Recent Question/Assignment
Performance Criteria 3.5 Ensure that the plan is realistic and that resources a rp
for the behaviour plan to be ieJliStiC it must be reasonable and achievable_
A great plan is no use if it sirrtply cannot be done with the resources that are available_
In certain eases it might be worthwhile attempting to access external funds in order to irnprernent the plan effectively.
An additional constraint in certain areas {e.g. outside mptropolitan service providers) could be lack of Brews to specialist services, trained staff and expertise.
Human resources
It is essential that there it sufficient staff with enough time and necessary skills to carry out the plan_
ft might be possible for the chifcl's family to volunteer time to be involved during care time.
Educators who are working with the child to implement the plan may require extra training, This might require extra time to be spent or rearrangement of staff to allow particular educators to spend more time with she child,
The involvement of the family be encouraged as much as possible. They may need time spent with them by staff or help with pa run Ling skills. Does the service provider have the time and money for this? ff not, the plan may have to be modified to suit the resources. Time might also need to be spent in contemplating the necessary paperwork,. such as observation, docunientalErrri and review_
NF: tic?,. 1.0 May Dir.Ourna of Fr!yr t hiTrlh pod kjik:iition „Inc' arc
Cf4CECE026 r.5tebti*I1 ,siir iinuirmeni nrAnc tnr cive;op.ine. rnoperative :pchavitiur
Everyone should have a clear idea of what is expected and everyone should understand how to meet those expectations. Any decisions regarrlin responses must be clearly documented _
Any rsponse to children's behaviour 'must:
1. Respect children's clis.nity and protect thcir sulf-esteem,
-2appropriate to the nppds.
3. Be cgirn rn Lin icoteti col rn ly_
4. Be Ilexible depending on the child's reaction
Implementing decisions dearly
iii.-Latever res.ponse is decided it must b im pl emented Ilea rly a nd assertively_ This applEes
W .h.pontaneum indivkiv41 edLic4oLv r r ewluF14.e$tV yl Led ill ri Ith ey 41'14* cl rid Lv reworne5.
decided as part of a longer term behaviour strategy. Everyone involved must
be clear aboul_ what the decision means and how to respond. In each circumstance, the particular response must be clearly implemented.
The educator reSrl-bn ding to the behaviour must have a clear La rld erstan ding of the particular rmpome's purpose and sufficient skills to implement it effectively_ The response must be communicated clearly to the children involved.. with no possibility of ambiguity or
mKE.i rid rirstand Ing.
To be su ceer.,sfu I the response must be deivered assertively, in a calm voice and firm
man ne r- Body 1.4 rigNE4 rnu51. e in agreement with the words COnSequence$ rhuSt
be applied consistently and alvirays foil owed through,
chiliVe wellbeing incorporates both physical 2nd psychological ospecil.21112 !S central to the Early Years Led] nil ig FialnewOr k: Belonging, Being, and Becoming. Without a strong sense
h!i7 %ler. I .t) Mitir 71114 thp:hirria i i r Fir Iv CHIHLI Feld r ii L; r1L iF!i3 arid r
- 7.r; 1::pr c;13iv:p
tELE:_EL1-11 igtablis... and implement plans f c;evelOriiiik cuOpe7aave behaviour 12
. .
Element 2_ ideritifiir arid review b ehaviour as required
performs race Criteria 2-1 Gather information from all those involved in caring for the children
pcIF WAS are unwilling or unable to be involved Fri seLLing the plan, this does not mean the Nan Should not be developed, but tt does mean that it could he less effeLtive. For any behaviour guidtime plan to be truly effeCtive%. all those involviari h-Fust work together tor the hpnefit of the child.
Working with familics
ideally, the child's family should be invluded in the planning process. At the very least, written permission to implement the Man must he obtained from the parents_ When educators and thmiliec work together to develop the behaviour plan., it is possible for Strategies to be identified that tan be used et home in addition to those used at the seniice provider. This considerably increases the likelihood of the plan's success.
When educators and paren4 work together in a spirit of cooperation to address the problem., the sharing of Ideas and information will result in a more holistic plan. This will result in consistency in the implementation of strategies and better notC.Orries for the chilli he plan Lan be negotiated and revised to the satisfaction of all those involved_
Performance Criteria 3.7 Ensure plan considers relevant cultural practices far responding to behaviour
It mint be recognised that children receive their primary sOtialisation at home. This means they often bring with them a first language and cultural ways of interacting that may differ from the mainstream culture. This can cause misinterpretation of the child's behaviour. It must be a cknowl ad .g Ecl that adults interact differently with children in different cultures and often hold different sets of belierb about children's behaviour and development.
There are also different cuitiu r di expectations regarding behaviour. Respectiri8 the cultural knnwledge of the child and their family can he enhanced by encouraging family involvement
in service provider activities., including sharing cultural Pr ad And acting as a learning resoulue.
NET!..i'or : U may 20:4 Diploma at Early Chrldhocd Edtlf.atitux .rid Care
:Learner Guide
ci4fff E-0.ZU Ist213.1K.1.5 3e.11 implemcill F,rlon3 forc;ievtloping. (AmpFir:allip
The purpose of the S12 ruice priovidE2eS policy s.hould be Lo:
• Capture che 1);Ale All d Let i eds d Lhe sc i with pFovider.
^ Eau LI i ne how positive behaviour will be developed and Eincouragrid.
^ SO out appropriate tonsequences for inappropriate behavi 01.4 r,
^ Prom ote a fair, consistent and Shared approach for the whole service provider community.
All educators rnv5t be familiar vui LFr the centre's behaviour policy .aninE work within N All stiff .sbncild know where` to en for help if needed.
Performance Criteria 1.3 Devekip guidelines In cola biorati n with children according to their ability to do so
Althou.Rh n .ender reawri for establIstiln guidelines is to protect the child ren15 Safety,
their involvement in the developme Fir. cif gilidelin es provides ownership and allows them to feel in control of their nwn hc.haviour and to understand the reasons for guidelines.
The extent to which children 132 ire Lhe alit Ii Ly to be ir 'volved in the development crt the guidplinpn is Jnrgely determined by their age and developmental ieveE;
Developing guide I i nos with children
The goal of developing guidelines in co nju action with ch i ld bh.ibl, Lv le4F re tc behave
in socially acceputEa le 1,1q)$___VU d Whn chifclren are involved iu the development of
guide es they learn to cooperate to 5olve prod I erns and find solutions_ 1 hey learn to work together to establish guidelines that are clear, fair and con qilt.prit and ha spri on mutual respect, eq uaiity, trust, co-operation an d sha red responsibility,
I Vcr uiplorna of Early thildhoad Educwori ari.0
I rwr Ca!
and impitmenL iiInns fur dtveloping ourper &Live be55awiuur
Eh Ilen8e for edurAtorS is t4:1 Oa la lice respect for the l d m I vicar with the service provider's goals end policies. It is neither possible nor rfp5li.,ible ua change -the famiy, values or cultural beliefs, however, open communication and 2 snaring of the 5.el3rite provider's Perspective' without judgement is an important step in working together and combining the best or both worlds for the benefit of the individual child.
Performance Criteria 3-8 Liaise with appropriate authorities and referral bodies as necessary
if progre is not being made after a reasonable period of Lime (e.g. several weeks), it could be necessary to consider seeking further advice from support services and/ or referring the child on to specialist services.
Before taking this step it is important to review the plan and to check to make sure that it has been implemented adequately and consistently.
If the snrvice provider dCIPC not believe it has the necessary expertise or resources to help the child, it is in the child's best interests to be referred onto someone who cab_
Referral specialist Services should be considered where the child's behaviour is outside the normal/ typical range of probiern behaviour tar their age/ stage or causing serious concern for the ild's other children's safety and well-being.
Referral should be recommended where there are possible medical or health issues (including mental health) that could be helped by further tests or specialists, or where there is a risk of self-harm or child abuse_
All sirspecte5d cases of child abuse or neglect must be reported to your State or territory's relevant third protection authority under mandatory law.
NFT :re.' 1 0 Play 20 141 it-eillrt -ankh.
CHCITE020I bli'd I
en. IM,DIPZYIPI13 [Fans for distaslopin8 „QperDr-,..t
Diploma of early C_hddnaod Educaticn or,d Care
By the time children begin :0 tiwKI irig care outside the hGrine they have already been immersed irk their home cl.litt1
itu nil learning rJegirks at birth and is both verbal arid no I.
Children may experience corrfunkon or even conflict when their home culture is very different to the service provider CLIIture, for ex.4 rn pie if English is riot spoken at home.
Service provider staff can greatly ease the child's tram citi on if thcy work closely with
Having knowledge of what the behaviour expectationA A re. for r.n i idro.rk at home will help therrk to set reali gti G and relevant guidelines.
input from families from different beckgratmds no only assist the children from that particular b4ckAruund but enriches the experience of all children at the service provider.
Family input might con$15t of involved in tell i,tig storie5 And providing information to
t.hildren,. providing interpreter '....ervice bath children and staff and bringing new ideas to the life of the serVice oriovitivi
Situations cart arise where so in e children are not s linwod to fkii rticl pate in certain activities because of the familVs reliDi uS or cti In] ra I background, Handling this situation rem Llir diplomacy and tact, work closely with the families involved, being well informed acrd keeping an open mind..
Families from other cultural bac lierounds may find the service provider's guidelines too confining and wish their child to have. more freedom. Although it will take extra time and
N.FT Uri 1.0 Mdy ;' 014 Dipri)rrIA Enikihocid Iclucatrori core iFIL! iris
Ci:CfCED2O faablis,'k 8 31.11 Implemenr plans fof cuoptEcilivt
already been considered. This includes information alioui i he child's culture and background, their age, abilities and staged. development.
The child's level of understanding will not only inform the actual expectations for behaviour and the goals of the plan, but a the way that this information 15 communicated to the child_ The child must be provided with clear information about the appropriateness of specific behaviours.
Clear guidelines
Clear guidelines for behaviour must Yre explained r r.i the child in ways that are appropriate to their developmental level. It iA important thaL the child understands the goals of the plan and the reasons why they should behave in certain ways.
Very young children need clear guidelines that are generally set for them by adults to protect their well-being and safety. The guideline 5 are explained to the child using simple, positive language and visuals_ They need to be constantly reminded of the acceptable behaviour and shown how to behave appropriately_
Older children can be involved in setting limits and deciding behavioural expectations. They too will nrrd constant reminders of rho guidelines. and expectations. It 45 iryrportarit am! the oxpectatlons aro restated before each new activity, fur exfunple.. 'Walk, do not run' or
'Listen quielly'_ Children will understand the expectations at a deeper level if they ai
tgf Vz-i' &in 1l3::: Cdr..11onia of FA! IE I!. rys.
Learner euid,
ci-scfrFrin FoAtlisti ]rid irriPIPme•nt Plans for ELeveldipins cocrycratiim.:
Effective guideipme_s ere clear., fair and consistent Clear guidelines should teach children both what to do and what not to do In ways the child can Uri dergon.d. As children learn to make respon5i b]e d eci5ion5 for themselves, grad tia I ly fewer I imits can be u5ed-
There should be a few ih'ipOrlant gUidellneS
^ Too rnany can be confusing and hard for children to remember
^ Too many rules set the child up for failure_
• Egplain guidelines clearly
• Guidelineb: rniA5t b develuved 4u.11;440rativly and documerited Lo erg suss consistency
!t need to by dear to childrn behnviour is deemed acceptable and what the Consequences will be lor UnaCeeptabl i belialVIOU r_
Guidelines must be developmentally appropriate. They rnu5t be based on both the ages oncl actual ah Th1p of the children they a pply to_ i here is. n O point in Setting Lill re-0 liStie expecn-tion5 ior child's behaviour_ lifthey are not able Lo do wr 'at is set out irp LF
guidelines they will constantly fail and this will be detrimental to their self-esteem and very difficult to rnanag42..
Illieg.eloornental abilities
Infants and toddlers
infants and toddlers need to feel sE,C.11 re! in thgiir environmoira and to learn to trust the adults th Y alp i nvolved with_ Gu idelin es a re us u a I ly set by adults and expl ined to toddlers very cl early and si m ply, As i nfa rit5 are p re-ve rho l, go id el i nes. will Lisua I ly be physical and re ply on disliN3rliun and redirection_
Pre-school children
Children at this age need to understand the reasons for the guidelines znd also what Vie consequences :are and why_ Opper tuiiiLiac Should be provided for the children to be
IUFT-..9-3 1 0 M.Isr 21)14 Diploma cif FA; ly Faucation. And Can
Learner Guide
( r.IK E( E•020 rillriK far d avolo lr onc•pcirmlva bahwlaur
Str,a Legies will Include those to:
1. Slop inappropriate behavidurs from occurring.
2. Teach and so mod alternative acceptable behaviours.
3. Deer with the underlying czi uses of behaviour and needs of the
The strategies will be more effective if all educAtors use the same language to give fo.Pd bac k to the child and to communit-Rte about their behaviour,
we can inform all those involved of the plans rationale, limits and strategies by:
• Providing accesx to the written plan
• Holding a meeting
This will ensure that everyone knows and understands the plan, the reasons behind it and how it is to be implemented.
Performance Criteria 4.3 rVlinirnise as far as possible, factors that may lead to or maintain inappropriate behaviour
Educators who work with the child are an important factor in maintaining or minimising the
inappropriiitr• behaviour. The beimviour that is modelled, their interactions with the child,. and responses to the child's behaviour at r the, kpy messages That the child receives to guide their behaviour.
NFT'...lar 1 41 11av 1Jir,11:;1:1A of Early Ch:Idhood Eclu cut Ian and Cave 142,:arricr Guido
OICECE020 F)teibli113 .Md 'mime!!! ;:lanc, far ripvalnping coopornhve bc4;aviaur ni
• Developing long-term and short-term goals and objectives
- F sta hlishing a baseline. for th behaviour
- Clearly outlinirrg alternative behaviours
- C rnmurnicating expe ET:W.10 ns with children
- Supporting and cornrnunicattnr with colleagues to implement the plan
- Revi5iting the plan arid reflecting on its effectiveness
• Develop po3itive relationships with children, respected family expectations arid their cultural varues., arid acted withifn I he senfice policy
• [nterart with children and involved them in decision- rnAirig and planning
e'er ay 2014 Diploma cxt Early Chdd hood Ech=cation anc[ Cap r.
iparner Guide
CI ICECE020 EszabIrsh arid implement pion.. Jr itl.iciping cooperative behaviour
Performance Criteria 4A Support colleagues to implement the plan effectively and consistently
Performance Criteria 4.5 Review child's behaviour against the plan and modify where necessary in consultation with colleagues, family members and others caring for the child
Educators will need certain personal and professional skills to be able to implement the plan effectively and consistently. They must alscr remain focused on the big picture and set longterm goals. It is important that all educators involved in implementing the plan are aware of their own power and importance in their interactions with the child.
What the educator does in terms of providing encouragement, understanding and respect, is the basic conditions for promoting desirable behaviour in children. A change in the child's behaviour will usually occur when there is a change hi the service provider worker's
Effectively implementation of the plan will involve the following factors!
• The skills of the educator
• Teamwork
• Good management
• Ongoing monitoring and reviewing of the plan
• Final evaluation
• Feedback from:
o The child
Their parents or guareliam,
o Other family members
o Educators
o Stakeholders or specialists
141-i Ver 1_0 frizy 2014 Diploma of Early chibilturA Education and Lare Leznrker
E5uabrish and &JO:merit plans fur deve•loping. cooperative. betravhxer 63
Part One; Establisijm limits and guidelines
CHCECE020 Establish and implement plainfor developing cooperative behaviour
This task asscssthP forlowing elements:
Establish and apply flrnits and guide-goes jar rn
2. identify and rffvinvhelictuFaur us required
3. Develop a plan to guide a particular chiles behaviour where required
This task will also mess knowledge evidence
1_ Complete the following by giving four examples.
Guidelines or strategies 5ilcmild be established to assist children to:
2_ Why must guidelines be developmentally appropriate and suitable io the child's abilities?
3_ Why is it important to consat with families about a child's behaviour?
F irfr 2 11 ,acne. /tub 011.11.:1111rE
IC'CEI3.2c)F%1Ab-5-I-' implement Pris tor dv-,t'IQPira coni14'qOti'VU behavirwf 3
4. When establishing guidelines and strategies we rnust also make sure they a re
relevant to the facilities policies.
What factor$ will inform a behaviour policy?
5. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from the box.
Flexible i Communicated Respect I Needs
Any response to children's behaviour must:
children's dignity and protect their sel F-esbeern.
2_ Be appropriate to the child's . ,,,,,,,,,,
3_ Be ......_....___ ........ ......... calmly.
4_ Be depending on the chilcr5 reaction
qtr 2.0 August 2016 Diploma in Early Childhoc Educaticil and Ca,,t
DiCELE:020 Es:abiish and inn lement plans for developing cooperative behaviour 4
Part Two: identification and review of behaviour
C.FicECE020 Establish arid implement plan& for developing cooperative behaviour
This task will assess the following *lemon=
2_ Idea* owl review behaviour cts reduirrd
I Develop a Man to guide a particular child's behaviour where reripfred
impiPment onci monitor behaviour plow
This task will ars° assess know/Me evidence
1.. A child's wellbeing incorporates both physical and psychological aspoci.s. and is central to the Early Years Learning Ira rne.eursrk. CielDriging, Being, and &corning_ Why?
2. 'What sources of information can help us identify dind review a child's behaviour? List 5.
Ver 2.0 ALTI.254.. 201b Diploma ir; Etriy Eclucazfon ;Ind Lan::
A.V.Prnant latVk
Elf E 1-1120 ESI2b1:r-h pans [pi iitytioping cnar.PiAlVe 5
What types of factors cm trigger or influence a chit desbehaviour? Write some ideas in the boxes below_
Horne ffie
4. ft we need more information about why a child is behaving in a certain way, where rnfgh t
get further advice from? List 6 sources.
Part Thre: Devcl i in a plan
CHCECEO2Ci Establish and Implement plans tor clevelloping cupperartive behavibur
This task will assess the following elements:
2. Identify and review behaviour al required
Develop a plan to guide a particular child's behaviour where rcQuired
4. Implement and rnorrifw behavfour plan
This look %miff also amss knowledge evidence
L Explain the diterence betweeiF Shgrt Term Obicefive5 and tong Ter rn goal$. Give one example_
21.FTN.11-1 a Liiy4At 2016 ijirl°n1z; korly Ch;;IdnouLl FcfulAtion anc iANL
11 PAElk
- oil.' :11; plFmpn7 ior .r:vvolcipin8 conper:ktiyc be! idw.:vur
A short term goal is__
An exampi might
A long term goal. is_.
++example might be
2_ when developipiE goo Is Fora chila,. whir must we think about their ability, age, develop mennil stage and CIJItural background?
Taro Or fakes?
True? Fa Ise?
A 6E11.T...four plan rnust have both long term and short term ,goo Is_
You Can't teach a child to behave well; IL is something they cannot learn.
The plan must be written with thq help of other educators and farms illy mem bers
All parents should respond to behaviour issues in the. si Inc way.
We can help •a cli lid work out good behavio u r h. by r u. I e 1114)del I il ip L1101'1
A hehavinur plan can be used for rnany different children reganless of their ge
A behaviour plan need; to b rea 11s7.i c and resources need to be considered.
The United Nations Convention On the Fights nf the Child inform the service policies and code of ethics
If the plan is not working., ynu 5hn u Id seek help from appropriate authorities and specialist support
2.0 Auip..n•L Diploma' in F.-ir ly Fil!2;:atiOrl arid CEM
CHCECE023 E5tabBh and irngd.ett pi?.n.sfcr deve:;orirrg ccopera:fve Ehi:AriOur
Part Four: Implerrint and monitor
GiCECE020 Establish ,.1riul implement plari5 fiQr de-veloping cooperative behaviour
This tagk will assess the following dements:
2. Weritit'y' UM? reViCW behM1,102.1r rIS Teo:piked
3. Dewlop 0 piru.0 to guide a pal Ucliicrr chtirS behaviour lithe' r required
4. implement ond monitor behaviour plan
This task will also assess knowledge evidence
1. Flow might you communicate expectations of behaviour to:
a ti tr y young children
b. Older children
Er-3 Vrir 2.0 Auytist 2Lt1G ClIr:Orn In Early CI Cduca6on Criro
A69e55mera fionk
041.1-EALUU if-ipblisb. arid •mplca Pildril For behaylaur
2_ How can we infoi in all those involved in implementing and reinforcing the plan of
its rationale, !Walls 2 rid grategje.57
3- What die some ways that we can minimise inappropriate behaviour in the facility.
Name R.
• •
4_ The effective impien-pentation of a Wan. will involve what factors?
5. Who should we get foAdback from when conducting a final evaluation 0# the plan?
t.E.7 ..!c-r 2 0 A.1.151.1ki )07,6 DiMorn? ir5 1...)rly Ch:ldhood Eaucitticu! reirt-
Assirwrimr, 6cipk
::71i171.T.1020 Establish and inwIt•nivrn [Chalk fur ooperacivo 10
'Workplace Tasks
Establish and implement plans for developing cooperative behaviour
- IA-111N Foi dr•voloping cooper atilt behn.iou! 7.
We are going to watch the video Guiding Children's Behaviour in Childcare_
(2.3.m40s) Planning for the Child who Needs Ongoing Assistance + Case Scenario (24m545-28rn22s)
Erg, tick the most ad equzit ffurn the L below r ofd Led to this Case Scenario; challenging behaviour
attempting to belong Lhrough inappropriate behaviour
ri attempting to .;air. power
El seeking revenge
El feeling inadequate
Second, identify tie triggers of inappropriate behaviour_
With whom it occurs?
After that, identity the triggers for appropriate behaviour. /
Then, identify the pattern of behaviour,
Now, It is time to plan for specific needs of the child
How 'Ns set of Strategie5 links to Guiding Children's Behaviour Policy from Cybertots., National Quality Standm rri and EYLF Learnins Outcomes?
Ver1.0 August 201C: :A'plem lArN chl;Cirt00.5 ECILIC.3tiOrl nd
fu.atglkh 7 :.:,-Jrif; !err ci•Nclopinr, cooper2tr.T. behaVlour 13
Guiding Children's Behaviour Policy f rc.rn Cy bertats.
National Quality Standard
EYLF Learning Outcomes
NI *: WI AuuSt 2015 DiplurriA Childhood Educa;ion ard Carr
ElifECED20 IstablAh !rr.plement plans 10r dew-loping cooperative behe.fiuul 14
Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority http:/lacccqa_ov_au
Australian (iovern rn ent: Department of Fa rn ivies. Comm u nifty Services and Indigenous Affairs (F21.1A)r 2007, Corn rnornArc.a Ith of Au:st ra I in National _ctandard's for Chid Care 5erv.ices http://vevew_facsia_gov_an
Early Childhood Australia — Code of Ethliz, http://www.ea r:ychildhoocla ustra
Early. Childhood Australia, 2007, irldilfg,rmius chilarron cunt tivhcivi:our rnvniggement Ftrgtegies httpchrwww.earlychildhoodaustralia_org_au
Draft 61.1ide In the Standards fo r Child Care, b. u strafia n Govrnrneilt„ ALELiS1 2007
tat ions I Mental Health and Education Centre for Children and Fa m Hies, 259g, Macbirsg Young Chilarer? Self-Control Skills.. fittp.://www,
National Network For Child Care, Human Development and Family. Studies., 2996 Good Times with Guidance and Discipline, trttp:ilvomv n ncc..or
NSW Department of Community Services, lvlonaging Challenging behoviour Package, 2003 rnrnun iw.nsw.gov_aul
NreniiEn k, 2007, Draft Guide to the Standards, http://wvirw.porentlink. act. gov.du
Training and Development Agency for Schools., 200? Promoti1/29. Pas;hive .irehaviour — For Teaching Assistant Trainers fPrirnory draturtio.h), http;//www.eclucation.Rov.uki
Yukon Child Care .Associationr 1995, http ;//www..cfc-fcc. cal
NFTVcr LD May 2014 Diploma at Early Child ha-ad Edrscacian and (arc
Learner Guide
cHcEcE020 Establish and implement plans for devetopingomperatIve Mhavlour
CHCECE020 Establish and implement plans for developing cooperative behaviour
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to support both indiy'dual and group Plans for crizveloping Looprative behaviour_
This unit applies to educidLor. working in a range of edumtion and care services.
.111 this unit, CHCECE020 Establish and implement plans for developing cooperative behaviour, you will learn the following:
• ltow to BEC_PV:
- the National Quality Framework
- the National Quality Standards
- the relevant approved learning framework
• HOw to interpret the relevance offrarnework and standards documents in guiding work in this unit of competency
• 5tage of development/age-appropriate expectations of children's behaviour
• Appropriate and inappropriate behaviours — review of own stance and refled-ion on own values
• Different family styles of di5Cioline and beliefs about behaviour in different cultures and social groups
• Relationship-based strategies to help children learn about behaviour
• Possible contributing factors to behaviours of concern, i.e. Recent Pvents, history, actions of others, or developmental or emotional reasons
• Code of ethics
• United nations conventions on the rights of the child
• Organisation standards, policies and procedures
You will also be able to demonstrate you have the skills to:
• Observe and analyse children's behaviour, on at least three occasions., in a range of situ2tions and contexts
• Create', irrrplprnent and measure the effectiveness of at icOrit one plan. including:
N1-1 ;for 10 May 2024 Diplom; OrtaTly Childhood Education and Care Learna Guide
crirri-rroa r!.7.abli1.11 .1111.1 plans: tor tlevcic.p.iv. cri.operative be havitiiis
A positive environment that provides structuee and guidance tor politivc: bethavEnur can minimise the poterptial for inappropriate be
This may include:
• Organised spaces
• Predictable routines
• Planned tmnsitinns
^ Appmpriate resources
^ Encourage children to extend and explore ideas, experiment and ri:xpress themselves. Op portal nitie$ for choice
• Educator support
• H ea I t h and safety
• A balance of active and passive activities/ spaces
^ Opportunities for children to play alone and/ or with others
• A relaxed and happy atmosphere
^ Modification of inappropriate noise levels
• Access to different areas and spaces
• Room to move between spaces without disturbing others
• Space where children can leave activities set up without being interfered with
• Quiet coniforcoble spaces for children to play and Talk
• Sufficient resources to support choices •a rid avoid conflict
• Easy access to activities and resources for children to help themselves
• Visuals displayed (e.g. posters) showing positive interactions
• r-1-. 1;1 f cols LIIS to pr.-orriute LairMlESS. a rid ha p pi flik1S3
• Many opportunities for the child to be successful
!EFT ur ] I fuLty Jrkl itri.t iiF F,ii I f ChiLlEuirml Fthic dElcal Atlif CarP
L4,111114 r UlJe
EiLLL.602LI 6±-tatlin 7714 impiement plans for deueiop !nu. t.i.xwrAi !up kwahAvieliE fi7
Element 1. Establish and apply limits and guidelines for behaviour
Performance Criteria 1.1 Initiatc strategies, which are consistent with children's abilities, to support them to manage their awn behaviour
When children have effective guidelines they learn to develop inner self-control and think through problems, follow rules and decide between appropriate arid in
When children are guided with warmth and respect, they develop self —esteem and responb.ibility.
It is the educator's role, while children are in their care, to guide them physically, intellectually, emotionally and soda Hy.
There are great benefits to all concerned (children colleagues and families) when educators understand the causes of inappropriate behaviour and are equipped with strategies to respond immediately and positively_ There are many theories and opinion$ on the best way To guide children's behaviour and to help them reach the goal of inner self-control.
However, armed with knowledge and understanding, and rea lising that behaviour management is a process, you can develop an approach that works best for you_ What works fur you will depend on your age, experience, attitudes, values and beliefs and your personality. These will influence how you guide behaviour and each educator may handle a situation differently because of this_ So, to manage behavour effectively, you also need knowledge about yourself and your own values_
Guidelines should be established to assist children:
• To learn respect for themselves, others and property
• To safeguard the safety of themselves and others_
^ To develop self-control
• In learning to take responsibility for their own b.ehayiour
NFl 4'i 9 0 leloy 2014 imploma or kailv •::;hildhood• Education and cafe Learner Guide
CFlCECF EstabIrsh and. implement pians tor,CYC lOrui7 1.1:41F1d-'1.1.1 ivy im-hAlriour 5
discussed rather than told_ Ask the children questions to encourage them to remember and yerballse the guidelines, for example,. 'What could we do if we get angry whi[n plying in the sandpit?' could prompt children to answer 'Get help', 'Count to ten' or 'Do not throw the sand'.
Periormance Criteria 4.2 inform all those in in irnpFerne nting kind reinforcing the plan of its rationale, limits and strategies
If the plan has been decided together with the staff involved and the child's fa rn Hy in a frul y.
col la alive proce.b., 411 the ed4Watior5 hp/dived Ervu Id 41Iready know the details of the plan
and be ready to irnpEement it.
The rationale is the foundation of the plan_ It explains the reasons and justification for the
plan well as the 11 nd prlyi rig pririciplfts_ All etducatom who a rE involvd i rr irnplernetntine the plan need te1/4) know anti understand what the plan is about and why. This is essential if they are. to be committed to 5U ece55_
Um is
FOY lifriitS to be Qffectiv,2 and respected by the child they nidv. enforced clearly and consistently. This means all educatorb involved with the child (THAI, be i n .ggr vrrient about what the limits are, how they are WM Municated to the child and whet the consequences Will be_ Everyone must keep the some limits and consequences, carried out in the same way or the c had will be corrfued. (Me livey to facilitate this k to have the I i m its or rules 0151.11.4ved in the service provider so that all involved {children, erluratoN and farnilikt) are aiivare of and (calm ntly reminded of what they are.
The strategies that have been identified in the behaviour plan for the particular child have been decided on precim-ily hE,E8LJSkt they are the best possible from a range of options for this sit uatiOn. T hey will have been decided based on the child's ago, develop-n.0=1 and a bOitiesr the thildrs nee&
dr.1(. particular temperiiintla tirt_ull'IMelf1Ln3. All educators be Corrimittecc to use g the so me stratnies to .ensurs nonsiaanciy.
JilF7 L;. ni[311.311Ed Elf FOCI'. cla1111.:111
Pen 331'i I
CtICECE,020 E5td-hibil imp's:merit behziviciur
involved in discussions and decision making regarding the development of guidelines_ Their contributions and concerns NI I DUI d be taken very seriously and fuliv avlored.
School age children
Children at this age should be encouraged to take ownership of the guidelines and limits that are set Thiq means working collaboratively with other children to decide on what is reasonable hehiviour and why or why not•and what the consequences would be. Children can take much more responsibility for establishing the guidelines at this !stage. Children should be involved in ongoing evaluation and review of the guidelines that have been set. Children can also be involved in creating written forms of the guidelines and displaying them prominently as rem i nd erg.
Performance Criteria 1.2 Establish guidelines in consultation with families that are relevant to the culture arid background of the children and policies of the service
Every child's behaviour is strongly influenced by their family and cultural background, even when they are away from home and in another env' ronrrieJ tr lucli ;05 a child care centre, the guidelines that are established for their behaviour must be culturally relevant and take into are-Aunt the individual circurnstance$ of all the children.
Cultural background
Service provider Stuff must be familiar with the cultural backgrounds of the children in their care_ ThEly must be sensitive and respectful of cultural diversity and be open and willing to learn about and accommodate cultural differences_
VW 1.0 rv1.6si '1714 Cri Larry 1,-05114r1 tOUCM311 aric care
Learrxr Guide
cur_terroci F1/43 Atai.d, Arid implemen: pnr, To 6evcloping cu, be•;.?aviaur 7
Consul Ling parents
Educators can recommend That the c h RI be referred to external services.; however, it is up Lu. the LitfiLi's id niily (0 Cie( ide wriecrFer or Rot to do S.
Written perrni%%inn from th F. pnrentA re.guiretcl before dilcunine the chilers'is.sues with other professionals or al2,ien cies_
Confidentiality legislation and guidelines. must be Strictly adhered to The family has the final say on whether or not to instigate a referral, except in cases of suspected child abuse {which corn e5 under rn a riiIMOr r reportinE.O.
Resource and referral bodies
All organisationi and iivorkplacpn that provide-. scrudiCOS to should already have a list of contact details for resource and referral bodies h place. It Is a Joint responsibility of all staff to ensure that this list is kept up-to-date.
This II5t should include support services .at the local, 5:tate/fp rritory and national I pvet, for
E-losp ita Is Health services Child protection Family support services
Child mental heath M eiktal health Early intervention Area health 1.enivatt
to ad ic2I consultants Aboriginai servicpc sppc.ini Pd ucatinn. Multicultural support
Parenting advice services
Frement 4. Implement and monitor behaviour plan
Performance Criteria d..5 upport the child to understand specific expectations for be
It niust ire c'early exptained to the child what it is enctiy that you want them do (Or riot ilu). This is a crucial factor i r1 tht SUCCeS3 Of the behaviour plan. The child cannot be expected to behove priropri2tely rf the? do not fully Lin dergnn 01 what that i1'l4nns. During th' pI nn i rig stages., the chi.ld's indlVadual characterfstics and rim' irnctan rep %.hnuld. hinie
?AFT r 1 r:: 1111..r51 7111 i!F FilmiaCon and care
1.0.:.Aner tymelp
ikirFifQ711 F.r.rpriliqd!.. and implernpni plArn fiw c I ;C3E11 de 11.1 i 5111
effort to reach a balance between al/ the different cultures of the children attending your service provider, it will be time well spent and a valuable experience for all involved. The result will be the establishment of guldelines that are culturally relevant and do not disadvantage any of the children.
The family's valUeS and beliefs will probably be the only ones the child has experienced previously. This includes religious., cultural and personal beliefs. Educators should not make assumptions the children's family backgrounds as there are so many possible variations. The more time spent in getting to know each child personally (and the level of involvement of their family), the greater the depth of understanding for each child's circumstances.
An important factor in Und erstaadin8 children's behaviour and ensuring that guidelines are established which arcs relevant to the background of all the children, will be an awareness of parenting Myles_ Children could have very different expectations for behaviour az home. A long-term goal for educators would be to work collaboratively with the families of all the children; however, not all families have the time nor the inclination to be involved to this level.
Service provider policies
Behaviour guidelines must be establisly!d in line with the policies of the service provider. Each service provider must have clear and accessible policies and procedures to guide behaviour management. Behaviour policy should be intorrncl by the service provider's own philosophy arid the legal and ethical framework at the international, national and date or territory lever. This includes children's services r el u lotions and licensing authorities,. safety laws, dozy of care responsibilities and the underlying principles of the United Na LIM 5 Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) and the Australian Zarly Childhood Association (AECA) Code of Ethic.,
Policies &
NFT der 1,.0 May 2014 1011E. - 1.11I And (ACP
Diploma of Earl)? Childi IF I i
Ltarriel (iuide
CHCECE020 Ehl4blit.11 AM! i pi•erneriL plans for devecoping coup-I:lame trehavICyut
Cultural aspect
Tile di Rd's la cultural beliefs and priaLL1Les. el e reflected in their parenting style_ The family's be !Jet about 5 LIEn things as file role and rights of Etu I dren, chtlel d'evefoprrient and gentler roles will form the basi 5 of their attitude to ch ildre re's behaviour_
Knowlecl ge .2 nd understanding of the child's background a nd cultural norms k essentia I when developing a plan for guiding behaviour. The family's attitudes and bail ias can differ from those of the serizi.ce provider and Lt could take much respectful sharing of infomatiort to reach an agreement on the goals for the child's behaviour. Strategies will have to be n egotiated carefully to ensure that they a re cu ltura I ly relevant.. This is a two way process and can be enriching for ail those involved_
Re5ponding to behaviour
Different families will hsve 4i iffe twit o5zpocrorlons far their child's havlou r_ D ifference5 may involve:
• The degree of freedom that children are allowed
• The type of punishment they use {if any)
^ The ages at which ch i Id re h are expected to master certain tasks
a Appropr i;ate $•tyle of manners and interactions,
• The encouragement and acceptance of rowdy be
^ MP management routines (eating and slepin.g)..
^ And I ho f rri ily's iitestVl {kith ere and :now they Ilve)
• How they respond to Children's inagriorcroriate behaviour
NFTV 1 0 r..1 f 1..14 Diploma of Early childhood Education and Cart
CILICECE020 EstdbIF.sli and PidM Arai •:.1.:rorii alive E,tliAviour
1•Yhen children al t involved in the decision-making process they:
• Learn will-control
• Understand the reasons for the guidelines
• Become aware that they are ablo to make choices about their beh2viour
^ earn that behaviour results in consequences
Setting guidelines
guidelines are developed in conjunction with children, ensure that they meet the following criteria:
^ —Appropriate to the children's agn, rib ilities and development ;..ige
• Reliv.drrl to the children's culture
a Meet the children's emotional needs
• Identify clear expeotations for appropriate behaviour
• Are fair and consistent
• Are communicated effectively (simply and clearly)
^ Are nnt ton many or too complex
• Are based on equality and respect
• Alternative appropriate behaviours are clearly identified
• Promote and protect children% self-esteem
• Are realistic and achievable
• Consequences are logical, appropriate, reasonable and COnSiSken
Performance Criteria 1.4 Decide how to respond to incidents in a timely manner and Implement response clearly, consistently and calmly
How to respond to both appropriate and inappropriate behaviour must be discussed and decided collaboratively. All involved must be informed of the decision to ensure consistency in implementation. The most effective way of promoting positive behaviour and helping children develop social and emotional skills needed for ieorning arid fur liFe is to work together as a team.
NM' via i.o May 2014 Dip:1E71-e; of Early Chijidil.00d 1/;.luaton and Cgrt Le21nor uide
CFICECLOZU is:tat:dish drid iniplrrrhl tit plans for eveloping tocperativc: tieViaviatir E2
A thorough reassessment of thc service provider environment and an exploration of alternatives sh r,u I d assist irk E i rkd i rkg solutions that re realistic according to th.n resources available_ For exarnoler the imulernenLaitiOn OF specific strategies by existing staff might be more realistic than hiring additional staff.
Material resources
Specific resources to carry out the plan might be required, such as:
• Gamins
fr Tor
Pa rticular resources rel etira na to the child's interests could be be riefl cral ininspirrng The child to participate, for example, a rkima model planes) craft supplies etc.
Special equipment and/ or modifications might be needed to assist a child with additional needs, such as;
^ reef print
^ Tacitire rn e5
The space, equipment and resources should be organised in 5 U di a way that children are
indirectly influenced to behave positiv.uly and appropriately_
hr5 will include all aspects of the service provider's atm 05:3 h ere, such as lighting,. noise
levels., easy access to resource:, friendly colours, children's work displayed and an overall
m bience of warmth and
Performance Criteria 16 Establish plan in consultation with colleagues, fa mill? members end ethers who may he caring for the child
A colla bore:1;n .0PProath by oil those involved with the c;-iild is essential in setting the plan. VIM NMI( [ he AV rriIiriIt 4117111 {Imp elaticpn of all staff who work with the child and the child's fa rni1y, it will be libe ry difficult to achieve consistency. .5 lucid it be the case that the VAC'
= 1.0 PAD)! 2014 Diplorrr.k Fuld
inc,rrier cu.. de
C HI Fl F:1711 FL.(Ahli...h and lei dientpri ar i.u.r:Jr.1-rd I ivr 2.1r1I.i vEiJU r
of wellbeing it is difficult to have a sense of heio ngi rig, to trust others and feel confident in being and to optimistically engage in experiences that contribute to becorn irk&
Children's wc2E1- being can bif affected by all experiences within the outside of their service provider settings. To support learning, k is es.sentla I that educators attend to children's wellbeing by_
^ Providing warm, ti ustilig t elationsnips
• Providing predictable and safe environments
• Respecting their physical, emotional, social, cognitive, linguistic, creative and spiritual being
• Acknowledging their cultural and wiciai identity
^ Resprn sensitively ti their emotional states
This will result in educators building the child's confidence, sense of wellbeing and willingness to engage in learning.
Each child is a unique i ndivid mil and each set of circurnstnnces is different. In circler to unciprstand and manage behaviours that cause COncern, a prohlem-solving approach must be LAken. This involves gaining picture of the whole child through collecting background
information and observing specific situational d yrii4r1 I There Is no set formula that will woo k with every child and every type of behaviour. Often, the development of a behaviour plan and finding strategi pc that work is a trial and error approach. gphaviour that causes
concern is variously described a c challenging be poor behaviour, inappropriate behaviour, problem behaviour, difficult behaviour, misbehaviour or mistaken
The particular In ruirmillimr you choose to use will depend on your location, 5eryrice
.provider's phi/moony.. current trendy
dad your own preference. I hest terms and others can
;6. 1.01May 2Q14 Uiploma of 6 or be (.7.likihoc-.1 Educaction rAtEk-
LI FaCEE2.0 implemen: 1.11.1nk deveiopin8 cooper ti a bcfrayiour
Performance Criteria 3.4 Develop goals of the plan consistent with chiJd's abilitieg, age and developmenta[ stage
We need to make sure that we develop goals that arc refl ective of each rh i ' ind ivtd LiaL a hilitips, RZE. a nirl level opm enta I stage.
Monitor the child's progress, observe a rtol riot ice When they
chase to use posEtwe be and tioderstA rid that Jt is
a natural psrt of thEir developrnsot tai rhalcp rnistakps as they learn to behave a ppropriatply.
Pre-school children learn rapidly and begin to establish
pa [[ems which will remain with th ern throughout their
I ive. O !der r±hil dran are reinforci rig th e patterns already
established_ In deciding the goals that the behaviour plan awns to anti eve. it IN e'.ssositiat to chai actei istics of the age and development stage of the child_ Educators and those involved in developing and implernentine the Man will neer' knowledge of the typ bulE (1 red s a rid c haractefistics of the child's developmental stage.
Special needs and non-typical abilities
Every child will riot fit neatly into their age or developmental stage, especially those with developmental delays or disabilities. In this case yipiu will nppri ro Ilse. what is re.levant from your knowledge of the ages and staes tc wvrk out, the child's exact abilities. Behavioural gcFal5 for the individual cli i l rj c.drt tl.ien be set based on what you know a trout their ability to understand and respood. The long-term goals for all child remain the same-to learn the personal, beti.vioural rid gocial s kills they wiJi need irk later life
7,1F7 e'er CI may 2cr...: fli;iluirri rd. Fen ly IC,1 ILE ELI !.11. and
Leor neT (n1174;5
;,....-600n;cpraic.11 Atui implFirrwnf pl2m.Fcr ()noun hdleIOULIf
The behaviour that is causing concern will need to be defined precisely. Griner -al terms such as 'disruptive' or 'destructive' are ambiguous. and do not provide adequate behavioural description, A clear arid precise description includes who., what, where and when, for example.. 'Sally throws food at other children during most meals-times at the service provider, after she has finished eating'.
It is innport.iiik to realise that the behaviour may not necessarily be a problem for the child, but a problem for the educators and those involved with the child. The behaviour can in tact be very effective for thrt child and serve a pu rpose In meeting their needs, for example., gets attention or releases anger. The onus is on the adults involved to work out what function for the child the behaviour Is fulfilling.
The N.5‘.6./ Department of Community Services advocates taking a 'functional approach' to challenging behaviour. The bask to this approach is to understand the reasons for the child's behaviour. It assumes that the behaviour provides a function (or serves a purpo_sp) for the child. Those involved then work together to discover the underlying reasons and to find alternative, more socially acceptable ways for the child to have those needs met.
This process is undertaken in an organised way, focusing on both the child themselves and the context in which they operate. information Is collected including background information from all those involved and observations anti analysis of behaviour from everyone's perspective, including the child's. Regardless of any special needs that a child may have, the process for managing behaviour is the same. It is a central assumption of this approach that behaviour can be changed and that the changsc will be maintained if the child's needs are met.
The purpose of gathering information to understand the reasons behind the behdvin LIE and to develop a plan that aims to meet the needs of the child Etehaviour occurs in context
NJ- Ver 1.0 May 2014 I Jiploma of :63fly Childhood Education and. Case
Learner Guide
rFICKNI21) Egablsgh and impio.mpilt plartr, for dcyclopiiqccsopt.rati.,..
Educat0r5 can help children to develop pro-social skills by teaching them to recognise:
• Their own teeling...q or awareness
^ Consider other's feeling {empathy)
• Reflect on the consequences of their behaviour
I hey will need to learn how i join In and participate in groups, to cooperate, take Lurr and share_ In ord car to resolve conflicts appropriately they will need to develop problem $olving and cOrYtrfluirtication skills, quell as interpreting social Signals and assertiveness_ The acceptable alternative behaviours could replace the problem behaviour Will need to be dearly identified In the plan, ensuring that '411 Lho4.e involved with the, child are reinforcing
the alternatives.
Performance Criteria 3.3 Develop the plan in accordance with the service philosophy and policies
When developing a behaviour plan it is essential to be aware of 44 ny existirig pulicies that your facility might have. Of course this is a collaborative process that must involve management and preferably all c'ervice provider staff.
In addition to policy documents.. each service provider has an underlying philosophy_ The broad concepts of this are also usually documented and should outline the general gnak arkci values of the organisation S well as a code of ethics. Any hehAviour plan must be developed in accordance with the prilicies drirl phihrsuphy of the service
pin ye( 7...0 Mon! 2014 viplorn.1 ...hildhoad Ed uc ation end rk,
ici4r...r.cProo Fcmhlich nnzi rrnpipmant pins fur Elk7031033ifit conoir.r.arrup hphatclour
Ways of gathering information
The information can be used to identify the source of problems, gain a more hol is-dc and deeper understanding of the child and their development, to document and monitor progress and changes and to record actual examples of behaviour_
Information can be gathered by:
• Informal sharing of information, ideas, observations
• Meetings between educator /teacher / service provider staff and parents J families
• Staff meetings
^ Discussions with colleagues
• Structured observation of the child irk different situations
• Observations by others to allow comparisons of results and interpretations
^ Systematic evaluation of the environment and poccible environmental triggers
Confidentiality issues
Information snaring is important in a professional context to ensure the best possible outcomes, however, confidentiality and privacy rights must be up held. The rights to privacy of aueryon e i evolved, fncluding the child, ml1S7 be respected. I! is essential
to wnricwithin the 1%31 02nivacy and petsonaf information Act 199B) and policy guidelines regarding confidentiality.
7.1:FT lipr 3 11 fulav joiri Di Ploma c i Ea' ty ruldlioud Educ zna CA
Ltd' 1101 Guide
r.-iiirEcE020 arid im *Teen t tkrver-upirrg. Lonuerative Eiehamui
attic-n-10$ to change behaviour will iae an ad hoc approach. That is., the symptoms may be addressed but the underlying causes will remain. .Although behaviour5 may
rhA nom, if HIP Lill darlii,ling are not cid rased, the behaviour Can reaooear Gn different
rrranifestation5 and no real thnnge will be affee!cd. ple.a Critcrin 3.2 Ciao ply identify more crept ihIG alternativQ. bohabrilniurs.
FOr child to choose a more acceptable alternative h ;
-e.lay.our 111cJ51, {Fleet Eheir needS•
better Oren Lhvl d irtauplopriate way of behaving_ The alternative beh amours identified in
the plan fora particular child voi:( peri d whitner. ds they are tryi r.g 713 fulfil_
Once the long- and shork-term c crive:A. for the ch-kl's behaviour h_ave been identified,
po55.ible el ter native behmviutirs Leal tie eXF.i1Cored bid ArOurid [h;.-At. a I
1-ducator's should work together to discuss and explore possible 411LerfrAive. Modify i'dfiy
era nental factors that co id be trOzering maintaining the problem behaviour first, for exeinwEer inappropriate. Icvel of activities, stressful situations etc. For each inappropriate four & behAvinur that is identified irk the plan, there rort Le clearly outlines acceptable alternatives for the child to employ, 5(.1E11 as rriovirtg away trom the sEtuation., asking for h.aip or Cc:01mur icating effectily with other children_
R liter 1_0 May 2D111 up:oniu or F it F 1.:..itclki.oael gducDif in 2Pld car
Lealnar Cuidc.
1.0Pr',11S1l; NMI 1171DIPM117 !NIS LLiDIJtIcIti'it'
There are many factors that need TO be considered. By gathering infoririatiun,
obsei collecting data from a range of situations and contexts, it Nilo uld he possible
to pinpoint which factors are more Likely to be influencing behaviour_
fin•flusence v.
I. to affect the nature, development,
or condition of;
For example, a major factor could be related ton child's situation at home,
as recent changes in the family {a new baby or death), a family crisis, neglect or contradictory child r ear i ng practices. The underlying CA use could be physical- the child might be sick, tired., hungry, on medication or reactille, W certahi foods. There might be An undiagnosed Condition such 2S language delay or hearing loss. The care server_ iti might not be meeting the child's needs and could be contributing to behaviour issuer through under or over supervision, misinterpretation Of communication rues or inadvertently reinforcing negative pcillerns.
Performance Criteria 2.3 Observe and analyse behaviour to identify triggers or consequences which are maintaining the behaviour
Vote will need to record what the behaviour is and its occurrence. The occurrence includes information on the frequency {how often it happens} and the intensity of the behaviour and behavioural triexers. This establishes a f e el i ne so that you Can compare the behaviour both before a behaviour management strategy is instigated ;Inc! after.
The behaviours must be able to be seen or hP2rd and you rriuBl. know when they Elan nd end. Objectively defining the Elio Ilenging foohoviours means everyone is derlr elilEIL11 whRn then they are oath 1111411E 11(31 It :411S¢ enables you to identify and rnea5urc the extent of the
NCT 1.1:N I olvimie 301.1. Diplunid v1 Eel! ly Childhc.vad Edu-r7init Intl lrm»rc GI IL4IP
C/ 3CEUOZO blcirliMI and ImnIpme,nr pl;ri5 fug devoloping rto.perntiv. behpviour
Long-terra goal
The long-term goal' for the child's development could be referred to as the big picture.
• What does this filen hope to achieve for the child in the long-term?
• What types of behaviours and skills i5 k hoped the child will have learned by the three they are grown up?
The Nang term objedivels fluuld be decided in collaboration. with all those invoived with
the child.
The goal will dep,r,nd on the child'.5 needs, The lung-term goal fora particular chpr-el involves identifying the primary need/s the child is trying to satisfy, and then devising a plan to meet those needs in an alternative way. For example, the child's main unmet need might be a need for belonging and acceptance, a need for control, revenge, attention or achievement.
Long Term
= Goals
Short Term Gods
The long-term objective of the plen would be for the child to learn alternative more socially acceptable ways to meet their needs, and to develop positive behaviour skills, such as self, control., wit-discipline, responsibility, effective communication, cooperation, problem solving and conflict resolution skills, For example, a long-term objective could be that the child stops using disruptive behaviour to gain attention and learns to get the attention they skied by behaving positively. In the lortg tCrrri it would he hoped the child would gain the abiliEy tu EMI-I:dive pro-socially sO that they can form m ea n n gf ul social relationships and fc ien[hhips,
711-1 'kr 1.0 May 2014 Ui rilorna of LT; it:11100d EcEui Alvin mncl Care
I rrir332-; iudr
CHCITTn7f) n cf irtiorainam pinni: for davcI opins. coope rative. beha a_h
and is an expression of the child' fe Iiigs. It is important to gather as much
information as possib le abo Lit al a whole &lid i rr order to understand the behavFour that is
cousi r5 C oncerrk.
Soorces of information
fnfcmmation can be gathered forma variety. of sou rcesr including:
• TihiP Ifil5.11e1C1 Irt0 service prouldair
• Files held by other agencies (e.g. government departrn en tb... era rrirno niter rued }
^ The child themselves {through observation and quegtionin&
• OtillQr children irk the Ler vit.e wFicare lletted
• I he. e.hilers farruiv rnmr Evn.andfor atto.rnntisin o.duentors, such as foster fa rni hest nannies etc_
• Colleagues, other staff, super vi or seruice proviider 1712n a.Rei-
Types of information
Tile info!. Elkatiun /licit is g.athered should include background information on the chilli's history as well as current information.
To build a hat i tic picLuie of Ole iniok rna Lion could include types such as;
• Medical. Health. History.. CI isabilitie5.
• Family.. Social networks. Culture. Living situation-
s L ifeatyle. {activities}. Environments. People with whom the child conies into contact. Rout nes_
• CorrlrnarwiratIe n skills and interactions. Skills (strengths weaknesses in all developmental areaa Feh aviQur [both pOSILIVP d rid did Ile riej rig.) irk d was let.? 01 contexts,
Nfr V r 1..CI Maw 2D14 u:plorriki 171 6 Orly (3.11!dh:OC,d 6uC;3tri3r1 36.'3 (_3PE
A-iCECEi2.20 Ettablith and irnplern.ent planto:' developing coupe-.?tike kwhNuinur
Policies and procedures
• Outline the orgiini%atinn's goals drid ,slues
• Step by step Procedures to be folloviipd in particular situci Lion 5
• A requirement under Nd1i nal QuaRtv Standards
• Also include guidelPne4. for:
- promoting diversity and equity
- maintaining privacy and confidentiality
- managing behaviour
• Are often written, reviewed end updated by, staff and other stakeholders
• Are based on ytatu:cry and re.gulatory requirements of Fie relevant acts and opetate as a guideline for employePrs behaviour
5-ervice philosophy and codes of ethics
• Ethical gilidelines fur educators In carrying out their` pratF.Lssiona I responsibilities_
• Offer guidance in making decisions
• But does not intentiondlly b.pecify what to decide in partitular situations
• Are informed by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989
The United Nations
Convention on the rights
of the child
fin VI-, i_c rimy ?Ina Di plon-id of Fri; lylid hood Ed/J/2;nm And r. e Lcamer iuillr
6t3b1:ch ;:nd impinlent pionz rlhAV101.1r 51
be used inceichanguably, but yOu $•hould consider any negative connotations that may be attached to the. terms you use
Challeoglng behaviour
ChBlienging behaviour e2 n be any behaviour that causes concerns or challenges those invoiverl with the. child.
The types Cif bell3Vi 0 Lir That may caliSP concern rn1.114:1 hP those that risk the. safety tar
that other children, such as bullying, aggression or violence, or those that impede the child's or other children's learning. Some r.ixarrirdes might hP!.
^ Hitting
• iti
• throwing trintrurns
• Breaking toys
• n
—e.sLr uyiui p, Otlier'S &RfrieS
^ —wed r
• Running away
• Refusing to shire
Other belyeyivur thfiii-Ould cause concern, such as being withdrawn, repeated inappropriate patterns Or communication/ interaction difficulties., rniet indie-ate ur7 deihring d v.rW pprri eri ti I issues OF even be indicators of trauma or abuse. Particular behaviour ulualhir becomes a concern when it is frequent and/or sustained.
The function of behaviour
The fir5t 5tep in de-me:loping responsible behaviour is to id entify th e beh avictiris that are perceived as (hall enging or causing concern. Eve ryon e involved with the child rn List be in 21greerrient about what these behaviours ere, w h ethor or not they @re a problem., and h eth or or not they are 2 utti2 I ly occurring.
N FT 'e'er 111 Maw 2014 Lispforna of Enr0r. ChHdttood Educatfon and c:are . Twiner
CliCfCE021 dFl LI ill iplei I it] I i Ion). for developing coop4:atlur hrhowium.