Recent Question/Assignment

MGT501 201690 Additional Assessment item
Type: Essay Value: 100%
Due date: 11.59 PM Friday 19 May 2017
Length: 3500 words +/- 10%
Submission method options: via Turnitin (you have been added to a MGT501 AA special class)
Write a 3,500 word essay in which you:
• Discuss the fundamental nature of leadership
• Discuss how different styles of leadership and management can impact an organisation and the decision making process
• Provide examples to demonstrate how leadership is manifested in leading global companies(workrelated learning)
Please see presentation guidelines in the ‘Assessment Information’ section of the subject outline.
You must follow an essay structure that is at a minimum an introduction; a main body that outlines the argument, analyses the material you have researched and assesses this according to the guidelines above; and a conclusion. Your writing style must follow professional literacy: Citations and a final reference list that follows the APA 6 guidelines accurately; the quality of writing and presentation: accurate mechanics (spelling, grammar, punctuation etc.); use respectful language to discuss all people; avoid emotive language; employ inclusive, non-sexist language.
At least 10 academic sources must be used.
For this assessment APA referencing format is required. For guidance in the use of this referencing please see the CSU Referencing website at
Additional information to assist you with your assignment can be found here
This assessment must be submitted via Turnitin. Text match should not be more than 20%.
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Marking criteria
This assessment will be marked out of 100. A mark of 50 or more will result in a PS grade for the subject. A mark less than 50 will result in a FL grade for the subject
Criteria HD – Outstanding
Achievement 85% - 100% DI - High Achievement 75% - 84% CR - Above Satisfactory
Achievement 65% - 74% PS - Satisfactory
Achievement 50% - 64% FL - Unsatisfactory Achievement 0 - 49%
1. Discussion of key issues
/15 Concise overview and critical evaluation of relevant theory. Theory is integrated exceptionally well into argument. Concise overview and critical analysis of relevant theory. Theory is integrated and linked well to argument. Identification and explanation of relevant theory. Theory linked to point of view and/or argument. Includes some relevant theory and makes attempts to use theory to support point of view and/or argument. Relevant theory on the topic missing and/or none/ poor attempt to use theory to support point of view and/or argument.
2. Research and the underlying analysis
/20 Consistently demonstrates and integrates critical/reflective evaluation. Evidence of superior reflective thinking skills. Mostly demonstrates and integrates critical/reflective analysis. Evidence of superior reflective thinking skills. Demonstrates and integrates critical/reflective analysis. Evidence of reflective thinking skills. Some attempt at critical/reflective analysis. Does not demonstrate any attempt at critical/reflective analysis.
Presentation of the discussion
/5 Outstanding expression and presentation. Fluent writing style appropriate to the style of paper. Grammar and spelling accurate. Very considerate to the reader. Meets essay presentation guidelines.
Very good expression and
presentation. Language fluent, few errors in grammar, spelling and syntax. Mainly considerate of the reader. Meets essay presentation guidelines. Good expression and presentation. Language mainly fluent grammar and spelling mainly accurate. Needs more consideration given to the needs of the reader. Mainly meets essay presentation guidelines. Satisfactory expression and presentation. Meaning apparent but language not always fluent, grammar and/or spelling contain errors. Minimal consideration given to the reader. Meets most essay presentation guidelines. Unsatisfactory expression and presentation. Meaning unclear and/or grammar and/or spelling contain frequent errors. No consideration given to the reader. Poor presentation e.g. single spacing, no paragraphs.
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Criteria HD – Outstanding
Achievement 85% - 100% DI - High Achievement 75% - 84% CR - Above Satisfactory
Achievement 65% - 74% PS - Satisfactory
Achievement 50% - 64% FL - Unsatisfactory Achievement 0 - 49%
4. Suitable academic references
/5 10 sources of information and 5+ highly relevant refereed journal articles presented in perfect APA style. Articles used to outstanding effect in essay. 10 sources of information and 4 very relevant refereed journal articles presented in perfect APA style. Articles used to very good effect in essay. 10 sources of information and 3 relevant refereed journal articles presented in APA referencing style. Articles used to good effect in essay. 10 sources of information and 2 potentially relevant refereed journal articles presented in near-perfect APA referencing style. Articles used to some effect in essay. 10 sources of information and 2 relevant refereed journal articles, and/or not in perfect APA referencing style. Articles not used to good effect in essay.
*Penalties for: 10% over word limit/ plagiarism (see Handbook – this carries a large penalty and is to be reported if Plagiarism)
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