Assignment 2
Topic: Planning and Analysis
Covers: Module 3 - Module 5
Marked out of 100: Weighting 20%
Due Date: Wednesday 31 December 2014
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Read each assignment question carefully and refer as required to your course textbook and materials posted on Study Desk. I encourage students to post any queries that they have regarding this assignment onto the course Study Desk. An appropriate response will be provided and this enables all course participants to view the relevant discussion. Please also read the Study desk item regarding contact with the course team prior to directly contacting the course team.
Part 1 – Project management tools –25 Marks
Task name
Interview users
Prepare use cases
Review use cases
Draft screen layouts
Review screens
Identify classes
CRC analysis
Prepare draft class diagram
Review documentation
Using the information in the table above, draw a PERT chart of the project to determine the earliest completion time for the project and identify the critical path for the project. You must submit the following:
a) GANTT chart (10 marks)
b) PERT chart (10 marks)
c) Date for the Earliest Completion Time of the project (2.5 marks)
d) Critical Path (2.5 marks)
NOTE: Saturdays and Sundays are non-working days. For simplicity, there are no holidays between the start and completion of this project. The work week starts on Monday at 8:00 and finishes on Friday at 17:00.
Marking Criteria Part 1:
10 9 8 7 5 3 0
Outstanding: High Distinction: Credit: Pass: Fail: Not
Distinction: Submitted:
An outstanding An excellent More than Competently Satisfactorily Did not No attempt
attempt – well piece of work competently meets the meets the sufficiently made or
formatted and that meets all meets the criteria as criteria. meet the different from
professionally the specified criteria specified with criteria to pass. what is
presented piece criteria with specified with few minor acceptable
of work. very minor only minor mistakes or
omissions or mistakes or omissions.
mistakes omissions.
2.5 2.0 1.5 1 0
Outstanding: Distinction: Pass: Fail: Not Submitted:
An outstanding attempt – well formatted and professionally presented piece of work. An excellent piece of work that meets all the specified criteria with minor omissions or mistakes. Satisfactorily meets the criteria. Did not sufficiently meet the criteria to pass. No attempt made or different from what is acceptable.
? You must use this format (as used in the 10th edition of the textbook and also generated by Microsoft Project) shown here for the PERT chart:
? Dependencies are correctly represented
? Start day correctly calculated
? Finish day correctly calculated
? Earliest Completion date for the project is correctly calculated
? Critical Path correctly identified
? Both Gantt and PERT charts are correctly drawn.
N.B. You will not pass this assignment if you use the incorrect format.
Ensure that the words and numbers are easy to read! You don’t want to lose marks because the marker cannot read it!
Part 2 – Financial Analysis Tools – 45 Marks
Part 2A: (40 Marks)
Working as a Systems Analyst on a project, your analysis reveals that it will cost $35000 to establish the new computer system (in year 0), and that the recurring costs for the next 5 years will increase by 5% each year. The benefits in year 0 will be $25,000 and these are expected to rise by 25% each year for the next 5 years. Assuming an 8% discount rate undertake the tasks below.
1. Perform a Payback Analysis for this project. (10 marks)
2. Using the Payback Analysis table, determine the payback period for the system by drawing the associated graph. Clearly indicate on the graph the payback period. (10 marks)
3. What is the ROI for this project over the five (Year 0+ the following 5 years) year period? You must show the formula and the values used to arrive at your answer. (10 marks)
4. Assuming an 8 per-cent discount rate, determine the Net Present Value (NPV) for this project (discount factor tables can be found in the text or through the Internet) (10 marks)
By following the information provided above, complete the following table to be able to provide a summary analysis during the next project meeting. Values must be entered for each of the nonhighlighted cells within the table.
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total
PV Factor (8%)
PV of Benefits
PV Factor (8%)
PV of Costs
Net Present Value
Pay Back Period
Return on Investment
Part 2B (5 Marks) (approximately 250 words)
You need to explain the results of the financial analysis performed in Part 2A above in a cover sheet to your CEO. You are to provide a brief description explaining the implications for the CEO to enable him/her to understand and to be able to make appropriate decisions regarding the project feasibility. What decision do you recommend?
Marking Criteria Part 2A:
10 9 8 7 5 3 0
Outstanding: High Distinction: Credit: Pass: Fail: Not
Distinction: Submitted:
An outstanding An excellent More than Competently Satisfactorily Did not No attempt
attempt – well piece of work competently meets the meets the sufficiently made or
formatted and that meets all meets the criteria as criteria. meet the different from
professionally the specified criteria specified with criteria to pass. what is
presented piece criteria with specified with few minor acceptable
of work. very minor only minor mistakes or
omissions or mistakes or omissions.
mistakes omissions.
? Correct table used for reflecting Net Present Value
? Year 0+Five year period covered correctly
? Figures for Costs calculated correctly
? Figures for Benefits calculated correctly
? Correct Present Value Factors used
? Present Value totals included in table
? Project viability determined
? An appropriate graph included for Payback Period
? Correct details shown on graph (axes)
? Correct values used to calculate Payback period
? Payback period for the project correctly shown on graph
? Payback period is specifically stated and expressed appropriately
? Correct values used to calculate ROI
? ROI correct formula shown ? ROI correctly calculated
? ROI expressed correctly
? Correct format used for all figures
Marking Criteria Part 2B:
5 4 ½ 4 3 ½ 2 ½ 1 ½ 0
Outstanding: High
Distinction: Distinction: Credit: Pass: Fail: Not Submitted:
An outstanding attempt – well formatted and professionally presented piece of work. An excellent piece of work that meets all the specified criteria with very minor omissions or mistakes. More than competently meets the criteria specified with only minor mistakes or omissions. Competently meets the criteria as specified with few minor mistakes or omissions. Satisfactorily meets the criteria. Did not sufficiently meet the criteria to pass. No attempt made or different from what is acceptable.
Part 3 - Decision Table and DFD fragment (30 marks)
The discount given to the car insurance customer is determined from three different conditions. Firstly, whether the customer is Young (18-24), or Mature (25 or older). Secondly, the customer’s home address is considered to be Low (L), Medium (M), or High (H) risk. Finally, whether the customer has made any claims within the last two years (Y or N).
A mature person gets a 20% discount while a young person gets no discount for their age. Someone who has a low risk address gets a 10% discount whereas a person with a medium risk address gets a 7% discount, and those with high risk addresses get no discount for their address. Those who have made no claims in the last two years receive a 5% discount. All discounts are cumulative. In other words the discounts based on age, location and previous claims are added together. So for example, a mature person living at a low risk address who has made no claims in the last 2 years would receive a 35% discount.
1. Draw a decision table that shows all possible rules for the above scenario. (10 marks)
2. Draw the DFD fragment described by the decision table (I recommend you use Microsoft Visio or other similar tool). (10 marks)
3. You are then required to write the Structured English for the Determine the discounts process described in the decision table. (10 marks)
Marking Criteria for each section (Part 3):
10 9 8 7 5 3 0
Outstanding: High Distinction: Credit: Pass: Fail: Not
Distinction: Submitted:
An outstanding An excellent More than Competently Satisfactorily Did not No attempt
attempt – well piece of work competently meets the meets the sufficiently made or
formatted and that meets all meets the criteria as criteria. meet the different from
professionally the specified criteria specified with criteria to pass. what is
presented piece criteria with specified with few minor acceptable
of work. very minor only minor mistakes or
omissions or mistakes or omissions.
mistakes omissions.
? Conditions in decision table relate appropriately ? Actions in decision table relate appropriately ? Appropriate number of rules shown.
? Appropriate alternatives shown for each action
? Decision table matches specifications
? DFD process has appropriate number
? DFD process is named appropriately
? Correctly named dataflows
? Correct dataflows going into process
? Correct dataflows coming out from the process
? Structured English uses correct format
? Structured English covers all rules in final decision table
? Structured English matches specifications