Professional Practice in IT
Assignment 1
Teamwork: Group presentation and communication skills reflection
Due Dates
• Presentations must be delivered in tutorials in Week 6 (24 and 25 March) and Week 7 (31 March and 1 April).
• PowerPoint presentation and written summary / group reflection Word document must be submitted online, via Moodle, by 17 April.
Assessment Item Percentage
Individual presentation delivery 5%
PowerPoint slides 5%
Presentation summary 5%
Group reflection 5%
Group mark 5%
The Task
You will form a group of between 3 and 5 members. The group’s mission is to deliver a PowerPoint presentation on a current IT topic e.g. cloud computing, mobile computing, big data, BYOD, social media, IT security, IT testing, etc.
Each group member will speak for 3 minutes and will cover a different aspect of the topic, using a PowerPoint presentation. These individual presentations will be delivered in sequence to form a cohesive group presentation, with a beginning, middle and end. It should use the same PowerPoint template, be consistent in appearance, and should not look like three separate, disconnected presentations.
The presentation needs to be aimed at an audience of young professionals who work outside the IT industry (no prior IT knowledge can be assumed).
Each individual presentation must contain references, including at least 2 refereed journals, and referencing needs to be done according to Harvard referencing.
Description of assessment items
Individual presentation delivery
This will be assessed based on criteria that include the quality of the spoken presentation, how well-prepared the presenter is, how they engage the audience, how comfortable they are with their material, how they use their voice, and the quality of their content.
Version 1.0
More detailed assessment criteria will be provided on Moodle.
PowerPoint slides
The slides will be assessed based on criteria that include layout, content, spelling and grammar, appropriate font size, white space, correct Harvard referencing (in text and reference list), and graphics.
More detailed assessment criteria will be provided on Moodle.
Presentation summary (approx. 750 words)
Each person will submit a written summary of their own presentation (note that this is not a summary of the whole group’s presentation). This will be written as a short essay and must include correct Harvard referencing (in text and reference list).
More detailed assessment criteria will be provided on Moodle.
Group reflection (approx. 750 words)
Each person will submit a reflection that summarises the processes the group went through in developing and delivering their presentation e.g. choosing the topic, dividing it up, getting a consistent presentation, etc.
The following questions will be asked (with around 200 words expected per question):
1. How did your team plan the group presentation?
2. What worked well during the group presentation?
3. What did not work so well during the group presentation?
4. If you had to do the presentation again, what would you do differently?
References can be included in this discussion but are not essential. If they are included, proper Harvard referencing needs to be used.
Group mark
The tutor will assign a mark based on how well the group performed as a whole e.g. interaction between members, flow of presentations, consistency across presentations, topic coverage, co-operation, etc.
More detailed assessment criteria will be provided on Moodle.
Version 1.0