Client Management System
A local shop keeper of your suburb has requested you to develop a system to manage sales database. The shop keeper wants to keep the following details of his daily sales: a unique sales id (a sequential number), customer’s first name, last name, post code, and sales amount.
The main program should first display a menu as follows. A user needs to select an operation from the main menu.
Welcome to Tax Return Clients Management:
Please choose an option from the followings.
A dd sales details to the database.
S earch sales details for a given sales id in the database.
Q uit.
If the user selects the option A the user should be prompted to enter sales details and write (append) the sales details into the ‘sales.txt’ file.
If the user selects the option S the user should be prompted to enter a sales id. For the given sales id if a sales id is found in the sales.txt file the details of that sale should be displayed on the screen.
Finally, the program should quit if the user chooses the option Q .
Handle any exceptional situations and avoid invalid inputs from the user.
Use multiple functions, instead of using a single function to do everything. Create a good design of the functions to make the best use of the code and avoid duplicate calculations. You also need to design your program so that it has components that can be reused in another program, if needed.
Write an algorithm in structured English (pseudocode) that describes the steps required to perform the task specified. Some examples of pseudocode can be found at http://www.unf.edu/~broggio/cop2221/2221pseu.htm.
Implement your algorithm in Python.
Avoid duplicate code.
Comment your code as necessary to explain it clearly.
Select 3 sets of test data that will demonstrate the correct “normal” operation of your program.
Run your program using the test data you have selected and save the output it produces in a text file.
1. Your algorithm.
2. The table recording your chosen test data.
3. Source code for your Python implementation.
4. Output listings demonstrating the results of using the test data.
It is important that the output listings are not edited in any way.
Reinforce topic material related to files and exceptions.
Reinforce topic material related to lists.
Marking criteria
Assessment Criteria Performance Standards
(Does not meet the PS requirements)
0 – 49 %
(Meets the requirements below)
50 – 64 %
(Meets PS requirements plus those below)
65 – 74 %
(Meets CR requirements plus those below)
75 – 84 %
(Meets DI requirements plus those below)
85 – 100 %
0 - .99 1 - 1.29 1.3 - 1.49 1.5 - 1.69 1.7 - 2.0 marks
Produce an algorithm in pseudocode (structured English).
(2 marks)
A significant number of errors in the produced algorithm. Only a small number of errors in the produced algorithm.
It uses multiple functions.
It uses appropriate loops.
No errors in the produced algorithm.
File reading and writing is done as instructed in the assignment task.
All variable names in the produced algorithm are meaningful.
A good design of the functions has been used.
All statements in the produced algorithm are necessary.
0 - .49 .5 -.64 .65 - .74 .75 - .84 .85 - 1.0 mark
Select appropriate test data.
Present the test results.
(1 mark)
Selected test data are not clearly presented in a table or do not allow easy calculation of output. Selected test data are clearly presented in a table and allow easy calculation of output. Selected test data present normal operation of the code. Sound reasons are provided for the selection of test data. Test data explore every branch of the program.
Clear explanation provided of the expected output of the test results.
0 - 2.99 3 - 3.89 3.9 - 4.49 4.5 - 5.09 5.1 - 6 marks
Produce the necessary Python code.
(6 marks)
The produced Python code does not execute properly, and/or contains syntax errors and/or produces incorrect results. The produced Python code executes properly without any syntax errors producing correct results.
It uses multiple functions.
It uses appropriate loops.
The produced Python code is fully documented with appropriate comments.
All variable names are meaningful.
File reading and writing is done as instructed in the assignment task.
The produced Python code implements the pseudocode correctly.
A good design of the functions has been used.
The produced Python code contains only necessary statements and variables.
0 - .49 .5 -.64 .65 - .74 .75 - .84 .85 - 1.0 mark
Present the actual output of the program.
(1 mark)
The presented test output does not match the actual results that can be obtained from the execution of the program. The presented test output matches the actual results that can be obtained from the execution of the program. The presented test output is correct. The test output is correct for any test data in addition to those used in the submitted table to report the test result. The presented test output is in the form specified in the assignment.
You MUST prepare and present all source code, output from test runs, and other documentation as separate files within a single directory (folder) identified by your name. This directory will later be compressed into a single ZIP file - see the -Requirements- section below.
The Python source code you write should be saved with a name such as ITC106_Ass_4py by choosing File Save As, from the IDLE -edit- window.
The test run (or runs) produced when your Python program executes should be saved with a name such as ITC106_Ass_4.txt by choosing File Save As, from the IDLE -run- window. (N.B. When testing your final program, start with a new (empty) run window, perform ALL necessary test runs one after the other, then when finished save the contents of the -run- window into ONE file showing ALL test runs in the order that you carried them out. This order should match the order of the test in your -test data table-).
The other documentation (such as your pseudocode, and your table of test data etc.) should be saved in a Word document with a name such as ITC106_Ass_4.doc.
Thus your directory for Assignment A4 will contain three files - and be identified with your name (and not the name of the subject or the assignment).
It is critically important that your test runs (saved as one file with a .txt extension) are unmodified outputs from your program, and that these results should be reproducible by the marker running your saved .py python program in IDLE. In this subject test runs, and python program listings are NOT to be cut and pasted in any form from the IDLE windows. (For example you might be tempted to cut the output from test runs and to paste it into a Word document to create a -pretty- assignment with headers and footers the way you might be used to doing for other subjects. DO NOT DO THIS! The un-edited contents of the -edit- and -run- windows from IDLE is all we want to see in the .py program listing file and the .txt test run file.)
Once you have saved the three files (as described under -Presentation- above) into a single directory identified by your name, you MUST compress that directory into a single ZIP file (and only a ZIP file - not a RAR file or some other compressed file format), as outlined in the section on presentation. Failure to adhere to these requirements will attract a 10% penalty.