Recent Question/Assignment
Assessment 3: Lifespan development and social work practice
Length: 3000 words
Weight: 50%
There are two parts to this assignment: The first one is a written task and the second is a podcast. The word count guide next to each section is just a suggestion for those seeking guidance.
Part A: Choose a second case study. This cannot be Tracey who was the focus of Assignment One. Then describe the role of a social worker whom you determine to be working with the client in the case study and briefly outline the functions/services of the agency they work in (e.g. social worker in a community health setting, school-based counsellor, social worker at the local hospital on the geriatric ward etc). Then write a bio-psycho-social / multidimensional assessment of the client that is consistent with the social work position you have described and is in a format that could be included in a client's file. You may wish to use a standardised proforma and embellish slightly to expand on the description of your chosen client (750 words approx);
Part B: Choose two issues that you have identified in the biopsychosocial assessment. In a podcast, describe these in sufficient detail, and in relation to how you would use knowledge of human development to both inform your assessment (understanding) of what is occurring for the client and to plan your intervention. Discuss what social work theories might inform your practice, the social work role, and potential practice standards and ethical issues in working with the client (approx 2000 words equivalent to maximum of 20 minute podcast). Record your audio file in MP3 format. See guidance for how to create audio files in the Assessment section of Moodle.
Structure, presentation and marking
Download and save the Assessment 3 template, adding your own name to the template file when you save it. Use the file to prepare your assignment. The marking criteria are included in the assignment template. APA is the required referencing style for this unit. Follow the link at the top right of this page for information about the APA style.