date provided by your assessor. You may use support material in the development of your answers, but you must indicate the source. In addition, you must not cut and paste answers from your source, rather, use your own words, unless it is a direct quote.Assessment Event 2 – Simulation: Go GreenYou will complete a number of tasks in developing policies and procedures for your RTO in a recent sustainability initiative proposed by your Manager. These tasks will be based on your role as a Sustainability Officer in a simulation titled Go Green.Remember, you do not type your answers in this Student Assessment Guide, but use the Student Assessment Workbook, which is a separate document. This document is simply a guide to explain what you are required to do, and by doing so, this will assist you to perform at your best.Please note that your responses for both assessments can (where appropriate) use dot point format. See below for an example of a dot point answers and a full sentence:Dot point format Presentation Plan includes the following:• outcomes• needs of the audience• context.Full sentence format When you are preparing for a presentation, there some tasks that must be carried out. These are listing the outcomes that you want to achieve, followed by the identification of the needs of your audience. When you have completed these two tasks, you then check on the room that you will be conducting the presentation.Note that to be deemed competent for this unit, you must achieve a satisfactory outcome for all of the assessment questions and tasks. This includes meeting the following conditions:• you must complete all of the tasks outlined in this Student Assessment Guide document to the standard indicated in the performance requirements; these are listed under each of the tasks• you will then submit your completed workbook to your assessor electronically (note, your assessor may allow you to submit Assessment Event 1 and receive feedback before starting Assessment Event 2)• you must perform the above two points within the given timeframes by your Assessor• you must complete both assessment events and submit by the deadline specified by your Assessor• your work must be your own work and in your own words• where you use to an external source, you must provide citation.Please be aware that your Assessor is here to provide you with the necessary support throughout the assessment process so that you can achieve the desired outcomes. If you have questions, then contact them for guidance.Assessment Event 1 – Short Answer QuestionsThe information contained in this assessment event lists the questions that you will need to develop a written response. These questions are theoretical and provide evidence of your understanding of legislation, writing policies and procedures and strategies to implement them in a workplace. Each question includes a word count to give you an indication of the depth and the performance requirements to achieve a satisfactory result for each answer.Question 1Using the table below, outline legislation that relates to sustainability and provide an explanation.Performance requirements (PR): to achieve a satisfactory response for this question you will need to:PR 1. list two federal legislations:a. table correct title and yearb. must be relevant to your workplacec. word count is not criticalPR 2. provide an explanation for each legislation, which must be:a. accurateb. specificc. cleard. in your own wordse. with a word count that is approximately 30 words per explanation.Legislation ExplanationQuestion 2Using the table below, identify and explain internal and external sources of information that can be used to plan and develop an organisation’s sustainability policy.Performance requirements (PR): to achieve a satisfactory response for this question you will need to:PR 1. list three internal and external sources of information:a. these sources must be appropriateb. these sources must be specificc. word count is approximately five words per sourcePR 2. provide an explanation for each source:a. your explanations must be appropriateb. your explanations must be specificc. word count is approximately 15 words per explanation.Internal sources of information ExplanationExternal sources of information ExplanationQuestion 3Explain typical processes that could be used in an organisation to develop policy and procedures.Performance requirements (PR): to achieve a satisfactory response for this question you will need to:PR 1. provide four processes:a. these must be relevantb. these must be specificc. you must not have duplication in your processesd. word count is approximately 10 words per process.Question 4Using the table below, outline typical barriers to implementing policies and procedures, and provide strategies to address them.Performance requirements (PR): to achieve a satisfactory response for this question you will need to:PR 1. provide three barriers:a. these must be relevantb. these must be specificc. these must not duplicate other barriersd. word count is not criticalPR 2. provide two strategies for each of the three barriers:a. these must be relevantb. these must be specificc. word count is approximately 10 words for each strategy.Barriers StrategiesAssessment Event 2: Go Green SimulationIn this assessment, you will undertake a number of tasks associated with planning and implementing a set of policies and procedures for Go Green. The focus is on recycling, minimising resource use and reducing toxic substances. To achieve this, you will perform the following actions:• develop your sustainability policy and procedures• communicate this to users of the sustainability initiative• implement the policy and procedures• review and improve the policy and procedures.The simulation in Assessment Event 2 has its own set of requirements related to the type of environment, facilities and equipment (where applicable). Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with this comprehensive set of requirements that underpin this simulation. This includes understanding the background of the simulation and the criteria you will be assessed. These are located in the Appendix of this document.Task 1: Develop Workplace Sustainability PolicyIn this task, you will plan the development of your policies and procedures.1.1 Gather informationPerformance requirements (PR): to achieve a satisfactory response for this subtask you must:PR 1. gather information from three sources:a. information must include secondary and primary datab. primary data will be a documented discussion with stakeholdersc. information must be relevant to the three processesd. information tabled must be specific to enable the scoping of their projectsPR 2. word count is approximately 500 words in total.1.2 Develop scopePerformance requirements (PR): to achieve a satisfactory response for this subtask you must:PR 1. identify the location of your project that covers all of the following processes:a. recyclingb. reduction of resource usagec. reduction of hazardous substanced. word count is not criticalPR 2. within this location, provide an overview of what sustainable issues you intend to write a policy for:a. overview must explain what the issues areb. overview must include why you selected these issues in terms of their impactc. overview must be cleard. word count is approximately 150 words in total.1.3 Develop policies and proceduresPerformance requirements (PR): to achieve a satisfactory response for this subtask you must:PR 1. develop policy and procedures for each process, which must:a. have a minimum of five procedures for each policy statementb. be written specifically for each procedure for each processc. use a language that is clear and can be understood by usersd. align to the organisation’s business goalse. have a word count which is approximately 300 words per process.1.4 Develop implementation plan for policies and proceduresPerformance requirements (PR): to achieve a satisfactory response for this subtask you must:PR 1. develop an implementation plan on how you intend to ensure that the policies and procedures will be followed:a. include a minimum of six activities to be undertaken for each of the three processesb. assign responsibilities for each activityc. list performance indicators for each activityPR 2. word count is approximately 250 words.1.5 Seek approval with policy and procedures planPerformance requirements (PR): to achieve a satisfactory response for this subtask you must:PR 1. send an email to your manager with a recommendation to approve your plan which will include:a. statement on how plan aligns to the organisation’s goalb. the return on investmentc. timeframes for implementation of each actiond. word count is approximately 300 wordsPR 2. make modifications to your implementation plan based on feedback received:a. these modifications must be accurateb. attach feedback in your Student Assessment Workbookc. word count is not critical as it is dependent on the feedback received.Task 2: Communicate Workplace Sustainability PolicyIn this task, you will deliver a session to inform users of the policy, on how to implement the procedures into their workplace.Promote policies and procedures to usersPerformance requirements (PR): to achieve a satisfactory response for this subtask you must:PR 1. plan and deliver an information session to two stakeholders of the organisation, including:a. what the current situation is with sustainability in the organisationb. an overview of your policies and procedures to address these issuesc. the benefits of these sustainability policies and proceduresd. how it will be implementede. how it will be monitored and reportedPR 2. duration of the session is 30 minutes (refer to the Observation Check Sheet in Appendix B).Task 3: Implement Workplace Sustainability PolicyIn this task, you will record results in the workplace with your implemented policies and procedures.Record results with implementation of policies and proceduresPerformance requirements (PR): to achieve a satisfactory response for this subtask you must:PR 1. list the results from the implementation:a. entries must list the results with each action in the implementation planb. these entries must be accuratec. they must be currentPR 2. word count is not critical.Task 4: Review Workplace Sustainability Policy ImplementationIn this task, you will monitor results in the workplace and make changes to your policy and procedure if required.4.1 Identify any variance and provide feedback to stakeholdersPerformance requirements (PR): to achieve a satisfactory response for this subtask you must:PR 1. identify any variance between planned and actual results:a. list any gaps in performanceb. these must be accuratec. word count is not criticalPR 2. send an email to stakeholders:a. stakeholders include participants of session and the Managerb. explain what has been achievedc. explain what has not been achievedd. seek input on what these issues may bePR 3. word count is approximately 100 words.4.2 Identify and analyse issues with the implementationPerformance requirements (PR): to achieve a satisfactory response for this subtask you must:PR 1. investigate causes of variance:a. list factors that have impacted on the resultsb. provide an explanation on why there was a gapc. identify actions to address these factorsd. these actions must be appropriatee. these actions must be specific.PR 2. word count is approximately 300 words.4.3 Modify policy and proceduresPerformance requirements (PR): to achieve a satisfactory response for this subtask you must:PR 1. make modifications if required to your policies and procedures:a. these modifications must address gaps in performanceb. these modifications must be specificc. they must be clear so that the users can understand.PR 2. word count is not critical as it is dependent on the modifications needed (if any).Appendix A: Go Green SimulationGo Green Simulation BackgroundThe Registered Training Organisation (RTO) that you are currently enrolled will have a number of operational procedures for managing their college. In recent times, the RTO has been moving to a more sustainable model where it will be taking a number of steps to improve its carbon foot print. The Manager has branded this initiative as ‘Go Green’ and intends for the organisation to become best practice in terms of protecting the environment.Simulation DetailsThis simulation is divided into the following phases:Phase 1: Develop your policies and proceduresPhase 2: Inform users of how to implement these policies and proceduresPhase 3: Review and adjust policy and procedures.Your Role in the SimulationYou will be the Sustainability Officer of Go Green in the simulation. Your roles and responsibilities in the simulation are as follows:Phase 1:Phase 1 occurs from Task 1.1 to 1.5. In Phase 1, your main duties in the organisation are as follows:• within your designated location, you will plan your policy and procedures• seek input to this plan• develop an action plan for its implementation• seek approval from your Manager for this implementation.Phase 2:Phase 2 occurs in Task 2.This session will have a duration of 30 minutes where you will inform users of the policies and procedures on what is required for implementation. Note that your assessor will not be engaged in this observation activity and their role will be limited to observing your interaction with these stakeholders and documenting evidence on the Observation Check Sheet provided in Appendix B.In Phase 2, your main duties in the organisation are as follows:• explain the background to the initiative• persuade users to commit to the project• provide roles and responsibilities.Phase 3:Phase 3 occurs from Task 3.1 to Task 4.3. In Phase 3, your main duties in the organisation are as follows:• implement the policies and procedures• monitor results• make adjustments to improve policies and procedures.Assessment Conditions for the Observation SessionThe information in this section outlines the assessment conditions for the observation session which occurs in Task 2.1 and involves you to interact with two stakeholders.Before the observation session:• you must ensure that you have read and understood any documents required to undertake the observation• you must ensure that you have read and understood all performance requirements listed under each task• you must ensure that you have read the requirements listed in the Observation Check Sheet as your performance will be judged based on these criteria (see Appendix B)• your Assessor will inform you prior to the date of your observation session• your Assessor will inform you the deadline of your submission of the policy and procedure implementation plan.During the observation session:• this meeting will be with the two users of these policies and procedures and will have a total duration of 30 minutes• other students will not be observers during the session as this will give them an unfair advantage• these stakeholders will be role played by staff from the RTO• your assessor will brief them on your topic so that they can carry out their duties in an appropriate manner• you cannot refer to the Observation Check Sheet while undertaking the demonstration• your assessor will:­ not participate in the simulation and their role as an assessor will be only observing the simulation­ observe you individually based on the criteria written on the Observation Check Sheet­ document their observations in detail on the Observation Check Sheet­ provide extensive written feedback using the Observation Check Sheet in case you do not meet a criterion to a satisfactory level­ ensure that the session will be free from distractions• you must comply with WHS requirements; that is acting in a safe way• you must demonstrate all the actions in the Observation Check Sheet to achieve a satisfactory result for the task.If you are not successful, after the observation session, the Assessor will:• provide the written feedback on the Observation Check Sheet explaining their justification in detail• communicate this feedback to you via verbally or email• confirm that you have understood their feedback• negotiate another suitable time to observe your second attempt (which must be in full, not just on the specific NYS area(s)).Appendix B: Observation Check SheetWe have provided the observation check sheet for you to prepare for your assessment with the Assessor. Remember, you will not be able to use this check sheet at the time you will be observed. However, we strongly urge you to use this as a planning tool so that you are fully prepared for the assessment task.Note that you must demonstrate all the performance requirements listed in the following Observation Check Sheet to be deemed satisfactory.Performance requirements:1. Introduction• welcomes participants­ friendly­ introduces each other­ is positive• states goals of the session:­ provides information on current sustainability­ informs of implementation of policies and procedures? both items are specific? both items are measurable? both items are achievable in time frame• explains format of session:­ explanation is concise­ explanation is clear• seeks feedback on objectives and format:­ notes input­ where appropriate incorporates into session body2. Body• reviews current approach to sustainability:­ what has been achieved­ what areas need addressing­ the impact of these issues on the organisation­ the benefits of policies and procedures in sustainability• information is accurate• overviews policies and procedures to address these issues:­ policies and procedures are clear­ policies and procedures are easy to follow• describes how these will be implemented:­ explains who will be responsible for the implementation­ what support they will have­ how it will be monitored and reported• Information is clear:­ presentation supports understanding­ presentation is clear­ uses handout or PowerPoints• seeks input on their views with the plan:­ clarifies this feedback to confirm understanding­ takes notes­ where appropriate agrees to follow up any issues raised3. Conclusion• summarises session in terms of whether goals are achieved• seeks input generate level of commitment with proposed strategies• overviews next steps• time management: session is completed within the time allocation of 30 minutesAppropriate Communication Skills• body language skills:­ maintains eye contact­ uses appropriate facial expressions­ posture is appropriate­ gestures fit message• verbal skills:­ vocal pitch is appropriate­ tone is pleasant­ pace is at the right speed to achieve clarity­ volume is appropriate for participants• sensitive to the cultural diversity of the participants:­ language avoids jargon­ language is easy to understand­ level of formality shows respect­ content is non-sensitive­ watches for non-verbal signs of both participants­ seeks input if withdrawn through direct open questioning• appropriate use of emotions:­ processes emotions of self and participants and stayed calm­ feeds back to the group, emerging issues­ these interpretations are accurate and appropriateConsultation Skills• uses effective consultation:­ requests views and opinions of participants­ listens attentively­ does not interrupt­ encourages participants to give input­ validates this input­ uses open questions to explore issues­ where appropriate incorporates into planTrust• session is presented in an interesting way:­ generates enthusiasm­ material is comprehensive• the student is credible:­ knowledgeable­ honest­ sincere­ motivating­ confident• the student is professional:­ concise­ organised­ uses resources where appropriate­ does not read from notes­ does not lose focusFor Assessor Use OnlyTask Outcome SheetsThe Outcome Sheet below is the assessment tasks for each of the assessment event that the student is required to complete. Assessors, tick ‘S’ if the student achieved a satisfactory outcome for an assessment task and ‘NYS’ if the student does not meet these requirements. Also, you are required to write comments on the quality of this evidence under the ‘Comments’ column. As for your final judgement on the student’s overall performance, tick ‘Satisfactory’ if the student achieves a satisfactory outcome for all of the tasks or ‘Not-Yet-Satisfactory’.Assessment Event 1Assessment Event 1 Knowledge Questions S NYS CommentsQuestion 1Question 2Question 3Question 4The student’s performance for Assessment Event 1 is ? Satisfactory ? Not-Yet-SatisfactoryAssessor Signature: Date:Assessment Event 2 - SimulationAssessment Event 2 S NYS CommentsTask 1:Gather information Sub Task 1.1Sub Task 1.2Sub Task 1.3Sub Task 1.4Sub Task 1.5Task 2:Communicate workplace sustainability policyTask 3:Implement workplace sustainability policyTask 4:Review workplace sustainability policy Sub Task 4.1Sub Task 4.2Sub Task 4.3The student’s overall performance is ? Satisfactory ? Not-Yet-SatisfactoryAssessor Signature: Date:

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