Recent Question/Assignment
Assessment Information
Subject Code: MAN2000
Subject Name: Organisational Behaviour
Assessment Title: Individual report
Weighting: 30%
Total Marks: 30
Due Date: Week 10 – 29th May (11.50pm through Turnitin).
Assessment Description
Each student is required to conduct and document a “Critical Analysis” of two of the topics (e.g., motivation and leadership) covered in Organisational Behaviour.
The critical analysis for each topic requires:
• Presenting a brief review of the topic.
• Discussion of 2-3 theories relevant to the topic.
• Using research and analysis to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each topic to a manager an organisation.
• Presenting CURRENT examples of each OB topic being reported on in the media (e.g., press, business magazines or TV News programs).
The individual report must include:
• Table of contents.
• Introduction (only one introduction is required for the report).
• Critical analysis of the two topics chosen including presentation of examples of each from the media.
• Conclusion (only one conclusion is required for the report).
You must use a minimum of 15 references:
• Text books: The prescribed text and at least 2 other text books.
• At least 6 different academic journal articles.
• Other sources of your choice: Blog, newspaper, magazine or other Internet source
• Wikipedia is not to be used and does not count as an academic reference.
Feedback: Comments and a mark will be returned to you within two weeks of submission.
Below is the feedback form, which will be used to provide you with your grade and summary feedback.
. Marking Guide for Critical Analysis
Student name: ………………………………..………………………………………….
Assessment Criteria: P erformance
Not Shown Acceptable Good Very Good Excellent
Introduction /2 marks
The introduction includes the following:
• An introductory sentence or two related directly to the question.
• A definition or explanation of a key term, cited from your discipline.
• A clear statement of the focus of the essay or the position being argued, your opinion statement.
Content /10 marks
The student has:
• Interpreted the instruction/question properly
• Clearly addressed the topic with appropriate elaboration of relevant subtopics
• Demonstrated an understanding of necessary
• Has identified sufficient and appropriate material from relevant and credible sources to effectively support the key points
Theory and Analysis 8/marks
The student has:
• Incorporated and applied appropriate theory throughout
• Key academic perspectives/views used to develop arguments
• Quality of the discussion which is supported by theory
• Compared and contrasted the views of different authors as part of their analysis
Conclusion /2 marks
The student has included in the conclusion:
• A brief summary of the main ideas presented in the essay.
• Confirmation of the opinion included in the introduction.
• Final evaluative comments on the relative importance of the arguments.
Research and Referencing /5 marks
The student has:
• Presented ideas and assertions that are substantiated through use of high quality reference material
• Provided in-text referencing
• Applied the Harvard Referencing style using the correct technique
• Used a minimum of 15 academic references, including textbooks and journal articles
• Appropriately presented and formatted the Reference List in alphabetical order.
Report Presentation /3 marks
The student has:
• Identified the key essay elements (i.e. introduction, body, conclusion)
• Given each section/paragraph a clear focus and line of thought
• Provided a writing style that is appropriate to the task.
• Used writing that is fluent and grammatically correct, with appropriate punctuation.
• No spelling or typing errors and given due regard to the rules of capitalization and abbreviation etc.
Total available marks – 30 Total grade/mark obtained: /30
Overall Grade: NN, PA, CR, DI, HD