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Assessment Criteria for Written Report (20%)
• Submission of a minimum 1500 to maximum 1800-words written report due from week 9. You will submit your written report one week after you have undertaken the oral presentation.
• Your report must include feedback (given during your oral presentation) from your lecturer. This written report will expand upon your presentation content.
• Your written report will include integration of class content, weekly readings and at least 10 scholarly articles other than text books.
• You will consider the supervisor perspective in points 1 to 4 and the supervisee perspective in point 5 with the Kadushin model in the numbered points below.
As previously explained, in your oral presentation and then contained in the written report focusing on your specific case study,
Criteria Weight 100% Areas to be covered HD D C P F
Academic writing 15% ? Statement of purpose of paper made explicit and followed
? Demonstrated good understanding of subject (sufficient research conducted)
? Effective use of outside sources (are there obvious deficiencies or omissions)
? In-text citations and complete reference list complete and accurate (is there sufficient information to find all print and web sources, and are quotes properly cited)
Identify ethical issues hindering effective supervision 10% ? Understanding of target market
? Clear identification of barriers to effective supervision & highlight ethical concerns
Effective communication strategies 20% ? Alternatives mentioned
? Recommendations seem well supported with research and analysis
? Demonstrated sound understandings of cultural communication strategies & conflict resolutions
Plan a framework for supervision/ debriefing reports
25% ? Clear statements of directions & well supported plan
? Control measures: training & evaluation procedures
? Key performance metrics
? Persuasive, logical, and compelling research and analysis
? Recommendations seem plausible, well supported
Discuss evaluation & control procedures for the scenario 10% ? Critical evaluation and control procedures for targeted client group
? Persuasive and sound
Resources for management 10% ? Outline recommended resources for management
? Demonstrated research and evaluation of available networks
Presentation 10% ? Overall structure: introduction, body, conclusion
? Persuasiveness
? Effective use of tables, illustrations, and figures
Total /20%
Criteria for report High Distinction
80% - Distinction
70%- 79% Credit
60-69% Pass
50-59% Fail
Academic Writing Demonstrates very clear and good understanding of the subject, very well effective use of outside sources, clear and concise in text citations and referencing. Demonstrates clear and good understanding of the subject, effective use of outside sources, clear and concise in text citations and referencing. Demonstrates well understanding of the subject, effective use of outside sources, clear and concise in text citations and referencing. Demonstrates adequate understanding of the subject, use of outside sources, and in text citations and referencing. Demonstrates poorly the understanding of the subject, effective use of outside sources, unclear and omitting in text citations and referencing.
Identify ethical issues hinder effective supervision Describes and analyses very clearly and thoroughly; chooses objectives that are most relevant and states them clearly, very well stated and complete Describes and analyses clearly and thoroughly; chooses objectives that are relevant and states them clearly, well stated and complete Describes and analyses well; objectives are well stated Describes and analyses and states objectives in an adequate manner Describes and analyses poorly or not at all; states objectives poorly or not at all
Implement Effective communication strategies with staff Describes implementation fully and well, including comprehensive specifics of communication strategies Describes implementation fully and well, including specifics of communication strategies Describes implementation well including most of communication strategies Describes implementation with some omissions of specifics of communication strategies Describes implementation poorly, omitting many of specifics of communication strategies
Plan a framework for supervision/debriefing management & reports Framework for management is complete and clearly stated, and well suited for supervision Framework for management is complete and stated, and suited for supervision Framework for management is almost complete, generally suitable for supervision Framework for management is somewhat complete, adequately suitable for supervision Framework for management is not complete, not generally suitable for supervision
Draw evaluation & control procedures for the scenario Describes fully, in depth and well including critical evaluation and control procedures Describes fully and well including critical evaluation and control procedures Describes well including critical evaluation and control procedures Describes complete evaluation and control procedures in an adequate manner Describes poorly or not at all the evaluation and control procedures
Resources for management Identifies & describes in depth, and clearly appropriate services suitable for supervision purposes Identifies & describes clearly and thoroughly appropriate services suitable for supervision purposes Identifies & describes well about appropriate services suitable for supervision purposes Identifies & describes somewhat appropriate services suitable for supervision processes Omits appropriate services suitable for supervision processes
Presentation Presentation demonstrates a sophisticated clarity, conciseness, and correctness Presentation demonstrates a large degree of clarity, conciseness, and correctness Presentation is accomplished in terms of clarity and conciseness and contains only a few errors Presentation lacks some clarity or conciseness and contains some errors Presentation is unfocused and contains unacceptable level of errors