Contacts 3
Unit overview 3
Student feedback
Learning outcomes 5
Assessment summary
Assessment 1: Group case study/field project 6
report (30%) 6
Overview 6
Details 6
Marking criteria and standards 9
Assessment 2: Reflective reports (30%) 10
Overview 11
Details 11
Marking criteria and standards 11
Assessment 3: Final examination (40%) 13
Overview 13
Details 14
Marking criteria and standards 14
General submission requirements 14
Assignment cover sheet 14
Turnitin 14
Late submission 15
Extension of due date for submission
Schedule of activities 16
Overview of learning resources and 18
assessment 18
Essential reading 18
Referencing requirements 20
Librarian 20
Other resources that might help with university
SGSM Client Services 21
Enrolment changes 21
Teaching staff 21
What is expected of you 21
Attendance and workload 21
special requirements 23
Key policies 23
About Business Operations and Logistics
Below is a list of contacts for this unit. Please liaise directly with your lecturer/unit coordinator regarding appropriate consultation times. It is usually best to make contact with these staff via email.
Coordinator Dr. Hilal Hurriyet
Building ED, G.150A, Parramatta campus
Phone: 9685 9240 Email: h.hurriyet@uws.edu.au
Education Dr. Laurel Jackson
100 George Street, Parramatta City ca mpus
Phone: 9685 9197 Email: la.jackson@uws.edu.au
Administration SGSM Client Services
Ground floor, 100 George Street, Parra matta City campus
Phone: 9685 9801 Email:
Liaison Librarian Paul Jewell
Business Librarian, Parramatta campus
Phone: 9685 9358 Email: p.jewell@uws.edu.au
Unit overview
This unit introduces students to operations and logistics management theory and practice. Operations and logistics management is an important element of business strategy and it is integral to both service and manufacturing industries. Students will develop an appreciation of the latest trends in business operations and logistics management and the applications currently adopted in organisations and industries. They will also learn to apply quantitative techniques for formulating/analysing problems and providing recommended solutions. This unit provides an excellent foundation for further specialisation in logistics and supply chain management but also works well for students in general business operations programs.
Student feedback
Student feedback pays a vital role in improving the quality and educational effectiveness of UWS units and in ensuring academic staff keep in touch with student needs. At the end of the quarter you will be given the opportunity to complete a Student Feedback on Unit (SFU) questionnaire to assess the unit. If requested by your unit coordinator, you may also have the opportunity to complete a Student Feedback on Teaching (SFT) questionnaire to provide feedback for individual teaching staff.
For further information on student feedback and to view examples of the questionnaires, go to http://www.uws.edu.au/opq/planning_and_quality/surveys.
Available information indicates major changes were unwarranted. The assessment components have been redesigned.
Assessment information
Learning outcomes
Business Operations and Logistics is a core unit in the Master of Business (Operations Management). The unit introduces the principles of operations and logistics management which underpin the remainder of the course. It places operations management in context in a variety of organisations in service industries, manufacturing, government and non-profit. The unit introduces a range of techniques to analyse operations and logistics and improve processes as a means of building an effective organisation.
Learning outcomes for the unit are outlined below. Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:
1. Describe the critical role of operations/logistics management plays in business organisations.
2. Explain the interactions between operations/ logistics management and other aspects of a business enterprise with a view of managing competitive priorities and dynamic capabilities for the long term competitiveness.
3. Evaluate the characteristics of various operations and logistics environments and assess their impact on business.
4. Identify and apply a variety of latest quantitative/ qualitative techniques to tackle operations/logistics management problems and interpret the results from a business management perspective.
5. Apply the skills needed to design, develop and improve operations and logistics systems.
6. Identify and analyse business situations and feel confident making and implementing decisions based on quantitative/qualitative analysis, marketing considerations, behavioural, political factors and financial considerations.
7. Analyse the key features of global operations and logistics and discuss the relevance, managerial considerations, advantages and limitations in depth.
Assessment summary
1. Group case study/field project report (2,500 words)
Due: Session 9 Monday, 9 March 2015 1-3 and 6-7 30%
2. 2 x reflective reports (750 words for each report).
Note: 15% value for each report
Due: Sessions 5 (9 February 2015) and 8 (2 March 2015) 1-2 & 4 30%
3. Final examination (2-hours, open book)
Due: As scheduled by School of Business. Details to be advised via Your Business Connection PG 2015. 1-5 40%
Final marks and grades are subject to confirmation by the School Assessment Committees which may scale, modify or otherwise amend the marks and grades for the unit, as may be required by University policies.
? Note: To successfully complete this unit, students must:
? Achieve a minimum of 50 marks.
? Complete all assessment items (including making a satisfactory contribution to group work).
Assessment 1: Group case study/field project report
Group field study report is a practice/application based assessment. This assessment enables student to apply major techniques and models of operations and logistics management into a real business environment with an aim to analyse, develop and improve systems and processes. Students will be able to identify and analyse business situations and feel confident making and implementing operations management decisions on the basis of this analysis.
? As a group of a maximum of five members you have to research and analyse a real operations and logistics business problem (an improvement project), and solve the problem by applying appropriate approaches, models and techniques learned in the unit and write a structured report about it. The project can be a brand new one, recently initialised or an ongoing one within an organisation (manufacturing, service, government, non-profit etc.).
? Examples of the type organisations: manufacturing organisations, insurance company, fast food service, bank, library, hospital, medical clinic, university, public services or any other business that is aiming the design and delivery of products and services. It is your responsibility to approach an organisation.
? Select a particular process/method, operation, department or a business unit and investigate it. Discuss the improvements proposed and propose a system to ensure its maintenance and also discuss the assumptions and limitations. The systematic approach of the Operations and Logistics Management must be reflected in this section of the report. You need to prepare a cost-benefit analysis (based on approximate values) and also propose an on-going monitoring system for suggested improvement system.
? Note: This assignment will also be submitted to Turnitin and the hard copy will be submitted in the class.
Introductory material in the report ? Title page:
- The title should be descriptive of the contents and scope of the report.
? Table of Contents page:
- This should follow the title page. The Table of Contents lists the relevant sections of the report and the relevant page reference. This table must be prepared only after the report has been written.
? List of Tables and List of Figures:
- If the report includes many tables and figures, then a list of tables and a list of figures with page references must be included. These pages must come after the Table of Contents.
? Abstract:
- This must be about half a page and must not exceed one page. The abstract must be a brief summary of the contents of the report.
Structure of the report ? Introduction:
- This section is about the company overview it must contain a brief description of the firm being studied, its history, and important statistics (sales, number of employees etc.) and level of competition within the industry etc.
? Analysis of Operations and Logistics Management Practices:
- This section must link variety of theoretical concepts studied in class to the practical situation within the context of the firm studied. Issues /problems difficulties faced by the firm (if any) in managing operations and logistics should be discussed in this section. Highlighting the disadvantageous of current practices is a major part of this section.
? Discussion and Conclusions:
- This section must identify a new method, approach etc. to be implemented (explain why you have selected that specific approach or methodology and its relevance to the given situation) and its discussion of expected benefits. It should also summarise the major lessons learnt and recommendations.
? References:
- A list of all the sources consulted in carrying out the study must be provided. Sources of information should be duly acknowledged in the main body of the text as well.
? Appendices:
- This section will include additional tables, figures, summary of interviews etc. which were referred to in the report but not included in the main body of the report. The main body of the report must not be more than 2,500 words. This does not include the title page, table of contents, tables, figures, appendices etc.
Marking criteria and standards
(0-14) SATISFACTORY (15-19.5) GOOD
(20-22.50) VERY GOOD
Understanding the operations and logistics processes and practices in the firm and their role in creation of
competitiveness for the company
(20%) Little or no evidence of understanding of the operations and logistics practices.
No evidence of research on company.
Presented work is copied from
company web page and not directly
related. Fails to comprehend common practices of the company.
Evidence of Identifying and describing major processes but demonstrating limited understanding of the role of them in company competitiveness . Broad level research on company. A good understanding of the major processes and practices and their linkage to business and operations strategy is presented
specific latest information. The research on company has been used effectively. Processes and practices are presented and discussed effectively. Very good level of understanding of business and operations strategy and demonstrating relevance to improvement of competitiveness based on researched evidence. It is reflective of previous learning. Excellent
level of understanding
of relationship between business and operations strategy supported by high quality research.
Able to draw on previous learning to
insightful, critical reflections on the role of operations and logistics in creation of competitiveness
Identification of the key issues/ difficulties faced by the firm in operations and logistics (20%)
Fails to identify the key issues/problems. Presented work does not focus on any problem experienced by the company. It is just a reiteration of issues
of practice and it is shown as a mismatch of concepts. Describes and presents a list of key issues but fails to discuss within the context of operations and logistics. The issues are presented as items but the linkage between them is not established and discussion of them is weak. Describes, presents and discusses a relevant list of key issues/ problems but makes limited connection to the
implementation process of new approaches suggested.
There is attempt to link the
Improvements to the theories of operations and logistics. Describes, presents and discusses an extended and
relevant list of key issues/ problems. It presents linkages to the implementation process of new approaches suggested as well as strategies identified in early section.
There is an attempt to refer to operations and logistics theories. Describes, presents and discusses an extended list
of critical issues/ problems. It presents strong linkages to the
implementation process of new approaches suggested as well as strategies identified in early section.
A strong reference to theories of operations and logistics also presents.
(0-14) SATISFACTORY (15-19.5) GOOD
(20-22.50) VERY GOOD
Discussion of suggested improvements/ lessons learnt, conclusions and further improvements
(20%) No discussion of new method/ model suggested as well as lessons learnt and further improvement of competitiveness. Some forms of new approaches, lessons learnt and conclusions are presented but discussions are weak. Lists the major lessons learnt but limited suggestions about what else could be done to improve competitiveness further. A satisfactory level of reflections on the new approaches and lessons learnt as well as some explanation of what else could be done to improve competitiveness further.
There is attempt to link the
Improvements to the theories of operations and logistics. Able to provide insightful discussions on new approaches, major lessons learnt and conclusions. Effectively discuss what else could be done to improve competitiveness further.
There are established links between Improvements and theories of operations and logistics. Able to produce insightful and critical
reflections on new approaches, major lessons learnt and conclusions.
vely explains what else could be done to improve competitivene ss further.
This section presents a whole and it is integrated to state of art theories of operations, logistics and business in general.
Application of relevant theory
(20%) No evidence of application of relevant theory to the firm under investigation. Limited and very broad theoretical linkage to the practical situation. Use some
theoretical frameworks/to ols but these may be only superficially applied to the report. Very relevant and strong linkage between operations and
management theory and practice. Excellent integration of operations
and logistics management theory and practice.
Evidence of correct citation and referencing (10%)
Inadequate in-text citation and/or incomplete list of reference
Demonstrates little understanding of the Harvard referencing system. There are some inconsistencies in Harvard referencing with in-text citations and/or list of references. Good in-text citation and references list with a few errors. Very good intext citation and a good range of references (e.g. books, journals and Internet resources) in mostly correct. Superior intext citation and extensive references in
error free Harvard referencing style.
Spelling and format (10%) No evidence of a clear format. Report contains poor written language competence or careless writing. Format is reader friendly. Writing is satisfactory but with
difficulties in
communicating ideas due to careless writing and lack of proof reading. A clear structure and good presentation.
Some language mistakes but good communication of ideas. A very good quality of structure. Very well written with few minor mistakes. An excellent quality of structure and presentation.
Excellent writing which demonstrates careful revision to avoid minor mistakes.
Assessment 2: Reflective reports 30% (2 x 15%)
This is an individual report. Students are required to think back over the sessions, including the cases, simulations, exercises, videos and other activities, and identify one of the most memorable to submit for their assessment. This assessment enables the student to reflect on their understanding of the interaction between operations and logistics management and other aspects of an organisation.
? Note: The reflective reports are worth 15% each.
Please use the following questions in your reflection:
? What are the case/simulation issues?
? What are the most valuable lessons you have learned?
? How can you apply what you have learned to your work, to your studies, or to any other aspect of your life (past, present or future)? How?
? What factors would prevent you from applying what you have learned?
? What is the relevant theory for the lessons learned?
? How have the sessions confirmed or changed your ideas about management?
? What gaps exist in your knowledge worthy of further investigation?
? In what ways might you consider closing these gaps and how might this assist your future career?
You need to list the key lessons from the case, simulation or video and explain the process of how and where they were identified. You then need to summarise how you can observe the applications of them for different situations. For example they could be situations within the organisations you are working for or situations you have heard about or read thorough written materials.
To do this well you will need to take thorough notes during the class discussions of the cases, simulations and videos. It also helps to make brief notes immediately after the class, recording any ideas or connections resulting from the class. File these notes and refer to them when you are writing your reflective report.
Set it out clearly in Arial, font 12, 1½ spaced so you can browse through it later and remember the key lessons from the course. It is better to use headings, sub-headings, tables and point- form list.
? Note: This assignment will also be submitted to Turnitin and the hard copy will be submitted in the class.
Marking criteria and standards
(0.80-1.00) GOOD
(1.30-1.45) OUTSTANDING
Assignment requirements met Fails to observe the five requirements. 2 of 5 components. 3 of 5. 4 of 5. 1.Hard copy on time in tutorial
2.Cover Sheet provided
3.750 words for each reflection
4.Covered all requirements under ‘details
5. Submitted through Turnitin.
Identification of case simulation issues Fails to demonstrate minimal knowledge of case issues. Case issues are listed but minimal discussion of relevance. Demonstrates understanding of important issues. Demonstrates relevance of issues. Interesting and detailed account of the issues that need to be addressed.
Communication Meaning unclear uses colloquialisms. Contains grammatical and/or spelling errors. Most aspects of writing style require improvement. Language is fluent with mainly correct spelling and grammar. Sentence
structure, clarity, efficiency, structure of argument could improve. Largely coherent, free of errors in spelling and grammar. Wellstructured paragraphs. Coherent, wellstructured sentences and paragraphs. Argument flows, language used is appropriate
to the discipline. Writing style is clear, concise and error free, demonstrating outstanding writing skills.
Explanation of lessons learnt.
Note: Lessons learnt are not the same as case issues. Lessons learnt are what you found useful and relevant. Simple list of lessons learnt without adequate explanation of how they relate to the case. Lessons learnt are discussed in context. Lessons learnt are related to case issues. Lessons learnt are related to case issues and their relevance is discussed. Benefits of lessons learnt are covered in addition to relevance.
Application of lessons learnt and barriers to applying lessons learnt Poorly developed discussion with no link to the relevant issues. Barriers to applying lessons learnt and no explanation as to why barriers will be
difficult to overcome. Inconsistencies in application of case material. Barriers are anecdotal and/or generic, with little relevance to case. Appropriate application of lessons learnt based on relevant issues. Appropriate identification
of barriers and suggestions on how to overcome them. Consistent, accurate use of case material to support application of lessons learnt. Means to overcome
barriers are supported by references to theory. Functional.
Demonstrates transference of knowledge from cases to real life or unique situations. Solid discussion of barriers to implementation with discussion on how they might be overcome.
(0.80-1.00) GOOD
(1.30-1.45) OUTSTANDING
Relevance to theory
Uses personal opinion or inappropriate or inaccurate choice of theory to support lessons learnt. Basic theoretical underpinnings to support lessons learnt. Lessons learnt are supported by theory and appropriate references. Lessons learnt are supported by theory and appropriate references. Correct citations used. Lessons learnt are supported by theory and appropriate references. Correct citations used. Contracting views presented if relevant.
Comments on changes in perception as a result of the case study Not related to the case or simulation. Heavily based on personal experience. Changes in perception are linked to lessons learnt. Lessons learnt are placed in context. Relevance of lessons learnt is discussed. Clearly articulated, practical and related to previous material presented in the reflective report.
Reflection, evaluation, ongoing learning. Conclusion based on reading, listening, learning, and experience Lacks reflection. Absence of or inappropriate conclusions. Articulates own learning, identifying change or substantiation with supporting examples. Acknowledges the contribution and impact of others gained through listening. Complete, clear concise, and grounded in theory with evidence. Develops new concepts. Identifies gaps in own knowledge or areas for future investigation. Complete, clear concise, and grounded in theory with evidence. Develops new concepts and
Self-criticism based on identified gaps in knowledge, class discussions, experience, and career plans Fails to meaningfully undertake the process of selfcriticism. Begins to recognise own strengths and weaknesses but may be dependent on external criteria. Is able to recognise and articulate own strengths and weaknesses. Evaluates own strengths and weaknesses. Develops own
criteria of judgment. Reflects on own practice and maps a way forward.
Assessment 3: Final examination (40%)
The final exam enables students to describe the role of Operations and Logistics Management in a range of organisations and institutions. The exam will also demonstrate that the student is able to apply a variety of simple quantitative techniques to management problems and interpret the results of quantitative analysis.
The student will be able to prepare recommendations for the management of the internal operations of an organisation, based on quantitative analysis, and qualitative analysis.
This will be a two-hour, open book examination. It will consist of quantitative and short answer questions. All questions will be based on material covered in lectures and ultimately derived from your textbook (Krajewski et al, 2013). It is essential to bring a non-programmable calculator. More information will be available on vUWS prior to the final examination.
The final exam will be held in normal end of semester exam period. The examination is worth 40 per cent of the total mark for the unit. In general, understanding of the question, clarity of answers, demonstration of insight to relevant topics and accuracy of calculations are the major dimensions to consider in marking.
Marking criteria and standards
Pass Competent descriptive discussion, some grasp of the topic, coherent style and composition, essentially a superficial discussion.
Credit Analytical and explanatory discussion, some theoretical insights, good use of sources and examples, focused argument that could be improved.
Distinction Comprehensively analyses the question, understands and compares approaches systematically, critical comments on literature, excellent examples and illuminating insight.
High Distinction An analytical answer that offers originality in synthesis or analysis and utilises a multitude of relevant sources to justify arguments and produce a critical and intelligent piece of work.
General submission requirements
Assignment cover sheet
? Note: All assignments are to be submitted with an Assignment Cover Sheet and handed to the lecturer in class on the due date.
Group assignments are to be submitted with a group assignment cover sheet as well as a Student Evaluation of Group Member Participation form. Non-contributing team members can sometimes be an issue with group-work structured assessment. Individual student group work scores may be adjusted as a result of peer dissatisfaction with a particular student’s contribution to group work assignments, as reflected in submissions of the evaluation form.
? Note: Assignment cover sheets and the evaluation form can be located on vUWS.
Students are to keep a copy of all assignments submitted for marking.
The Turnitin plagiarism prevention system is available to assist students in avoiding plagiarism. Turnitin is a software product that reports on similarities between your paper and other documents. There is a great deal of information regarding Turnitin including an instructional guide at: http://library.uws.edu.au/turnitin.php.Turnitin is used by over 30 universities in Australia and is increasingly seen as an industry standard. It is an important tool to assist with students with their academic writing by promoting awareness of plagiarism.
Late submission
A student who submits a late assessment will be penalised by 10 per cent per day up to ten days i.e. marks equal to 10 per cent of the assignment’s worth will be deducted as a “flat rate” from the mark awarded. For example, for an assignment with a possible highest mark of 50, the student’s awarded mark will have five marks deducted per late day. Saturday and Sunday count as one day each. Assessments will not be accepted after the marked assessment task has been returned to students who submitted the task on time except where compulsory items of assessment must be submitted. An assessment submitted at any time after the due time on the due date will be deemed to be a late submission and late submission penalties will accrue immediately from the due time and date.
Extension of due date for submission
Normally no extension will be approved. Contact your lecturer before the due date of the assignment for any extension in extra-ordinary circumstances only.
Where special consideration is sought for circumstances involving more than three consecutive days or more than five days within a teaching period, students should complete a Special Consideration Application, available as an e-form via the UWS website.
1 2015 | SECTI ON FOUR
Teaching activities
Schedule of activities
Quarter 1 teaching begins on Monday, 12 January 2015.
There is one public holiday this quarter which may affect classes. Australia Day falls on Monday, 26 January 2015. Alternative teaching arrangements for any classes affected by this public holiday will be posted on vUWS
? Note: Further reading, information about assignments, etc. may be notified during class or on vUWS. The class program may be modified to suit class needs during the semester, subject to University rules.
12-16 January
2015 Introduction to operations management.
Learning approaches.
Operations strategy.
Cases/exercises: (vUWS).
Theorganicgrocer.com (p.49) Note: No preparation required.
Discuss assignments.
Group forming starts.
Reading: Chapter 1
19-23 January
2015 Process strategy (cont.).
Break Even analysis (Supplement A).
Cases/exercises: *Kristen’s Cookie Company (vUWS).
Video: King Soopers Bakery.
Introduction to Min-Yo (p. 291). Prepare Kristen’s Cookie Company
(Look up Gantt charts in text, p.541).
Reading: Chapter 3 and Supplement A (pp. 51-54).
26-30 January
2015 Process constraints.
Cases/exercises: Running of
Simulation: Min-Yo Garment Company (p. 289) Prepare Min-Yo with your group members and be ready to start the simulation.
Skim read: Chapter 7.
2-6 February
2015 Process analysis.
Quality management.
Cases/exercises: Hank Kolb case (vUWS). Reading: Chapter 4 and Chapter 5.
9-13 February
2015 Capacity planning.
Decision theory.
Class exercises.
Due: Individual reflective report 1. Reading: Chapter 6 and Supplement A (pp. 59-61).
1 2015 | SECTI ON FOUR
20915 Inventory management.
Video: Inventory and textbooks.
*Parts Emporium (p. 363) Prepare Parts Emporium.
Reading: Chapter 9 and chapter 10.
February 2015 Supply chain management.
Cases/exercises: Simulation: The Beer Game.
Barilla SPA (vUWS). Special attention (p. 432-436).
View the information on The Beer Game posted the vUWS site.
Reading: Chapter 10 and Chapter 12.
2-6 March
2015 Forecasting.
Cases/exercises: *Yankee Fork and
Hoe (p. 522)
Class exercises.
Due: Individual reflective report 2 Reading: Chapter 14.
9-13 March
2015 Scheduling.
Class exercises.
Due: Group report. Reading: Chapter 15.
16-20 March
2015 Review of unit content.
Exam preparation. Review of notes and calculations.
1 2015 | SECTI ON FOUR
Learning resources
Overview of learning resources and assessment
The table below outlines how the learning resources can be best used to address the assessment tasks for this unit.
Teaching staff Attend the lectures to understand the topic of the week and be prepared to participate. Discuss the possible projects with lecturer. Ask for approval of selected project. Pay attention to the lecturer’s explanation of topics. Take notes to be used in reflective reports. Ask questions about any topic that is unclear to you. Ensure you attend the last session of review and exam preparation
Library See the Library home page to get help from a librarian: http://library.uws.edu.au.
Attend the Library skills sessions offered by library in Weeks 1-3. The Library Search Box is a great library information relevant to your topic, if needed:
. Use reference books to help gain a clearer explanation of concepts and principles covered in this unit.
Textbook Read the prescribed chapters in advance of the lectures and prior to preparation of report to identify the relevance for the group field project selected. Read the cases and chapters and/or readings relevant to the each reflective report. Read all chapters and readings. Revise calculations.
vUWS Download weekly work Watch for any announcements. Visit vUWS for information related to assignment Download weekly work Watch for any announcements. Visit vUWS for information related to assignment. Download lecture notes and tutorial solutions.
The final exam coverage and format will be posted on vUWS before the last week of term.
Essential reading
Textbook Krajewski, LJ, Ritzman, LP & Malhotra, MK 2013, Operations management: processes and supply chains, 10th edn, Global Edition, Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
1 2015 | SECTI ON FOUR
Essential reading Cache, G & Terwiesch, C 2009, Matching supply with demand – an introduction to operations management, McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York.
Christopher, M 2011, Logistics and supply chain management, Prentice Hall/Financial Times, London.
Coyle, JC, Langley, JC, Gibson, BJ, Novack, RA & Bari, EJ 2009, Supply chain management: a logistics perspective, 8th edn, South-Western Cengage, Mason, Ohio.
De Bono, E 1995, Teach yourself to think, Viking, London.
Finch, BJ 2008, Operations now: supply chain profitability and performance, McGraw Hill Irwin, New York.
Fitzsimmons JA & Fitzsimmons, MJ 2008, Services management: operations, strategy, information technology, 6th edn, McGraw Hill Irwin.
Heizer, J & Render, B 2011, Operations management, 10th ed, Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
Karlsson, C (ed.) 2009, Researching operations management, Routledge, New York.
Jacobs, FR, Chase, RB & Aquilano, NJ 2011, Operations and supply management, 13th edn, McGraw-Hill, Boston.
Mangan, J. 2011 Global logistics and supply chain management, Hoboken, Wiley, New Jersey.
Russell, RS & Taylor, BW 2009, Operations management: creating value along the supply chain, 6th edn, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey.
Schroeder, RG 2011, Operations management: contemporary concepts and cases, 5th edn, McGraw Hill Irwin, Boston, New York.
Slack, N, Chambers, S & Johnston, R 2010, Operations management, 6th edn, Prentice Hall/Financial Times, New York.
Stevenson, WJ 2012, Operations management, 11th edn, McGraw Hill Irwin, New York.
Swink, M, Melynk, SA, Cooper, MB & Hartley, JL 2011, Managing operations across the supply chain, McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York.
Wisner, JD, Tan, KC & Leong, GK 2012, Principles of supply chain management: a balanced approach, South Western.
Additional reading Brassard, M. & Ritter, D 2010, The memory jogger II, 2nd edn, GOAL/QPC, Methuen, MA.
Evans, JR & Lindsay WM 2011, Managing for quality and performance excellence, 8th edn, Cengage Learning.
Larson, E & Gray, C 2011, Project management: the managerial process, 5th edn, McGraw-Hill.
Rasiel, EM & Friga, PN 2001, The McKinsey mind: understanding and implementing the problem-solving tools and management techniques of the world's top strategic consulting firm, McGraw-Hill, Chicago, IL
Ravindran, AV 2008, Operations research and management science handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Ronen, B & Pass, S 2008, Focused operations management achieving more with existing resources, Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey.
Samson, D & Singh PJ (eds.) 2008, Operations management: an integrated approach, Cambridge University Press, New York.
1 2015 | SECTI ON FOUR
Referencing requirements
This unit uses Harvard UWS referencing style. Full details and examples are available on the library website at http://library.uws.edu.au/citing.php
For assistance in using library resources, refer to the inside front cover for contact details to arrange an appointment with your liaison librarian.
Other resources that might help with university life
University life Find out about life outside the lecture theatre – news and events, services and facilities, career information and more!
E-Learning Check your vUWS sites regularly for unit announcements and to keep up with online discussions. If you do not have access to vUWS please contact elearning on https://vuws.uws.edu.au/
Disability Service Students with a disability should visit:
http://www.uws.edu.au/currentstudents/current_students/getting_help/disability_ services
Course and unit rules This site provides information on pre-requisites, co-requisites and other matters concerning how your course is structured.
http://www.uws.edu.au/currentstudents/current_students/managing_your_study/ enrolment/course_and_unit_rules
The Learning and Teaching
Unit The Learning and Teaching Unit provides valuable online resources for academic writing. Visit the Learning and Teaching Unit:
Policies This site includes the full details of policies that apply to you as a UWS student.
You and this unit
SGSM Client Services
SGSM Client Services will be your primary contact for all student administrative matters. If you have concerns regarding enrolment, results, fees then contact the SGSM Client Services team. Contact details are listed in Section 1 of this learning guide.
SGSM Client Services also organise a range of academic skills sessions for students which are free of charge. For details of the sessions, please contact SGSM on sgsmclientservices@uws.edu.au or 9685 9801.
Enrolment changes
If you do not formally withdraw from a unit on or before the census date you will incur a debt for the unpaid tuition fee. That debt cannot be transferred or deferred to another quarter.
The timeframe to notify of changes for all units for this quarter is no later than 1 February 2015.
You need to enrol and withdraw from units online via the My Student Records (MySR) site. Verbal notification will not be accepted. Please notify your unit coordinator if adding/removing a unit.
All withdrawals from units must be done online before the Census date.
? Note: If you fail to notify Client Services you will be liable for all tuition fees and will receive a fail-discontinued grade – the onus is on you to correct your enrolment.
Teaching staff
Your unit coordinator will be your primary contact for all matters relating to this unit. If you have any concerns about the unit, please contact your unit coordinator in the first instance. If you would prefer to speak to someone else you are advised to speak to your Director, Postgraduate Education. Contact details for the unit coordinator and the Director, Postgraduate Education can be found in Section One of the learning guide.
What is expected of you
Attendance and workload
SGSM has a recommendation that students should attend a minimum of 80 per cent of all classes in order to pass the unit. Please note that this means 80 per cent of class time, and not simply signing for 80 per cent of the classes. It is very important to note that at their discretion, your instructor may deem you have not attended a session if you just sign the class roll and then leave the class. Please let your lecturer know if you are unable to attend any session.
Students have a responsibility to:
1. Familiarise themselves with the University policies on assessment and examinations.
2. Ensure they read and understand the assessment requirements and note the submission dates, and seek assistance from the lecturer and/or unit coordinator when needed.
3. Notify relevant staff (e.g. lecturer, unit coordinator, disability adviser) as soon as possible prior to, or at the beginning of, the teaching session if they wish to have special requirements accommodated.
4. Submit for assessment their own individual and unassisted work, except as otherwise permitted, and understand that cheating, plagiarism, fabrication or falsification of data will be severely dealt with.
5. Behave ethically and appropriately, avoiding any action or behaviour which would unfairly disadvantage or advantage another student.
6. Ensure that they understand the requirements, including timetables, for examinations and other assessments tasks.
In order to optimise the value of your learning, it is strongly advised to prepare before each session, enthusiastically participate in each session, and then reflect on each session. The amount of time spent out of class will vary for each individual, depending on competencies and proficiency in any area. An approximation is on 130 hours per unit, which is an average of 13 hours per session. Effective learning requires interaction between you, your instructor, and your peers.
The better prepared you are before each session the greater the learning value from more focused questions and discussions. In addition, reflecting on what you have learned is an important process for you to confidently apply your newly learned skills.
Therefore, in order to gain the most learning value from the synergistic relationship between your support materials and your specific unit material it is highly recommended you follow these steps for each session:
Before each session Read the support materials, notes and answer any given questions or problems.
Pre-read your instructor’s lecture notes for more detailed comprehension.
Follow any other learning leads from your Instructor including the vUWS site.
During each session Enthusiastically participate in the “activities” guided by your instructor.
Contribute to each session with focused questions and discussions.
Attempt any questions and problems shown in your session.
Identify clearly what you know and what you don’t know.
Ask your instructor about any questions or problems from this or any session.
After each session Attempt any questions and problems advised by your instructor.
Reflect in action (while doing these questions and problems).
Review the worked solutions to questions and problems.
Reflect on action (after you have done these questions and problems).
Identify clearly what you know and what you don’t know.
Special requirements
There are no essential or special requirements for this unit.
Key policies
The University has a number of policies that relate to teaching and learning. Important policies that affect students include:
? Assessment Policy
? Code of Conduct
? Disability Policy
? Email Policy
? Examinations Policy
? Library Loans Policy
? Misconduct – Student Academic Misconduct Policy
? Misconduct – Student Non-Academic Misconduct Policy
? Occupational Health and Safety Guidelines and Procedures
? Occupational Health and Safety Policy
? Respect and Inclusion in Learning and Working Policy
? Review of Grade Policy
? Special Consideration Policy
These policies can be located online at http://policies.uws.edu.au/. There are two policies that relate to misconduct – academic and non-academic misconduct. Breaches of these policies can have very serious consequences. It is essential that you are familiar with these policies and how to avoid misconduct of any type.