Assignment 2: Report
Word/time limit: 2000 (+/- 10%)
Assignment details
This assignment requires you to write a report on some of the key ideas represented and explored throughout this unit. In this report, you should use reflective practice techniques to analyse opportunities for pedagogical changes in education and care services that will drive continuous improvement and achieve the best outcomes for children and families.
This assignment supports unit learning outcomes 3, 4 and 5.
You are required to research and report on opportunities for pedagogical changes in education and care services that will drive continuous improvement and achieve the best outcomes for children and families. The purpose of this report is to inform newly graduated Early Childhood teachers in Australia.
Utilise the following headings for the structure of your report:
Executive summary (approximately 200 words)
A short sharp summary of the whole report—this should always be completed last.
Introduction (approximately 300 words)
Introduce your chosen key idea/topics from the unit and briefly outline the main points of your report.
Examine and discuss (approximately 1200 words)
Examine and discuss the key benefits of the following:
• Relevant quality improvement processes
• The debate about what constitutes ‘quality’ in children’s education and care services in Australia
• Assessment and rating and exceeding themes
• Relevant legislation, standards and codes, policies and procedures—the selection of these should relate to the key ideas you discuss in your work. You may need to search wider for more suitable examples
• Supporting theoretical perspective as highlighted in the educator’s guide
• Effective leadership strategies
Include a short summary of key points and recommendations for education and care services in Australia to drive pedagogical change and innovation to achieve the best outcomes for children and families.
To receive maximum marks, you must demonstrate clarity and understanding of the topic and offer interpretation of the issues and implications in conjunction with a high level of scholarship by demonstrating the use of APA 7th edition style referencing.
Throughout your teaching journey, you will be required to use your relevant state or territory Approved Learning Framework or you can use the Nationally Approved Learning Framework; the Early Years Learning Framework.
Assignment 2 marking guideCriteriaNo PassPass
70–79%High Distinction
Research and reporting on what quality looks like and why it is important.
Did not meet criterion.
An understanding of what quality is has been identified.
A sound understanding of what quality is and why it is important is demonstrated.
A detailed understanding of what quality is and why it is important is demonstrated through many different perspectives on quality.
A deep understanding and research from other contexts around the world about what constitutes quality.
Reflective practice strategies will be used to explain why quality improvement processes are important in education and care services in Australia.
Application of theory and links to practice.
Did not meet criterion.
Some links to theory are evident, these are supported by research or links to the Nationally Approved Learning Framework and/or the state or territory approved learning framework.
Links between theory and practice are evident, these are supported by research and links to the Nationally Approved Learning Framework and/or the state or territory approved learning framework.
A detailed undertanding of theory and how it relates to improved outcomes for children has been shown.
Clear links between theory, practice and context have been made, with these being supported by strong examples, relevant literature and links to relevant national and/or state or territory curriculum.
Insight and a deep understanding of theory and how it relates to improved outcomes for children has been demonstrated.
This has been supported by strong examples, relevant literature and links to relevant national and/or state or territory curriculum.
Depth and breadth of understanding.
Did not meet criterion.
The key points about quality and learning outcomes for children have been discussed.
Interpretation of the impact of the exceeding themes, key legislation in Australia and effective leadership on quality and improved learning outcomes for children have been identified.
A detailed understanding of the exceeding themes, key legislation in Australia and effective leadership on quality and improved learning outcomes for children have been examined and discussed.
An extensive understanding of the exceeding themes, key legislation in Australia and effective leadership on quality and improved learning outcomes for children have been examined and discussed and recommendations for practice have been made.
Academic expression and referencing.
Did not meet criterion.
Some grammar and spelling errors evident throughout. APA 7th edition referencing style needs work.
Report structure includes most elements.
Basic standard of spelling and grammar evident throughout. Consistent application of correct APA 7th edition referencing style in most places.
Report structure includes all elements.
A good standard of spelling grammar and expression is maintained throughout the submission. Consistent application of correct APA 7th edition referencing style throughout.
Report format is detailed and concise.
High standard of spelling and grammar is maintained throughout the submission. Systematically integrates source information in APA 7th edition referencing style correctly throughout.
Report format is detailed, concise and professional.