RTO Works
This resource is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission as expressed in the RTO Works License Agreement.
The information contained in this resource is, to the best of the project team’s and publisher’s knowledge true and correct. Every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, but the project team and publisher do not accept responsibility for any loss, injury or damage arising from such information.
While every effort has been made to achieve strict accuracy in this resource, the publisher would welcome notification of any errors and any suggestions for improvement. Readers are invited to write to us at
Civil Construction Works is a series of training and assessment resources developed for qualifications within the Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package.
Assessing this unit 6
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions 8
Assessment Task 1: Checklist 29

Welcome to the Assessor Marking Guide for RIICWD512E Prepare detailed design of motorways and interchanges. This Marking Guide provides you with assessment tasks, checklists and marking guidance. It also provides advice on delivering the assessment for this unit.
This document is one of a suite of resources which has been developed by RTO Works to support you in delivering assessment for units of competency from the Business Services Training Package.
Please ensure that you read this guide in conjunction with the Civil Construction Works Assessor User Guide.
A number of documents have been provided with this Marking Guide to support assessors and students.
? Civil Construction Works Assessor User Guide: The Assessor User Guide provides important information for assessors relating to the delivery of quality assessment.
? Assessment Mapping: A mapping guide is included as a separate document to show how each assessment task maps to the unit of competency. You will find the assessment mapping in the Mapping folder for this unit.
? Supporting resources: Supporting resources include templates and checklists which can be used when preparing for and marking assessment tasks. You will find the supporting resources in the Assessor Resources folder for this unit. For this unit, the supporting assessor resources comprise:
o Project Portfolio Assessor (Assessment Task 2)
o Simulation Pack Assessor (Assessment Task 2)
o Detailed Design of Motorways and Interchanges Plan Template (Assessment Task 2).
? Civil Construction Works Student User Guide: The Student User Guide provides important information for students relating to completing training, work placements and assessment.
? Student Assessment Tasks: The Student Assessment Tasks include the tasks as well as guidance about how to complete each assessment. Submission information and relevant forms are also included. The Student Assessment Tasks for this unit can be found in the Assessment folder for this unit.
? Supporting resources: Supporting resources include templates, journals, workbooks and portfolios which can be used by the student to support them in providing evidence of their competence. You will find supporting resources in the Student Resources folder for this unit. Please ensure that students receive these documents before they begin their assessment tasks. For this unit, the supporting resources for students comprise:
o Project Portfolio Template (Assessment Task 2)
o Detailed Design of Motorways and Interchanges Plan Template (Assessment Task 2).

RIICWD512E Prepare detailed design of motorways and interchanges describes the skills and knowledge required to prepare detailed designs of motorways and interchanges in civil construction, including evaluating design options, preparing and finalising designs and advising on design implementation.
It applies to those working in management or technical specialist roles. They generally apply a broad range technical and managerial skills and are responsible for the delivery of outputs that meet site requirements.
For students to be assessed as competent, they must successfully complete two assessment tasks:
? Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – Students must answer all questions correctly.
? Assessment Task 2: Project – Students must work through a range of activities and complete a Project Portfolio.
The assessment conditions of this unit include the following statement:
‘Guidance on simulated environments has been stipulated in the Companion Volume Implementation Guide located on VETNet.’
The Companion Volume Implementation Guide for the RII training package states the following regarding simulated workplaces:
‘Training and assessment in simulated environments
Units of competency in the RII Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package may be delivered and assessed in the workplace or in a simulated environment.
The simulation must be established to meet industry requirements and be supported by industry. The simulated work environment should involve a range of guided activities that reflect real work experiences. The RII Training Package identifies in the assessment conditions where simulation can be used for assessment purposes.
Where simulation is identified in the assessment conditions of a unit of competency it must be realistic and fully replicate the sector’s work environment. It must be sufficiently rigorous to cover all aspects of the sector’s workplace performance, including task skills, task management skills, contingency management skills, and job role environment skills (page 40).’

‘Workplace simulation criteria
In conducting training and assessment in a simulated workplace environment, trainers and assessors must make sure that the simulated environment gives the learner the opportunity to meet the following critical criteria:
? 1 Quality – The work is of the standard required in the industry.
? 2 Productivity – The work is performed within a timeframe appropriate in the industry.
? 3 Safety – The work is performed in a manner that meets industry safety standards.
Where simulations meet these criteria, RTOs can be confident that learners are ‘work ready’ on successful completion of units of competency.
Simulations should provide opportunities for integrated assessment of competence that include:
? performing the task (task skills)
? managing a number of tasks (task management skills)
? dealing with workplace irregularities such as unexpected problems, breakdowns and changes in routine (contingency management skills)
? fulfilling the responsibilities and expectations of the job and workplace, including working with others (job/role environment skills)
? transferring competency to new contexts.
To further enhance the validity of assessment processes using simulation, the assessor should consider:
? assessments covering a range of interconnected units of competency
? use of assessment checklists to ensure that all performance evidence and knowledge evidence requirements have been met
? use of self-assessment, peer assessment and debriefing activities
? use of authentic workplace documentation.
Assessment activities must be realistic and reasonable in terms of scale (page 55).’
This unit is accompanied by a Simulation Pack that outlines to RTOs the requirements of implementing assessment – this includes information about the need for RTOs to provide project documentation which could include, depending on the unit, project plans and specifications, design briefs, engineering surveys, geotechnical data and hydrological, meteorological, cultural and heritage data.
The benchmarks provided in the Project Portfolio are generic in nature and the RTO will need to contextualise and update the Project Portfolio to include benchmarks that are accurate and relevant to the project and the associated documentation that has been provided to students.

Knowledge questions are designed to help the student demonstrate the knowledge which they have acquired during the unit. Ensure that you:
? review the advice to assessors regarding administering knowledge questions in the Civil Construction Works Assessor User Guide
? provide students with a due date for assessment
? provide submission guidelines to students
? follow your organisation’s policies and procedures
? refer to your organisation’s Training and Assessment Strategy
? provide written feedback to each student
? provide resubmission guidance to students (including a timeline) who do not complete the task satisfactorily
? complete the Assessment Task 1 Checklist which can be found at the end of this task
? complete the Final Results Record which can be found at the end of this Assessor Marking Guide.
Assessment delivery information which has been contextualised to your RTO’s student cohort can be found in Appendix A of the Civil Construction Works Assessor User Guide. Use this information to advise students of:
? where this task should be completed
? the maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task
? whether or not this task is open-book.
Note: Students should complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with their work. A template is provided in Appendix C of the Assessor User Guide.

Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:
? review the advice to students regarding answering knowledge questions in the Civil Construction Works Student User Guide
? comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
? adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines
? answer all questions completely and correctly
? submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
? submit a completed cover sheet with your work
? avoid sharing your answers with other students.
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the Civil Construction Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:
? where this task should be completed
? the maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task
? whether or not this task is open-book.
Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is provided in Appendix C of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

Provide answers to all of the questions below:
1. Complete the following table about legislation that you need to know about in relation to completing detailed designs of motorways and interchanges.
List two different legislation relevant to detailed designs of motorways and interchanges Identify the purpose of legislation Outline how the legislation applies to detailed designs of motorways and interchanges – give one example
2. Complete the following table about Standards/Technical Specifications that you need to know about in relation detailed designs of motorways and interchanges.
List two different Standards/Technical Specification relevant to detailed designs of motorways and interchanges Identify the purpose of the Standard/Technical Specification Outline how the Standard/Technical Specification applies to detailed designs of motorways and interchanges – give one example
3. Complete the following table regarding the purpose of policies and procedures and general documentation in relation to preparing a detailed design of motorways and interchanges.
Policies and procedures/documentation How the policy and procedure or documentation informs or contributes to a detailed design of motorways and interchanges
Cultural and heritage management
Design brief
Environmental management plan
Geotechnical management plan
Hydrological and meteorological management plan
Performance reviews
Quality management
Risk assessment and management
System close outs (project closure)
Work health and safety
Documentation management (and to ensure all workplace recording and reporting occurs)
4. Complete the following table identifying two materials that can be used in a motorways and interchanges project and two characteristics/technical capabilities and two limitations of the material you have chosen.

Material type Characteristics/technical capabilities (2) Limitations (2)
5. Choose a type of CAD software that you may use to complete a detailed design of motorways and interchanges. Complete the following table identifying two types of CAD software and two characteristics and two limitations of the software.
CAD Software Characteristics (2) Limitations (2)
6. Explain the use of safe work method statements (SWMS) and outline the purpose of a safe work method statement.
7. Assume that you have been asked to prepare a detailed design of motorways and interchanges. List two techniques that you could use to identify and evaluate design options.
8. Answer the following questions.
a) Areas
? Give an example of how this calculation type can be used in motorways and interchanges data analysis.
? Outline the steps involved in calculating area in relation to motorways and interchanges.
? Outline one method for calculating the area of an irregular shape.
b) Identify and explain three ways in which traffic volumes can be calculated to help determine capacity and layout requirements of motorways and interchanges.
c) Identify and explain the process by which traffic density is calculated as part of designing motorways and interchanges.
d) Mass
? List three common materials that need to be calculated for mass when designing motorways and interchanges.
? Explain the process involved in calculating mass during the design of motorways and interchanges.
e) Percentages
? Provide three examples of why percentages would need to be calculated as part of the design of motorways and interchanges.
? Outline the formula for calculating percentages.
f) Grades
? Explain the importance of determining grades in the design of motorways and interchanges.
? Outline the general approach to calculating grades.
? Outline the formula for calculating grades.
g) Capacity requirements
? Explain what is meant by ‘capacity requirements’ when designing motorways and interchanges.
? Outline the general approach to calculating capacity requirements.
h) Component sizes
? Identify three types of components used in motorways and interchanges of which you would need to determine size
? Outline the general approach to calculating component sizes for motorways and interchanges

i) Geometric design
? Explain what is meant by geometric design in terms of motorway and interchange design.
? Outline three techniques for calculating geometric requirements.
j) Outline three techniques used for calculating surfacing requirements.
9. Explain how road user behaviour impacts on road capacity.
10. Explain two methods for conducting project cost estimating and at least one advantage and disadvantage of each.
11. List five components that should be included in a detailed design plan for motorways and interchanges.
12. Outline the concept of a self-evaluation, including one advantage and one disadvantage of this method.
13. Outline two performance review techniques.
14. List two types of software/technology that could be used to present a detailed design plan for motorways and interchanges.
15. List three characteristics of effective working relationships.

Student’s name:
Did the student provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for the following? Completed successfully? Comments
Yes No
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8a
Question 8b
Question 8c
Question 8d
Question 8e
Question 8f
Question 8g
Question 8h
Question 8i
Question 8j
Question 9
Question 10
Question 11
Question 12
Question 13
Question 14
Question 15
Task outcome: ? Satisfactory ? Not satisfactory
Assessor signature:
Assessor name:

RTO Works
This resource is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission as expressed in the RTO Works License Agreement.
The information contained in this resource is, to the best of the project team’s and publisher’s knowledge true and correct. Every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, but the project team and publisher do not accept responsibility for any loss, injury or damage arising from such information.
While every effort has been made to achieve strict accuracy in this resource, the publisher would welcome notification of any errors and any suggestions for improvement. Readers are invited to write to us at
Civil Construction Works is a series of training and assessment resources developed for qualifications within the Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package.

Section 1: Detailed design of motorways and interchanges preparation
Section 2: Detailed design of motorways and interchanges 8
Section 3: Finalisation of detailed design of motorways and interchanges 12

Student name:
Include the title of project 1 here:
Include the title of project 2 here:
Complete this section for Project 1.
Work requirements
Provide a summary of the project to be completed.
List all the documentation and data that you can access for the project and provide a brief description of each.
Legislation and policies and procedures
Outline the legislation, and policies and procedures that applies to detailed design of motorways and interchanges work.
Include at least two legislation and two policies and procedures.
Design plan
Include the title of detailed design of motorways and interchanges plan here.
Use the detailed design of motorways and interchanges plan template as included in your student resources.
Attach your completed plan to your Portfolio.
Detailed design of motorways and interchanges plan ?

Complete this section for Project 2.
Work requirements
Provide a summary of the project to be completed.
List all the documentation and data that you can access for the project and provide a brief description of each.
Legislation and policies and procedures
Outline the legislation, and policies and procedures that applies to detailed design of motorways and interchanges work.
Include at least two legislation and two policies and procedures.
Design plan
Include the title of detailed design of motorways and interchanges plan here.
Use the detailed design of motorways and interchanges plan template as included in your student resources.
Attach your completed plan to your Portfolio.
Detailed design of motorways and interchanges plan ?

Complete this section for Project 1.
Data analysis
Provide an analysis of the data that you have obtained as relevant to the detailed design of motorways and interchanges plan.
Your analysis must include calculating:
? areas
? volumes
? densities
? mass
? percentages
? grades
? capacity requirements for motorways and interchanges
? components sizes for motorways and interchanges.
Your analysis could be presented in various ways such as notes which you will then use for your presentation or in report form or in terms of screenshots if you are using specific software or as excel spreadsheets with accompany notes.
You can attach supporting evidence to your Portfolio as relevant.
Based on the analysis, you have completed, outline options as relevant to detailed design of motorways and interchanges project. Include a minimum of at least two options.
For each option, provide a cost estimate for that option, as well as a risk assessment.
You may present this in note form which you can then use for your formal presentation as below.
Develop a presentation based on all the work you have completed. You will need to provide this presentation to your team to seek their input, provide a report on progress and to gain approval for your work as completed to date.
Include the title of your presentation here and attach it to your Portfolio.
Supporting analysis evidence as relevant ?
Presentation ?

Complete this section for Project 2.
Data analysis
Provide an analysis of the data that you have obtained as relevant to the detailed design of motorways and interchanges plan.
Your analysis must include calculating:
? areas
? volumes
? densities
? mass
? percentages
? grades
? capacity requirements for motorways and interchanges
? components sizes for motorways and interchanges.
Your analysis could be presented in various ways such as notes which you will then use for your presentation or in report form or in terms of screenshots if you are using specific software or as excel spreadsheets with accompany notes.
You can attach supporting evidence to your Portfolio as relevant.
Based on the analysis, you have completed, outline options as relevant to detailed design of motorways and interchanges project. Include a minimum of at least two options.
For each option, provide a cost estimate for that option, as well as a risk assessment.
You may present this in note form which you can then use for your formal presentation as below.
Develop a presentation based on all the work you have completed. You will need to provide this presentation to your team to seek their input, provide a report on progress and to gain approval for your work as completed to date.
Include the title of your presentation here and attach it to your Portfolio.
Supporting analysis evidence as relevant ?
Presentation ?

Complete this section for Project 1.
Documentation filing
Prepare an electronic folder for all your work for this project. File each document in suitably named folder. Take a screenshot of your folder structure.
You are required to review your work on the project by considering the following questions:
What do you think you did well?
What were challenges for you?
What could be improved?
Prepare an email to your assessor providing your review as per the questions above. As a guide your email would include 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Send your email to your assessor who will provide you with feedback.

Complete this section based on the feedback you have received from your assessor.
Document the feedback you received from your assessor here. What further thoughts do you have on the review of your work based on this feedback? Document this here.

Complete this section for Project 2.
Documentation filing
Prepare an electronic folder for all your work for this project. File each document in suitably named folder. Take a screenshot of your folder structure.
You are required to review your work on the project by considering the following questions:
What do you think you did well?
What were challenges for you?
What could be improved?
Prepare an email to your assessor providing your review as per the questions above. As a guide your email would include 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Send your email to your assessor who will provide you with feedback.
Complete this section based on the feedback you have received from your assessor.
Document the feedback you received from your assessor here. What further thoughts do you have on the review of your work based on this feedback? Document this here.