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Sally is 22 years old and has a 6 year history of anorexia nervosa. In recent weeks, her condition has deteriorated to the point where her treating Medical Officer has prescribed the administration of artificial nutrition (in the form of PEG feeds). However, Sally is refusing to consent to both the insertion of a PEG tube and to artificial feeding. Does Sally have a legal right to refuse these procedures?
Explain your position from both a legal and an ethical perspective
The essay must address the ethical aspects of your chosen topic and include a discussion of its relevance to a) your future profession, b) your role as a clinical practitioner, and c) the society in which you practice.
Please refer to the marking criteria attached to your unit outline and the essay checklist for assistance in fulfilling the requirements of this assignment.

• Weighting: 50%
• Word Limit: 2,000 words

Your essay needs to demonstrate the following:
• Clear identification of the ethical aspects of the topic
• Clear statement of your position
• Sound application of ethical theory, principles, and virtues/values to the issues
• Clear, logical arguments
• Sound defence of your approach against alternative positions
• Concise summary of your argument
• To write these essays, you will be assisted by reading through your e-modules & lecture material, by studying your recommended texts, and by reading more widely (see the list of recommended readings in your unit outline and, especially, the reference lists at the end of the e-modules & lecture slides most relevant to your essay topic).
Your essay also needs the following:
• An ACU Assignment Cover Sheet filled out, signed and dated must be attached to the essay - make sure you indicate which essay topic you have chosen and who your tutor is
• A Marking Criteria Sheet and Essay Checklist must be attached to the essay in order to receive feedback
• Students are strongly advised to use the Marking Criteria Sheet and the Essay Checklist as a guide when writing the essay
• Key terms should be defined and all work properly referenced using APA referencing style

• Students are strongly advised to consult Academic Skills Unit study guide, particularly chapters 6-10.

When Presenting, Introducing and Concluding Essay/Assignments;
Always Provide:
• A Title – Use Your Essay Topic as your Title
• Page numbers
• 1.5 spacing
• Size 11 font


Essay Plan

• 2,000 words = about 5 pages of computer generated text;
• Half a page on your introduction;
• 4 pages on your body – (3 paragraphs on each page = you may use sub-headings)
• Half a page on your conclusion;
• 1 page for your references

Consider your wording in your introduction:

This essay/paper/assignment attempts to discuss/explores/argues that/ explains/ implies/ describes/… the issues/ points of view/ aspects/ ..on how ….. Using the various points of view from the literature….concerning….

The essay starts/begins by/ firstly discusses/ describing/ identifying/ depicting…. The issues/ ideas/ understanding… it then considers…and concludes by…..
Avoid monotony and try to use alternatives to states and says

Try to use: implies, argues, predicts, concludes, discusses, describes, reviews, compares, questions, espouses, explains, explores, depicts, structures, proposes, purports etc.