Workplace Portfolio (Book 1)
Unit code and name
CHCECE046 – Implement strategies for the inclusion of all children
Qualification/Course code and name
CHC50121 | Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
Student details
Student number
Student name
Assessment declaration
Note: If you are an online student, you will be required to complete this declaration on the TAFE NSW online learning platform when you upload your assessment.
This assessment is my original work and has not been:
• plagiarised or copied from any source without providing due acknowledgement.
• written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the Teacher/Assessor concerned.
Student signature and date

Version: 20220411
Date created: 11 April 2022
© 2021 TAFE NSW
RTO Provider Number 90003 | CRICOS Provider Code: 00591E
This assessment can be found in the: Learning Bank
The contents in this document is copyright © TAFE NSW 2021 and should not be reproduced without the permission of TAFE NSW. Information contained in this document is correct at the time of printing: 14 October 2023. For current information please refer to our website or your Teacher/Assessor as appropriate.
Workplace Portfolio (Book 1) 1
Assessment instructions 4
Assessment Conditions 4
Part 1: Critical reflection on inclusive practices in the service 9
Part 2: Inclusion and support plan for one child 13
Assessment checklist 29

Assessment instructions
Table 1 Assessment instructions
Assessment details Instructions
Assessment overview The aim of this assessment is to assess your skills in:
• promoting inclusion, diversity and inclusive practices
• plan, implement and monitor individual support plan strategies
Assessment event number 3 of 4
Instructions for this assessment This is a skills-based assessment that assesses your ability to demonstrate skills required in the unit.
This assessment is in two parts:
1. Part 1: Critical reflection on inclusive practice in the service
2. Part 2: Inclusion and support plan for one child
And is supported by:
• Assessment checklist
• Assessment feedback (not included here)
Observation Checklist (Assessment event 4)
Assessment Conditions
Skills must be demonstrated in a regulated children’s education and care service in Australia:
? interactions with children must be supervised by an approved early childhood educator.
Skills related to curriculum development, planning, review and reflection may be demonstrated outside of the service, but must be based on work in a regulated children’s education and care service in Australia.
Submission instructions On completion of this assessment, you are required to submit it to your Teacher/Assessor for marking. Where possible, submission and upload of all required assessment files should be via the TAFE NSW online learning platform.
It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy assessments submitted to TAFE and complete the assessment declaration when submitting the assessment.
Confidentiality Instructions Where an assessment task requires the recording of child observation and/or development of a plan for a child, the child must only be identified by their:
• First name
• Age in years and months – for example, 5 years 3 months
You are required to collect and provide evidence of documentation from a service; each document must be de-identified to protect the child’s right to privacy and confidentiality.
This means, before undertaking any observation:
Parental/guardian consent must be obtained, and a copy included in the submitted assessment
Students must also request the child’s permission prior to commencing an observation.
Where an assessment requires video recording of adults, each participant must provide written consent and this consent must be included in your assessment submission.
What do I need to do to achieve a satisfactory result? To achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment you must be available at the arranged time to complete all the assessment criteria as outlined in the assessment instructions.
All parts of the task must be performed to a satisfactory level as indicated in the criteria section of the checklist.
All oral questions must be answered correctly to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task; however, Teachers/Assessors may ask you additional questions to confirm your understanding of the task.
If a resit is required to achieve a satisfactory result it will be conducted at an agreed time after a suitable revision period.
What do I need to provide? • TAFE NSW student account username and password. If you do not know your username and password, contact your campus or service centre on 131601.
• Computer or other device with word processing software and internet access.
• Writing materials, if required.
What the Teacher/Assessor will provide Access to this assessment and learning resources, including the student workbook and any supporting documents or links.
Access to a regulated children’s education and care service or school in Australia; and/or simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions Early Learning Centre (long URL:
Access to information technology for research and documentation.
• Access to documents:
• Early Childhood Australia (ECA) Code of Ethics
• United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
• National Quality Framework
• Education and Care Services National Law and Regulations
• National Quality Standards
• Early Years and Learning Framework (the relevant approved learning framework)
Due date
Time allowed
Delivery location Refer to training plan
6 hours (indicative only)
Assessment feedback, review or appeals In accordance with the TAFE NSW policy Manage Assessment Appeals, all students have the right to appeal an assessment decision in relation to how the assessment was conducted and the outcome of the assessment. Appeals must be lodged within 14 working days of the formal notification of the result of the assessment.
If you would like to request a review of your results or if you have any concerns about your results, contact your Teacher/Assessor or Head Teacher. If they are unavailable, contact the Student Administration Officer.
Contact your Head Teacher/Assessor for the assessment appeals procedures at your college/campus.
Important Self-awareness warning
Please note there is specific content in this resource that relate to different aspects of diversity and identity. If you find any of the content upsetting or distressing, please talk to your teacher or contact the relevant support service:
• Aboriginal Student Support Services (Email
• Accessibility and disability services (Long URL -
• Personal counselling (Long URL -
• International students (Long URL -
• Multicultural support (Long URL -

Part 1: Critical reflection on inclusive practices in the service
Supporting inclusion, equity and diversity is an ongoing professional commitment and a journey that evolves as we learn more and refine our practices, there is always more to learn and always areas to build upon.
Remember that your journey, the service and staff journeys may be at different stages. The aim of this task is to learn as much as you can from the service and then reflect on this knowledge and learning in your practice.
For this assessment, you need to:
• Refer to the service’s Inclusion Policy or any relevant policies and procedures on inclusion and inclusive practices.
If the student is not able to access certain policies and procedures, they may access: (long URL:
• participate in several practical skill demonstrations and complete the associated critical reflections. Responses should be a minimum of 50 words but no longer than 100 words for each journal entry.
You are required to demonstrate the following skills:
1 Use critical reflection to identify and evaluate relevant policies, procedures, and practices related to inclusion, equity, and diversity in an early childhood education and care service. Evaluate how inclusion and inclusive practices are supported in three different areas of practice:
a) Service’s Inclusion Policy or any relevant policies and procedures on inclusion and inclusive practices
b) Physical environment, including learning areas and resources
c) Educational program and practice and/or curriculum, including routines, experiences and interactions between educators, children, families and the community
2 Use outcomes from your critical reflection to extend on the service’s existing practices by providing one suggestion to promote inclusion in three different areas of practice:
a) Service’s Inclusion Policy or any relevant policies and procedures on inclusion and inclusive practices
b) Physical environment, including learning areas and resources
c) Educational Program and practice and/or curriculum, including routines, experiences and interactions between educators, children, families and the community
The TAFE Assessor will verify with your workplace supervisor that you have implemented the skills at the nominated workplace and complete the Observation Checklist. You should share your written work and ensure your workplace supervisor can confirm that you have met the requirements of this assessment at their nominated work placement service before your Assessor visit.
Skills must be demonstrated in a regulated children’s education and care service in Australia:
• Interactions with children must be supervised by an approved early childhood educator
Submission requirements:
• Completed Critical reflection on inclusive practices (Table 2)
• Completed Suggestions to promote inclusion and inclusive practice (Table 3)
How you will be assessed: You should refer to the list of criteria in the Assessment Checklist and the Observation Checklist to understand what you need to demonstrate. Your TAFE teacher/assessor will observe your interactions and communication, review and assess your written reflections and gain feedback from your workplace supervisor.

1.1 Critical reflection on inclusion, equity and diversity
Use critical reflection to identify and evaluate relevant policies, procedures and practices that relate to inclusion, equity and diversity in an early childhood education and care service. Evaluate how inclusion and inclusive practices are supported in three different areas of practice:
Table 2- 1.1 Critical reflection on inclusion, equity and diversity
Question Response
a) Refer to the service’s Inclusion Policy or any relevant policies and procedures on inclusion and inclusive practices. Describe key areas that highlight and focus on supporting inclusion, equity, and respecting diversity.
b) Describe aspects of the physical environment, including learning areas and resources that support inclusion, equity and show respect for diversity.
c) Describe aspects of the educational program and practice and/or curriculum that promote inclusion, equity, and diversity. Include practices relating to routines, experiences and interactions between educators, children, families and the community
From your reflection, document one suggestion for each area of practice. Your suggestions must promote and extend on the service’s existing inclusive practices.
1.2 Suggestions to promote inclusion and inclusive practice
Use outcomes from your critical reflection to extend on the service’s existing practices by providing suggestions to promote inclusion in three different areas of practice. Provide at least one suggestion for each area.
Table 3- 1.2 Suggestions to promote inclusion and inclusive practice
Question Response
a) Service’s Inclusion Policy or any relevant policies and procedures on inclusion and inclusive practices
b) Physical environment, including learning areas and resources
c) Educational Program and practice and/or curriculum, including routines, experiences and interactions between educators, children, families and the community

Part 2: Inclusion and support plan for one child
To complete this part of the assessment, you are required to participate in several practical skill demonstrations to develop, implement and review a plan for support and inclusion for one child.
You are required to complete the following:
• Seek permission to observe and follow confidentiality instructions in consultation with the workplace supervisor (access permission forms from the Student Logbook).
• Gather information about the child from the child’s family or educators using the ‘About Me’ template or similar (Table 4 or work placement service document)
• Accurately record at least three jotting entries including: (Table 5 or work placement service document)
o ensuring documentation is free from bias and negative labelling of children
o professionally presenting the observation ensuring accurate grammar and punctuation
• Consult with your workplace supervisor and analyse the information gathered to identify the need for inclusion and support. (Table 6)
• In collaboration with your workplace supervisor, develop an individual plan for support and inclusion (Table 7)
• Implement plan to support the child’s participation and inclusion
• Monitor and evaluate strategies
The workplace supervisor must observe each practical skill demonstration. Your TAFE Assessor will gain feedback from your workplace supervisor and verify you have met the requirements of this assessment. You must complete the associated documentation before your final Assessor visit.
Skills must be demonstrated in a regulated children’s education and care service in Australia:
• Interactions with children must be supervised by an approved early childhood educator
Submission requirements:
• Completed ‘Permission to observe form’ (Appendix 2)
• Completed ‘About Me’ template (Table 4 or work placement service document)
• Completed at least three jotting entries (Table 56 or work placement service document)
• Completed ‘Consultation and analysis’ (Table 7)
• Completed inclusion support plan (Table 8)
How you will be assessed: You should refer to the list of criteria in the Assessment Checklist and the Observation Checklist (Assessment 4) to understand what you need to demonstrate in this section of the assessment.

Task 1: Document and analyse information for one child who requires inclusion support
Step 1: In consultation with your Workplace Supervisor, select one child who requires inclusion support to fully participate in the curriculum/program.
The barrier to learning and support required may be due to one or more of the following circumstances:
• Family circumstances and needs (e.g. culturally and linguistically diverse background, including children from a refugee or humanitarian intervention background, a family experiencing separation or divorce, foster family)
• Physical, sensory or developmental disability (e.g. sensory processing disorder, language delay, vision impairment)
• Illness/health conditions (e.g. asthma, epilepsy)
• Behavioural or Psychological disorder (e.g. autism spectrum disorder, oppositional defiant disorder)
• Giftedness or special talents
Step 2: Seek permission to observe and complete Permission to observe form (Student Logbook) with the parent/guardian, following service confidentiality procedures and in consultation with the workplace supervisor.
Step 3: Gather secondary information from the child’s family or educators using the ‘About Me’ template or similar work placement service document (Table 4 or work placement service document). You must seek permission to do this from the workplace supervisor.
Step 4: Document at least three jotting entries and complete an analysis. (Table 6 or work placement service document)
Your jottings and analysis should gather and evaluate information on the child’s:
• strengths, interests and aspects of development
• engagement in transitions, routines and participation in play
• barrier to learning or circumstance that may require inclusion support

Table 4 About me template details
Details Answers
Name of child:
Age (in years and months):
My sleep routine and comforters:
My mealtime routine / my favourite food:
My favourite play activities:
Important family traditions or events:
My communication skills and home language:
My family:
Table 5- About me template - caregivers
For parents/guardians/carers: Answer
What can your child do well on their own (strengths)?
What are some areas where your child may be needing support?
Do you have any goals you are currently working on with your child? (For example, toileting, independent dressing, vocabulary)
Table 6- Jotting Template – Entry 1
Childs details
Child’s Name:
Child’s age:
Jottings- Entry 1
(Focus on; Social interactions and participation – Transitions and routines – circumstance that require support)
Jottings- Entry 2
(Focus on; Social interactions and participation – Transitions and routines – circumstance that require support)
Jottings- Entry 3
(Focus on; Social interactions and participation – Transitions and routines – circumstance that require support)
(Identify child’s abilities, strengths, interests and expectations in the context of their cultural values).

Task 2: Consultation with workplace supervisor, family and/or other professionals
Using the information gathered from Task 1 and in collaboration with your workplace supervisor, complete the table below to identify:
• child’s strengths and interests
• at least two possible barriers to learning or participation, including the child’s inclusion needs or circumstance that requires support
• support currently provided
• two goals and two strategies to encourage inclusion and participation in any of the following aspects:
o the program and curriculum, including routines and play experiences
o the environment
o in small or large group settings
2.1 What does the information you have gathered tell you about the child’s strengths and interests? Include what the family has indicated as their child’s strengths in the “About Me” template.
2.2 In collaboration with your workplace supervisor, identify two possible barriers to learning. Discuss the child’s inclusion needs or circumstance that requires support.
Include in your discussion what the family has indicated as the child’s goals in the “About Me” template. Document your conversation with your workplace supervisor.
2.3 What inclusion support is currently provided to the child?
2.4 In collaboration with your workplace supervisor, identify two goals and two strategies to encourage inclusion and participation in any of the following aspects:
• the program and curriculum, including routines and play experiences
• the environment
• in small or large group settings
Table 7- Consultation and analysis Goal 1
Goal 1: (Use “To” or “For”) Strategy 1:
Goal 2: (Use “To” or “For”) Strategy 2:

Task 3: Develop, implement and evaluate a plan for inclusion and support
Step 1: From the information you gathered in Task 1 and the consultation you completed in Task 2 develop an inclusion and support plan to identify:
• strengths and interests
• inclusion and support needs
• two goals and two strategies to encourage inclusion and participation in any of the following aspects:
o the program and curriculum, including routines and play experiences
o the environment
o in small or large group settings
Step 2: With your workplace supervisor’s approval, implement your inclusion and support plan. You are required to demonstrate the following skills and strategies when implementing the plan:
• support the child’s and family’s entry into the service
• communicate the agreed strategies to educators and families in a culturally appropriate manner
• adapt environment, routine or curriculum to promote inclusion and participation of children
• respond to the daily needs of the child when support was required
• seek assistance from educators
• role model inclusive practices to support participation and encourage others
• develop own professional knowledge
Step 3: Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the support plan and include:
• Observe and reflect on the effectiveness of the support strategies and the child’s progress in meeting the identified goals.
• Identify strategies that need modification and modify the plan to include alternative strategies to support the child meet the goal
• Identify and discuss aspects of the plan or issues that have arisen with educators, family and where appropriate other professionals and modify the plan to include their suggestions
• Implement and monitor new strategies
• Evaluate the outcomes of the plan to decide on future practice.
Table 8 Inclusion and support plan
Inclusion and support plan
Child’s name:
Age: Date of plan:
Updated on:
Who are involved?
Child’s background and summary of identified strengths and interests. Use the information from part one to document the child’s background, strengths interests. Include the information gained from the family; refer to the completed About Me template. Summary of inclusion and support need - From information gathered (observations and consultation with your workplace supervisor) describe at least 2 barrier/s to learning and participation and the child’s inclusion support needs. Identify any current support provided.
Answer: Answer:
Goal 1 (from consultation table):
Strategy 1 (List the strategy, at least one link to EYLF, Principles, Practices and Outcomes and any resources required) Critically reflect during the implementation of the support plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the identified strategy and make modifications to the plan.
Strategy 1-
Answer: Review Date:
Observation of child’s interactions and participation (Briefly document what you observed during the experience or implementation of the strategy):
Learning outcome/s:
Describe how you responded to the daily needs of the child when support was required:
Early Years Learning Framework (Evaluate the child’s progression towards the Early Years Learning Framework learning outcomes, were the EYLF outcomes met):
Environment, routine or curriculum adaptations: How did you or will you adapt the environment, routine or curriculum to promote inclusion and participation of the child:
Reflect on the strategy implemented and how effective it was in supporting the child (Discuss with educators, family and where appropriate other professionals and modify the plan to include their suggestions):
What new strategy will you introduce to continue the child’s journey towards reaching the goal:
Review Date:
Reflect on the new strategy you implemented and progress the child made towards meeting the identified goal:
Goal 2: (from consultation table):
Strategy 2: (List the strategy, at least one link to EYLF, Principles, Practices and Outcomes and any resources required) Critically reflect during the implementation of the support plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the experience and identified strategy and make modifications to the plan.
Strategy 2-
Answer: Review Date:
Observation of child’s interactions and participation (Briefly document what you observed during the experience or implementation of the strategy):
Learning outcome/s:
Describe how you responded to the daily needs of the child when support was required:
Early Years Learning Framework (Evaluate the child’s progression towards the Early Years Learning Framework learning outcomes, were the EYLF outcomes met):
Environment, routine or curriculum adaptations: How did you or will you adapt the environment, routine or curriculum to promote inclusion and participation of the child:
Reflect on the strategy implemented and how effective it was in supporting the child (Discuss with educators, family and where appropriate other professionals and modify the plan to include their suggestions):
What new strategy will you introduce to continue the child’s journey towards reaching the goal:
Review Date:
Reflect on the new strategy you implemented and progress the child made towards meeting the identified goal:
Table 9 Evaluation and critical refection on implementation
Evaluation and critical refection on implementation Answer
3.1 Provide a final reflection on the overall progress made by the child towards meeting the identified goals and decide on future goals and practices to implement to support inclusion.
3.2 Reflect on how you collaborated with all those involved to implement the support plan and implement consistent support strategies. Include effective communication skills you used to relay information in a culturally appropriate manner to educators and family members. (Provide details on conversations with educators and families):
3.3 Describe how you supported the child’s and family’s entry into the service. Include how you interacted with the child and family in ways that demonstrate belief in their child’s capacity to succeed.
3.4 Describe one example of when you sought assistance from another educator or your workplace supervisor.
3.5 Give an example of when you role-modelled inclusive attitudes and practices to support children’s participation and encourage others (children and educators).
3.6 Educator’s self - reflection (Reflection of your own interactions, supports and practices – Did your strategies work? What did not go so well, how will you improve for next time if the experience did not go so well):
3.7 Describe how you developed your own professional knowledge on inclusive practices in the service.

Assessment checklist
The following checklist will be used by the TAFE NSW Teacher/Assessor to mark the student’s performance against the assessment criteria of their assessment tasks. Use this checklist to understand what skills and/or knowledge the student needs to demonstrate during this assessment event. All the criteria described in this assessment checklist must be met.
Table 10 Assessment and observation checklist
Part / Task # Criteria –
The student: S U/S Assessor comments
Part 1 Critical reflection on inclusive practices in the service
1.1 Used critical reflection to identify and evaluate relevant policies, procedures and practices that relate to inclusion, equity and diversity in an early childhood education and care service.
Evaluated three different areas of practice:
Described key areas in the service’s Inclusion Policy or any relevant policies and procedures that highlight and focus on supporting inclusion, equity and respecting diversity
Described aspects of the physical environment, including learning areas and resources that support inclusion, equity and show respect for diversity
Described aspects of the educational program and practice and/or curriculum that promote inclusion, equity and diversity. Included practices relating to routines, experiences and interactions between educators, children, families and the community ? ?
1.2 Used outcomes from your critical reflection to extend on the service’s existing practices. Provided at least one suggestion for each area of practice:
a) Service’s Inclusion Policy or any relevant policies and procedures on inclusion and inclusive practices
b) Physical environment, including learning areas and
c) Educational Program and practice and/or curriculum, including routines, experiences and interactions between educators, children, families and the community ? ?
Part 2 Inclusion and support plan for one child
Task 1 Document and analyse information for one child who requires inclusion support - -
Step 1
In consultation with your Workplace Supervisor, selected one child who requires inclusion support to fully participate in the curriculum/program. ? ?
Step 2 Completed permission to observe form. ? ?
Step 3 Completed “About Me” template or work placement service document ? ?
Step 4 Documented at least three jotting entries and completed an analysis. ? ?
Task 2 Consultation with workplace supervisor, family and/or other professionals - -
2.1 Identified child’s strengths and interests. Included what the family has indicated as their child’s strengths in the “About Me” record.
? ?
2.2 Collaborated with workplace supervisor and identified:
Two possible barriers to learning
Discussed inclusion needs or circumstance requiring support
Included goals in the “About me” record ? ?
2.3 Identified current support offered to the child. ? ?
2.4 Collaborated with workplace supervisor and outlined:
Two goals
Two strategies to encourage inclusion and participation in:
• the program and curriculum, including routines and play experiences
• the environment
• in small or large group settings ? ?
Task 3 Develop, implement and evaluate a plan for inclusion and support - -
Inclusion and support plan Completed an inclusion and support plan correctly with all areas addressed:
Child’s background and summary of identified strengths and interests
Summary of inclusion and support need
Two goals
Two strategies including:
Learning outcome/s, principles and practices
Resources ? ?
Monitor and evaluate strategies
Completed critical reflection completely for the two strategies and reflected on:
Observation of child’s interactions and participation
Described how you responded to the daily needs of the child when support was required
EYLF outcomes
Environment, routine or curriculum adaptations
Effectivity of strategies in collaboration with educators, family and where appropriate other professionals
Review date included
After consultation, included:
New strategy to introduce to continue the child’s journey towards reaching the goal
Reflection on the new strategy, including review date ? ?
Evaluation and critical reflection on implementation - -
3.1 Provided a final reflection on the overall progress made by the child towards meeting the identified goals and decided on future goals and practices to implement to support inclusion. ? ?
3.2 Reflected on collaboration with all those involved to implement the support plan and implemented consistent support strategies. Included effective communication skills you used to relay information in a culturally appropriate manner to educators and family members. ? ?
3.3 Described how you supported the child’s and family’s entry into the service. Included how you interacted with the child and family in ways that demonstrate belief in their child’s capacity to succeed. ? ?
3.5 Provided an example of when you role-modelled inclusive attitudes and practices to support children’s participation and encourage others. ? ?
3.6 Educator’s self – reflection – Reflected on your own interactions, supports and practices ? ?
3.7 Describe how you developed your own professional knowledge on inclusive practices in the service ? ?
Observation Checklist Observation Checklist has been completed and submitted where skills have been observed or verified by the TAFE Assessor. ? ?