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MASTER IN ………………………………………….
1.0 Introduction 3
2.0 Project Objective 4
3.0 Project scope 5
4.0 Literature review 6
5.0 Research Questions/Hypothesis
5.1 - Primary Question (only one question)
5.2 - Secondary Questions (1, 2 ….)
6.0 Research Design and Methodology
- 6.1 Qualitative
- 6.2 Quantitative
7.0 Research Limitations
8.0 Time Schedule (Research plan)
9.0 Conclusion 13
References 14

1. Introduction
2. Project Objective
3. Project Scope
4. Literature Review
(Students’ needs to summarise Assignment 1 literature review (2-3 pages) and do justification from Assignment 1 literature problems, gaps opportunities, Hypothesis)
5. Research Questions/Hypothesis
- Primary Question (only one question)
- Secondary Questions (1, 2 ….)
Research questions should be linked to Literature Problems, Gaps, and Hypothesis
6. Research Design and Methodology
- Qualitative research
(Students should propose the Process of the Qualitative Research (Main Steps), Approaches to reliability and Validity, Sampling, Sample Size, Data Collection Method, Variables Specifications)
- Quantitative research
(Students should propose the process of the Quantitative Research Design Process (Main Steps), Research Instrument, Quantitative Data Analysis Process, Sampling and Simple Size, Interviewing and Questionary Design, Reliability and Validity of Data)
7. Research Limitations
8. Time Schedule (Research plan)

9. Conclusion
10. Reference List
1. Andone, I.I. and Pavaloaia, V.D.W., 2010. Outsourcing the business services. Informatica Economica, vol.14(1), p.163.
11. Appendix

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