Recent Question/Assignment

Faculty of Business, Government and Law
Business Intelligence Systems 7156 and 6680
Assignment 2: Final Project Requirements for DSS/BIS Project
Due Week 12, Friday 6th May 2016 by 11pm
Value 30%, Individual work.
The requirement of the assessment is to build on earlier stages of the project, the proposal and presentation, to develop a computer-based DSS/BIS prototype for analysis of the heart health data with an interface suitable for data visualisation. The prototype must be functioning and of realistic size, not too trivial, but not large and complex, with a user-friendly interface. It will be your responsibility to ensure that your tutor has the appropriate software and hardware to run the prototype for marking purposes.
Your prototype will be accompanied by a business report with a research component containing an industry-focus for undergraduate students (7156) and an academic -focus for postgraduate students (6680). This means that you have substantial scholarly work to do and are expected to research beyond just the reading material and lectures provided. The research component should demonstrate an ability to analyse critically, think reflectively, argue persuasively, and to synthesise the argument with source material.
The business report is expected to contain -
a. the development process, and
b. a user guide
The research component is expected to contain –
a. for UGs 7156 only - related and relevant issues in the health informatics sector with an industry focus
b. for PGs 6680 only - related and relevant issues in the health informatics sector with an academic focus.
Research source material for undergraduate students (7156) includes industry articles which are rarely peer reviewed such as white papers from software vendors, ‘grey’ literature from government, and professional literature such as Information Age, published by the Australian Computer Society.
Source material for postgraduate students (6680) includes some industry articles for their timely content but also academic articles from journals, books and conference published after a rigorous peer-review process.

Criteria for DSS/BI S Prototype: 10% and due week 12
Section Criteria
Development of DSS/BIS prototype.
Marks will be awarded for
- functionality
- ease of use and usability
- professional appearance
- appropriateness to the defined problem
- impact on stated problem
- innovativeness of solution
Criteria for Business Report: 10% and due week 12
Section Number of Words
Executive Summary
50 words
50 words
Development Process
Restate briefly the problem and the need for decision support. Explain how the prototype supports decision making. Describe the development process.
300 words
User Manual
Provide documentation and screen images on how to run the DSS/BIS solution.
400 words
Concluding Remarks
Provide high-level summary, suggestions for possible improvements of the prototype at a later date.
100 words
Total 800-1000 words
Criteria for Research Component: 10% and due week 12
Research Component (written in a scholarly style with citations and reference list)
a. for UGs 7156 only - related and relevant issues in the health informatics sector with an industry focus
b. for PGs 6680 only - related and relevant issues in the health informatics sector with an academic focus
600-800 words
1000-1200 words
Guidance on Scholarly Writing
Guidance on scholarly writing is available from the University of Canberra Study Sills resource . As well, forthcoming classes will discuss writing requirements.
By submitting an assignment you are certifying that the assignment is the product of only your work, based on your personal study and/or research. Collaboration or collusion is not permitted in the production of this assessment item. All material and sources used must be acknowledged. The university takes a very dim view of attempted deception - passing off others' work as your own. Read the Academic Itegrity Policy! If you have any doubts about how to handle intellectual property, follow the link on our Moodle site to the Academic Integrity Module.
It is not acceptable to simply copy and paste from sources. Exact or direct copying is a last resort and should be done only to emphasise a point that is best explained in the words of the original author. Exact copying should be in italics or between apostrophes (depending on the reference style) and must always be referenced with author, year and page number, if known. It would be expected that exact copying is no more than 5% of the report. Even when paraphrasing, by re-writing the ideas of other authors in your own words, you will need to reference. The use of the Harvard author-date referencing style is mandatory for this assessment.
The University of Canberra has available, through LearnOnline (Moodle), text-matching software that helps students and staff reduce plagiarism and improve understandings of academic integrity. Known as URKUND, the software matches submitted text in student assignments against material from various sources: the internet, published books and journals, and previously submitted student texts.
Submission Instructions
The assignment should be organised using the following guidelines:
• The assignment report must use 12 point font size minimum and at least single line spacing with appropriate section headings.
• Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list. Harvard referencing style must be used.
• Marks will be lost for poor writing, inadequate structure, careless presentation, and if the report exceeds the word limit by more or less than 10% (word count includes executive summary and references).
The prototype and report should be submitted to the Moodle Dropbox. However arrangements may need to be made with your tutor for marking.
Requests for an extension must be received by the convenor on the authorised extension form, accompanied by supporting documentation, before the due date else penalties may apply for late submission without an approved extension. Refer to Assessment Policy and Procedures for details.
Rubric for Project Prototype, Report and Research: worth 30%
Awesome Amazing Admirable Attempted Unacceptable
Mark HD
28-30 DI
24-27 CR
20-23 P
15-19 Fail
DSS/BIS Prototype
Worth 10% DSS/BIS is exceptional -functionality, ease of use, professional appearance,
impact on stated problem,
relevance to stated problem,
innovativeness of solution DSS/BIS prototype is excellent with attention to detail DSS/BIS generally well conceived and functioning as intended DSS/BIS works but no obvious extra effort DSS/BIS fails to function and does not fulfill the objectives of the prototype. For example, the concept may be too trivial and/or the project poorly designed
Report Structure, Content and Writing Style
Worth 10% The report is outstanding. All elements are present and very well integrated. The proposal is the exact length. Excellent English expression and spelling All elements of the report are present with good cohesion and clear writing style Report components are present and mostly well integrated. Generally clear writing style Most report components are present. Sometimes clear writing style Report is unstructured, is excessively long or short. Demonstrates lack of understanding. Lacks clarity with many grammatical and spelling errors
Research Component and Referencing
Worth 10% Excellent use of creditable and diverse sources. Clear critical writing skills. Extremely good effort in research and writing skills Good effort made but not outstanding Made some effort. Mainly Web and Wikipedia searches Very little attempt to reference. Lazy effort with inaccuracies
Student Name:
Student Id:
Date Submitted: ………………/………………/ 2016 Mark Achieved: Grade Achieved:

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