Recent Question/Assignment
• Under the National Incident Management System (NIMS) at the scene of a terrorist attack that used a weapon of mass destruction (WMD), what governmental and private organizations would respond? How would they work together?
• Establishing control of a terrorist scene and the surrounding area is very important for the safety of emergency responders. How would the Incident Command System (ICS) be used to accomplish this goal?
• Working zones such as hot zones, warm zones, and cold zones are designed to offer the best protection for the emergency service responders and the victims or those evacuated from a terrorist attack. Using a terrorist attack as your topic, what type of attack would require the use of working zones?
• What has the city of Baltimore done to prepare for as many hazards as possible? What resources have they utilized and coordinated with to prepare for these events?
• After a terrorist attack that forces emergency services to use hot, warm, and cold zones, how does a city recover from such a tragic event?