Instructions From Tutor
The aim of this assessment task is to evaluate the appropriate use of the Moment Distribution Method for structural analysis.
• Please download the eTask4 spread sheet from Canvas and save the eTask4 spread sheet as a .xlsm file. When you open the file, please Enable Macros and input your name and student ID on the title page to generate the dataset in those two questions. The assessment is mainly related to Lectures 9-10.
• Students need complete the eTask and upload to Canvas before the due time. Please submit two files: a) the eTask4 spread sheet (the excel file) that includes answers (an excel file named -eTask4-
-+studentID+-.xlsm-); b) the eTask4 report (the pdf file) that includes detailed working out (a pdf file named -eTask4--+studentID+-.pdf-). The eTask4 spread sheet (worth 4 marks) is marked by a computer program based on the answers only. The eTask4 report (worth 16 marks) will be marked manually based on the working-out, such as the method, the necessary drawings, equilibrium equations etc.
The eTask4 report needs to include the worked solutions, such as the method, the necessary drawings, equilibrium equations etc. Your student number should be at the bottom of each page
In relation to the above requirements my student name and number are as follows: Syed Saif Karim 13639024. Please ensure that it is written at the bottom of each page in the worked solutions. The units and directions should be provided in the solution as well. No Software is required for this task. In the excel spreadsheet we only need to input the absolute values and choose the correct units and directions. For the report the drawings are needed, such as the free-body diagrams, the shear force and bending moment diagrams. For the method, in addition to the detail procedure, the main equations are also needed.
We need to calculate the absolute values and provide the worked out solutions with units and direction.
The units and direction for the table above are a multiple choice questions they are as follows: Please choose the correct Units for all the parts of Etask 4.1.
The options are as follows:
1) kN
2) kNm
3) kN/m
5) m
Please choose the correct Directions for parts 1-8 of Etask 4.1. The options are as follows. (Note that this does not include Horizontal Reactions at D: Dx
1)Tension Top Fibre
2)tension bottom fibre
3)Tension right fibre
4)Tension left fibre
Please choose the correct Directions for part 9 of Etask 4.1. The options are as follows. (Note that this is for Horizontal Reactions at D: Dx
1) Left
2) Right
3) Up
4) Down
Etask 4.2
The units and direction for the table above are a multiple choice questions they are as follows: Please choose the correct Units for all the parts of Etask 4.2.
The options are as follows:
1) kN
2) kNm
3) kN/m
5) m
Please choose the correct Directions for parts 1-7 of Etask 4.2. The options are as follows. (Note that this not include the last 2 parts for Horizontal reaction at D: Dx and Vertical Reaction at C:
Cy )
1)Tension Top Fibre
2)tension bottom fibre
3)Tension right fibre
4)Tension left fibre
Please choose the correct Directions for part 8-9 of Etask 4.1. The options are as follows. (Note that this is for the last 2 parts for Horizontal reaction at D: Dx and Vertical Reaction at C: Cy ) 1) Left
2) Right
3) Up
4) Down