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Professional Development
Professional Identity Portfolio: 2,700 words Exploring professional identity as a critical aspect of reflective practice.

For this assignment students must draw on social work texts, ethics, and practice standards to provide an analysis on the following elements of your professional identity- please use the 5 Bold headings in your paper to separate each section. The word limit for each section is a guide to writing this portfolio piece.

Please include a brief (50 Word) introduction and conclusion.
My Professional Identity - approx. 800 words
1. Review the concept of professional identity as expressed in social work literature (I suggest you look at a minimum of five articles about professional identity)
2. Discuss elements of your emerging professional identity based on your reading from the literature.
My professional behaviour - approx. 500 words
3. Critically reflect on your ability to accept and act on feedback about your professional performance (draw on academic and placement experiences as examples)
My wellbeing behaviours - approx. 400 words
4. Critically reflect on your resilience and the way you maintain wellbeing (draw on examples from the last two years)
My Networking skills- approx. 400 words
5. Critically reflect on your ability to successfully build and maintain professional relationships (draw on evidence from your previous placement or RPL documents)
My Professional Development Plan - approx. 500 words
6. Describe how you will meet Standard 8.2 of the AASW Practice Standards (2013) over the next two years.