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Research Perspectives-Literature Review (1800 words)
Research inquiry-based curriculum methodologies that incorporate Multimodal Literacies and Mathematics.
To research inquiry-based curriculum methodologies that incorporate Multimodal Literacies and Mathematics.
To familiarise yourself with academic literature available and demonstrate your ability to review, analyse, and summarise research or theoretical positions relevant to inquiry-based curriculum methodologies that incorporate Multimodal Literacies and Mathematics.
This review will be used when writing Assessment Task 2.
Task Design:
The research perspectives is to be presented as a literature review in the following format:
1. An analysis of four research journal articles presented individually in a proforma (provided in LMS). 2. A summary of the key ideas from the four articles and implications of enacting inquiry-based curriculum methodologies that incorporate Multimodal Literacies and Mathematics in early childhood contexts.
3. Using accurate APA7 referencing and English language conventions.
The first part of the literature review is to select four research articles relevant to Multimodal Literacies and Mathematics in early childhood contexts.
Read each article to identify the information to be included in the AT1 B Literature Review Proforma.
Summarise four articles related to the same topic so that they may be compared and analyzed.
Complete the tables in AT1 B Literature Review Proforma by extracting information from each article according to the prompts in the tables. For each article, write a short summary of the key ideas reported in the article. This summary is part of the 250 words written per article (1000 words in total)
The second part is the literature review. When all four summaries are completed, write a review/analysis that draws together (synthesises) the commonalities and identifies the differences among the articles by comparing and contrasting key ideas from the four articles (800 words in total).
Avoid reiterating ideas from each article and discussing them separately. The idea is to synthesise and analyse the ideas. Suggestion:
Choose one or two key ideas evident in all articles and discuss them in depth. Don't try to include a list of all of the ideas (See Resources )
Stay focused on: multimodal mathematics and multimodal literacy.
Discuss the implications for learning and teaching in early childhood contexts.
Citations and Reference List: All citations in the text need to be reflective of APA7 and included in your final reference list.
[250 words]
[Article 1 Title]
Abstract: Copy and paste the abstract of the article here ( not included in the word count)
What is the issue/problem investigated?] Why is it important?
[Who were the participants?
What was done to investigate the issue/problem?
What resources are used?
What are the research findings or argument?

[250 words]

Article 2 Title
Abstract: Copy and paste the abstract of the article here ( not included in the word count)
What is the issue/problem investigated?] Why is it important?
[Who were the participants?
What was done to investigate the issue/problem?
What resources are used?
What are the research findings or argument?
[250 words]
[Article 3 Title]
Abstract: Copy and paste the abstract of the article here ( not included in the word count)
What is the issue/problem investigated?] Why is it important?
[Who were the participants?
What was done to investigate the issue/problem?
What resources are used?
What are the research findings or argument?

[250 words]

[Article 4 Title]
Abstract: Copy and paste the abstract of the article here (not included in the word count)
What is the issue/problem investigated?] Why is it important?
[Who were the participants?
What was done to investigate the issue/problem?
What resources are used?
What are the research findings or argument?
Summary: Analysis and Review of the Four Articles [1000 words]
[Draw together what you have learned from the four papers to discuss the implications for the learning and teaching of multimodal literacies and mathematics in early learning contexts.]
[Include the four articles selected and additional literature sourced. These may include curriculum or policy documents or other sources of learning theories if referred to in your final summary. Additional research articles are not required but may be included.]