MAPM8.250 Advanced Strategic Marketing
Assessment topic Case Analysis – marketing concepts / theories / organisational processes
Assessment type Individual essay
Length requirements 2000 words +/- 10%
Submission details Due date: Week 3, Wednesday 5 pm
Submission will only be accepted via EITOnline. Please check the Assignment Dropbox or Course Schedule for due date and time. Note that the Dropbox will check your assignment for breaches of academic integrity. Remember to include a cover page.
Weighting 30%
Course learning outcomes covered LO1 Evaluate marketing concepts and theories and their application in both, an Aotearoa and Global context.
L02 Evaluate organisational processes involved in the planning, implementation, and control of marketing activities
Resources for this assessment Choose your own company X – it must be a NZ SME.
Articles relevant to the assessment are provided in the individual Modules of EITonline.
Background to this assessment Traditional marketing thought and practise have been challenged through the evolution of a new value creation paradigm. For organisations it is important to manage the value creation process. Strategic thinking focuses on finding ways for the firm to create value for its chosen customers.
Task 1 Task: Research the literature and evaluate how organisations, both in New Zealand and globally, create customer value. (1000 words)
Include the following concepts:
• Relationship management
• Value creation through partnerships (internal & external), alliances and networks
• Managing customers through SD logic
• Customer life time value
• Customer equity
Task 2 Task: Evaluate how the New Zealand company X currently creates value. (1000 words)
• Introduce the company and its current product portfolio and customer segments served
• Evaluate the company’s current marketing strategy including brand positioning strategy, differentiation (competitive advantage) and customer value creation mix in terms of value creation
• Refer to the concepts discussed in the first section of your assessment
Be sure to consider the performance criteria on the marking rubric for this assessment.

1. All parts of Assessment 1 are individual tasks and all of the work must be your own. Do not share, in any way, shape or form, any parts of your assignments with any other student, even after the completion of the course.
2. Assessment MUST be uploaded electronically via the Dropbox provided on the EIT Online course page. Other forms or means of submission will not be accepted.
3. All sources of information (excluding the ones available in the reading list and e-books or books) must be uploaded in the references drop box available on EIT Online by the due date.
4. It is important that you respect the intellectual property of other writers or researchers and acknowledge the use of it by correctly citing and referencing using the APA 7th edition style. Assessments that do not acknowledge the material correctly, whether intentional or otherwise, will lead to an academic misconduct investigation being initiated.
5. Avoid plagiarism issues by uploading your draft several times before submission in the relevant Draft box. Drafts are not stored in the main repository of Turnitin and will therefore not compare against you final submission.
6. Attach the completed and signed Plagiarism Declaration at the beginning of your document. Assessments without a completed coversheet and signed Plagiarism Declaration form will not be accepted.
7. Assessment must be typed in a MS-Word file (file format must be *.docx). This is NOT doc, pdf, rtf or any other file type. Other file types will not be accepted by the drop box.
8. Formatting, file name, document structure
a. Use left line justification, double-line spacing, Times New Roman font, font size 11, and font colour (black).
b. File name – Use the given naming convention to name your file: MAPM8.250_Student ID_first name_A1.
c. Insert a Table of Contents – to be automatically generated.
9. Use either MS-Word or Endnote referencing software for inserting citations and references. However, do NOT use both together.
10. The assignment word count should be strictly followed. Falling outside the word count limit will incur a penalty. See marking rubric for details. The word count is excluding your cover pages, Tables and Figures, reference list and appendices. While the words count is excluding the Tables & Figures and appendices, if used excessively, the marker may count these words towards the word count.
11. Grammar and Spelling tips
d. Use Spellcheck
e. Write in the third person (no ‘I’)
f. No more than 10% of quotes
g. Add page numbers

Course: Assessment: Student Name
Performance Criteria Levels of Achievement Mark
Outstanding (=80%) Accomplished (65% - 79.9%) Capable (50% - 64.9%) Needs improvement (=50%)
Task 1
Evaluate how the organisation creates and delivers customer value Evaluation of an extensive range of different value creation concepts in a local and global context
Highly comprehensive analysis and synthesis of details, facts, concepts, etc.
Highly competent application of knowledge to the assessment topic.
Clear and consistent integration of a wide range of literature as a foundation for well-reasoned argumentation. Evaluation of a range of different value creation concepts in a local and global context
Comprehensive analysis and synthesis of details, facts, concepts, etc.
Competent application of knowledge to the assessment topic.
Clear and consistent integration of the literature as a foundation for well-reasoned argumentation. Evaluation of a small range different value creation concepts in a local and global context
Some analysis and synthesis of details, facts, concepts, etc.
Some application of knowledge to the assessment topic.
Some integration of the literature as a foundation for well-reasoned argumentation. Evaluation of a few or no different value creation concepts in a local and global context
Little analysis and synthesis of details, facts, concepts, etc.
Little application of knowledge to the assessment topic.
Little integration of the literature as a foundation for well-reasoned argumentation. /20
20-16.5 16-13.5 13-10.5 10-0
Task 2
Evaluate how company X creates value Highly comprehensive analysis and synthesis of an extensive range of company sources of value creation including the concepts of brand positioning, differentiation and customer value creation mix.
Clear and consistent integration of a wide range of literature as a foundation for well-reasoned argumentation. Comprehensive analysis and synthesis of a range of company sources of value creation including the concepts of brand positioning, differentiation and customer value creation mix.
Clear and consistent integration of the literature as a foundation for well-reasoned argumentation Some analysis and synthesis of a small range of company sources of value creation including the concepts of brand positioning, differentiation and customer value creation mix.
Some integration of the literature as a foundation for well-reasoned argumentation Little analysis and synthesis of company sources of value creation including the concepts of brand positioning, differentiation and customer value creation mix.
Little integration of the literature as a foundation for well-reasoned argumentation. /20
20-16.5 16-13.5 13-10.5 10-0

Levels of Achievement
Outstanding (=80%) Accomplished (65% - 79.9%) Capable (50% - 64.9%) Needs improvement (=50%)
Academic scholarship Wide variety of relevant and up-to-date sources of information, primarily from peer-reviewed literature.
Content presented in a logical sequence and appropriate style with consistently clear and grammatical formulation.
All sources of information are accurately presented in both the body text and reference list (APA style). Variety of relevant and up-to-date sources of information, primarily from peer-reviewed literature.
Content presented in an appropriate style with clear and grammatical formulation.
Most sources of information are accurately presented in the body text and reference list (APA style). Some relevant and up-to-date sources of information, with some from peer-reviewed literature.
Content presented in an appropriate style with generally clear and grammatical formulation.
Some sources of information are accurately presented in the body text and reference list (APA style). Little relevant and up-to-date sources of information, with little from peer-reviewed literature.
Content not presented in an appropriate style and/or with unclear and grammatical formulation.
Sources of information are not accurately presented in the body text and reference list (APA style). /10
10-8 7.5-6.6 6-5.5 5-0
General comments: /50