Recent Question/Assignment

Research Report
Due Date
Week 8: Fri, Sep 11, 2015, 17:00 pm
20% (35 marks)
The purpose of this task is to encourage students to identify and prepare a written critique of a range of features relating to an organisation’s social media presence and strategy.
Learning Outcomes
The following learning outcomes are reinforced in the completion of this task: K1, K2, K4, S1, A1 and A2.
Students are required to prepare a research report of approximately 2000 words. Students are required to select from a list of organisations and prepare an analysis of the organisation’s social media presence and strategy.
Students should report an analysis and evaluation of the following aspects in relation to their selected organisation:
• social media presence
• social media audience
• social media marketing
• ethics, privacy and security
• social media technologies
Select one (1) from the following list of organisations:
• Monash University
• Dell Computers
• Pizza Hut
• Ford Motor Company
• Starbucks
• Zappos
Academic Presentation:
Reports should be presented as a business style report, including title page, executive summary, table of contents, introduction, body encompassing analysis and discussion, conclusion, and references in accordance with:
• General Guide to Referencing:
• General Guide to Writing and Study Skills:
This task will be marked by the course lecturer and/or tutors. Students will be required to submit their written report via Moodle.
Please refer to the Course Description for information regarding late assignments, extensions, special consideration, and plagiarism. A reminder all academic regulations can be accessed via the university’s website, see:
Feedback and Marks:
Feedback and marks will be provided in Moodle. Marks will also be available in FDL Marks.
Time Required:
Time required to complete this task is approximately 20 hours.
Assessment Criteria & Feedback
Marking Scale
Poor Excellent
1 ........................... 5
Discussion and analysis of: social media presence 0
social media audience 0
social media marketing 0
ethics, privacy and security 0
social media technologies 0
Quality of academic writing 0
Referencing and bibliography 0
Total [35 marks] 0
Total Worth [20%] 0%

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