Conduct your assessment of the client’s developmental status. about domestic abuse victim (female)
• Consult with the client and their family/carer to gather relevant information.
• Use a range of assessment tools to collect data to analyse the client’s physical, psychological, cognitive, social and affective development. Complete these tools accurately and as required by organisational policies and procedures.
• Identify and record factors impacting on the appearance and behaviour of the client.
• Identify and record any variations from normal development.
• Identify and record any potentially serious issues and risk factors.
• Identify and record the need for secondary consultation from specialist if required.
• Discuss the suitability of community services being delivered and seek feedback from the client and their carer/family.
Prepare to submit a copy of the completed assessment tool/s that you have used to analyse the client’s developmental status (make sure that the identity of the client is protected by blanking out any identifiable information).
4. Report your findings – about domestic abuse victim (female)
Write a report on the developmental assessment process and your findings. As a minimum, your report must address the following:
• How you prepared for the assessment, including assessing any safety risks.
• A summary of your initial conversation with the client and their family.
• List of documentation available for review prior to the developmental assessment.
• Tools used to conduct the assessment.
• Variations from normal development (including any potentially serious issues).
• Risk factors associated with identified developmental issues.
• Factors responsible for the significant variations from normal development status.
• Suitability of community services being offered to the client.
• Issues that may impact the provision of services.
• Referral procedure (according to organisational policies and procedures).
• Mandatory reporting requirements (If required).
• Develop your report using software such as Microsoft Word. Ensure that your report is written in clear and concise language and free from errors.
• Obtain supervisor sign off for this assessment (refer to sign-off form provided)