Document Format
A fully documented (i.e. containing suitable comments) Python program which should implement the system requirements. You must submit your entire system in a zip file titled “”.
Screencast. Your screencast should be in MPEG or MOV file format titled “studentID_screencast”
Replace “studentID” with your university student ID.
Submit the file in the allocated assignment submission page on Canvas.
Assignment weight - 35%
Other requirements
You must adhere to the above assessment requirements.
Your source code will be checked for plagiarism using Pycode open source software
System Specification (20 points)
You are required to design, implement and test a small console-based quiz in Python which performs the description given below.
The quiz should ask the user(s) 10 questions. The quiz topic can be on any subject of your choice.
You are required to produce a program which reads in, from the console (command line), ten quiz questions and ten correct answers, one correct answer for each question.
Once you have added these questions to your program, you then need to extend the console (command line) interface so that it:
Asks the user their name
Runs through all questions of the quiz and keep a running score of the number of correctly questions answered;
Once the users has answered all the questions, the system should print out their score out of 10 as well as a percentage score on the screen;
The program should then prompt to ask if anybody else wants to take the quiz. It should then perform steps 1-4 again for the next user;
Once all the users have finished the quiz, the program displays:
The name of the user with the highest score (as well as other users’ score).
The average score of all users.
You should make use of conditional statements, iterative statements, functions, data structures etc. in your program.
Your program should suitably handle user errors (e.g., incorrect input type, such as empty answer or name etc.).
The above describes the basic features that you are expected to attempt for this assessment. Extra marks are available if you can extend your program so that it implements the following additional features:
You can produce a quiz which can ask any number of questions (i.e. user can specify the number of questions they wan to answer, e.g., 15 questions).
The system displays questions in random order each time the quiz is taken.
The user is shown which questions they got correct and which they got incorrect (as well as showing the correct answer for any questions they answered incorrectly
Your source code should include sufficient and correctly formatted comments.
You must have a -Readme.txt- file containing detailed instruction on how to use your system.

System demonstration (15): Prepare up to 10 minutes of recorded presentation of all the features and functionalities of your implemented software. Your presentation should show at least the following aspects of your system:
Clear view of the user interface.
Clear view of the source code generating the user interface.
Clear view of the source code of different classes you have implemented.
Show all the system functionalities using different types of input and the way your system handles errors and potential problems.
Appropriately pitched and paced audio.