Recent Question/Assignment
School of Computing and Information Technology
Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences
ISIT417/ISIT917 Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management Group Assignment
Autumn Session 2016
DUE DATE: Electronically via Moodle, before 11.55 PM AEST on Monday, May 30, 2016. It is a requirement of this subject that the Subject Coordinator may ask for the assignment to be submitted via for verification. A hard copy of the assignment with SCIT Coversheet (signed by all group members) must be submitted to Dr. Akemi Chatfield’s office (3.213) by 5.00 PM AEST on Tuesday, May 31, 2016.
WEIGHT OF ASSIGNMENT: 20% of total assessment
REPORT LENGTH: 2000-3000 words, excluding Title Page, Executive Summary, Tables, References and any other attachments
INSTRUCTIONS: Reports need to be neatly typed and should present a professional appearance (use double-spacing and at least 12 font). Include an Executive Summary (250 words) with your report.
The case analysis report needs to be organized in the order of: Title page, Executive Summary, Table of Contents, Case Analysis Report, References, any attachments. For your references, you need to use the UOW Harvard Referencing Guideline consistently.
The hardcopy of the case analysis report needs to be submitted with the SCIT Coversheet which needs to be signed by ALL group members. Without the signed Coversheet, the submitted report will be returned without marks. If any student fails to sign the Coversheet, it is assumed that he/she has made no adequate contribution to the report production, resulting in a zero mark.
In addition, each group member needs to complete a confidential peer evaluation form INDEPENDENTLY and submit it via Moodle Group Feedback Dropbox on or before the case analysis report submission (May 30, 11:55pm). The form will be available on Moodle.
This assignment is based on the Demo database in the Jedox package and all the required reading materials that we have covered in this subject.
Assignment Question
On the request of the CEO of Demo Inc., the good folks from Jedox have created a cube for Demo Inc. (the Demo database in Jedox). The objective of this case analysis is to demonstrate to the CEO the value of developing relevant business analytics capabilities. The CEO of Demo Inc. has asked you and your team to analyze the Demo database and
(a) report three insights that you have discovered through your analysis and recommend to the CEO on what business value could be created based on each of those insights. Support your analysis by providing in an Appendix six printouts of your Jedox analysis and descriptions of the Jedox functionalities that you employed in your analysis. It is important for you and your team to remember that the case analysis report will be read by the CEO whose knowledge and understanding of business intelligence and business analytics would be approximately equivalent to you or your team members before your enrolment in this subject. This means that you need to explain certain terms and concepts clearly for an intelligent and astute business executive without an in-depth technical knowledge.
(b) three structural and process changes that you recommend that Demo Inc. need to consider undertaking in order to capture value from its investments in business analytics capabilities. Your recommendation needs to identify known or thinkable barriers to implementing the necessary structural and process changes. Here a literature review of the required reading materials and beyond is highly desirable.
(c) Justify your recommendations in (b). Your justifications should clearly draw upon the textbook and the required readings studied in this subject. Here you and your team members are highly encouraged to read further any relevant journal articles or previously published BI and/or business analytics case studies available on industry websites. In-text citations and the proper referencing needs to be provided for full marks.
Marking Criteria
1 Descriptions of the key insights /10
2 Description of the Jedox functionalities employed /10
3 Recommendations to the CEO /10
4 Quality of citations from textbook and
journal articles readings in justifying your recommendations /15
5 Professional look & Proper use of UOW Harvard Referencing Guide /5
Total: /50