Recent Question/Assignment

try to finish as soon as possible if u can and the word limit is 3500- 4000 in between in the doc file its 3500 but in safe condition i want 3500 -4000 in between.
Project Brief
You are an engineer working for a highway consultancy who has been commissioned by a Highway Authority to identify and design a connection route between Location A and Location B in the United Kingdom. (State clearly the Coordinates of A and B at the outset of your project). You have to determine a preliminary alignment for a two-lane road connecting Location A and Location B. You should decide on:
1. The coordinates of Location A and Location B on a map/plan
2. The appropriate design speed
3. The maximum and minimum grade gradient
4. The maximum super-elevation
and any other design criteria deemed appropriate
5. word count should be 3500 words minimum
Your task is to produce a feasibility study report on the project. Your feasibility study should follow the guidelines in the Design Manuals for Roads and Bridges (DMRB). The design documents can be found from the weblink If you would like to recommend any departures, you need to produce your justifications on why you have to do so.
In your report you have to define the objective and scope of the project, to locate relevant codes for your design, to determine design specifications, to formulate appropriate design criteria, to perform site analyses, and to present preliminary and final designs to its client including environmental impact assessment.
Your feasibility study should consider the following (marks distribution as shown):
Site Investigation / Ground Improvement 10
Highway Legislations and Planning 10
Environmental Impact 10
Horizontal and Vertical Alignment 10
Pavement Design 10
Roundabout and Junction Design 10
Highway Drainage 10
Computer Software 5
Traffic Appraisal 5
Evidence of Research 5
Report Presentation and Approach 5
Project Presentation 10
Total 100

Submission Checklist:
• Present the aim, scope and design statement of the highway project alignment
• Produce a detailed feasibility study report describing the external circumstances, existing conditions and barriers that affect the development of your project.
• Critically undertake Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and evaluate environmental impact issues.
• Determine and produce of highway design specifications and formulate design criteria.
• Design of a highway scheme including highway alignment, junction design pavement design and an awareness of traffic appraisal.
• Discuss quantitative methods and relevant software packages to solve engineering problems.
• Present the code of practice and standards which are to be followed and elaborate the sustainable development for your highway project.
• Produce an ideal solution with a valid conclusion for the stated problem.

Submission Requirements
1. Submissions must be properly structured; this involves pre-planning your work.
2. The report must have an introduction, a contents page, rationale and conclusion as well as the main subject matter, together with a bibliography and/or any references used.
3. The brief must also be included with the submission work.
4. Work is to be word-processed and this should be in a clear legible typeface.
5. All diagrams and images appropriately titled within the body of the text.
6. Referencing to be Harvard Notation
7. All written work to be put through ‘Turnitin’ and final report included with submission.
8. Sketches may be in pencil with inked notes, or produced by computer.
9. Calculations must be logically laid out so that they can be easily checked.
10. All pages should be clearly numbered.
11. As it is essential that students develop their own drawing skills, photocopies of information from books or print out from web pages will not be acceptable.
12. Work which is submitted after the due date will receive zero marks, unless extenuating circumstances are approved.
13. No marks will be given if your work is not submitted online.
SUBMISSION DATE: 16.00 30 april 2016
Mark Scheme
Site Investigation / Ground Improvement 10
Highway Legislations and Planning 10
Environmental Impact 10
Horizontal and Vertical Alignment 10
Pavement Design 10
Roundabout and Junction Design 10
Highway Drainage 10
Computer Software 5
Traffic Appraisal 5
Evidence of Research 5
Report Presentation and Approach 5
Project Presentation 10
Total 100

Project Submission
Project Title
Student ID: u??
(You need to structure your project report to include the following sections in your submission)
Contents Page
Introduction (including scale plan)
Site Investigation / Ground Improvement
Highway Legislations and Planning
Environmental Impact
Horizontal and Vertical Alignment
Pavement Design
Roundabout / Junction Design
Highway Drainage
Computer Software
Traffic Appraisal
Recommendations and Conclusion

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