Recent Question/Assignment

HSH 703 Health Promotion
Assessment Task Two Guidelines
Evaluating Health Promotion Action for the 21st century.
Weighting: 60% (15% presentation + 45% written individual report).
Due Dates
Individual Written Report (3,000 words): Thursday 1st June 5pm (Week 12)
Paired Oral Presentation: Timetabled in weeks 10 or 11.
Assessment Task Two
A Worker's Speech To A Doctor
When we come to you
Our rags are torn off us
And you listen all over our naked body.
As to the cause of our illness
One glance at our rags would
Tell you more. It is the same cause that wears out
Our bodies and our clothes.
The pain in our shoulder comes
You say, from the damp; and this is also the reason
For the stain on the wall of our flat.
So tell us:
Where does the damp come from?
Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956)
As an intrepid Health Promotion professional with expertise in a range of health issues and population groups, select ONE health promotion intervention for ONE of the five population groups listed in the attached document: Health Promotion Interventions Options 2017.
The World Health Organization (2012) report on ‘Governance for health in the 21st Century’ asserts there are new challenges (and opportunities) for health in the 21st Century that require systems approaches and networked responses at all levels (WHO 2012, p. vii).
The changing nature of the challenges faced by 21st-century societies drives new approaches to governance; health is only one challenge and is not always given priority. Most of these challenges, however, have significant health effects, which have not been considered sufficiently so far. The challenges include systemic shocks, such as natural disasters and disease outbreaks, as well as longer-term processes, such as urbanization, epidemiological and demographic transitions, food insecurity, climate change and widening economic disparities. Unique to our times are the synergistic global interconnections among these large-scale challenges (and opportunities) and the interdependence of most of the solutions. The complexity of these wicked problems calls for systems approaches and networked responses at all levels.
(WHO 2012, p. vii)
These are also echoed in the work of Allender et al. (2015), Bloch et al. (2014) and Fisher et al. (2014).
WHO has requested that you evaluate the efficacy of health promotion interventions for your area of expertise to determine if they meet the challenges for health in the 21st century. In order to do this you need to:
• Work with a partner to prepare a 10 minute oral presentation assessing the extent to which each of the two health promotion interventions meet the challenges for health in the 21st century. You will do this by utilising the frameworks and approaches outlined in sections 2 and 3.i. – 3.v. below.
• Individually prepare a detailed written report on your findings.
Refer also to marking rubric/criteria.
1. Provide an introduction to your report. (Approx. 200 words: 2 marks)
2. Use a socio-ecological determinants approach to map the myriad, interconnected and interdependent causal chain of factors impacting on the health issue for the population group. Represent these relationships using a concept map or a model of systems thinking such as the Iceburg model etc. While you may identify a number of determinants, you need to EXPLAIN the connection between the MAJOR determinants and these should also lead into the particular health promotion intervention, highlighting what the intervention is responding to. (Approx. 500 words: 7 marks)
3. Using the frameworks and approaches outlined in i. to v. below, assess the efficacy of your health promotion intervention as inclusive of complex systems thinking, evidencing socio-ecological approaches and addressing social and health equity:
i. Establish the extent to which the intervention is health promoting by mapping the intervention against a Health Promotion framework (such as Ottawa Charter, Integrated Health Promotion, HP spectrum etc.). For example does the intervention address actions on health across the health promotion spectrum / five key action areas? (Approx. 500 words: 7 marks)
ii. Identify where the health promotion intervention fits into the 3 principal areas of action as identified by the Commission on Social Determinants of Health (CSDH WHO 2008, p. 43). (Approx. 300 words: 5 marks)
These are:
1. Improve the conditions of daily life – the circumstances in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age.
2. Tackle the inequitable distribution of power, money, and resources – the structural drivers of those conditions of daily life – globally, nationally, and locally.
3. Measure the problem, evaluate action, expand the knowledge base, develop a workforce that is trained in the social determinants of health, and raise public awareness
about the social determinants of health.
(WHO 2008, p. 2)
iii. Compare the health intervention for congruency with TWO of the 5 key determinants of health for the 21st Century as outlined by Kickbusch (2012). These are: political, commercial, social, environmental and behavioural determinants of health. (Approx. 400 words: 6 marks)
iv. Evaluate if a systems approach or complex thinking lens has informed the health promotion intervention (for example: Allender et al. (2015), Bloch et al. (2014) and Fisher et al. (2016). (Approx. 450 words: 6 marks)
v. Assess if the intervention promotes synergies between health equity and action on sustainability (For example: Patrick et al. (2015), Baum and Fisher (2010). (Approx. 450 words: 6 marks)
4. The conclusion needs to consolidate your assessment of the health promotion intervention and recommend to the WHO whether the health promotion intervention for your health issue and population group is an appropriate networked response for the 21st century. (Approx. 300 words: 3 marks)
ORAL PRESENTATION: Timetabled in either week 10 or 11 (10 minutes: 15%)
Refer also to marking rubric/criteria.
1. In pairs choose ONE of the health topics for ONE of the five specified population groups outlined in the Health Promotion Interventions Options 2017 document.
2. As a pair you will present on TWO different health promotion interventions which address the health issue for the same population group. EACH student must cover a DIFFERENT health promotion intervention.
3. Prepare a 10 minute PowerPoint poster presentation (no more than 10 slides) of your chosen health issue and population group, based on sections 2 and 3.i.-3.v. of your report above.
4. Include ONE joint socio-ecological determinants map (Section 2.) for your health issue and population group.
5. In your presentation indicate points of difference and similarities between the TWO health promotion interventions for each point: 3.i. - 3.v.
As part of your ongoing professional development, and to help you develop expertise in evaluating Health Promotion interventions for the 21st century, you are required to provide feedback on other students’ presentations using the STUDENT criteria feedback sheet. You will provide written feedback to at least four other presentations and submit to presenting group immediately following their presentation.

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