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Subject Code and Title MIS602 Data Modelling and Database Design
Assessment Database Case Study Report
Individual/Group Group
Length N/A
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Examine the role of data in an organisation, and develop solutions related to the creation, storage and management of organisational data.
b) Design solutions applying relational database techniques to complex problems and communicate these solutions to all stakeholders.
c) Apply contemporary database modelling to identify and address anomalies in data and recommend solutions.
Submission 12 Week Cycle: Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 6.1 (Week 11)
6 Week Cycle: Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 6.1
Weighting 35%
Total Marks 100 Marks
Task Summary
This final assessment requires you to produce a robust and a flexible database that is able to accurately store information about the business mentioned in the case study. You also need to develop the queries and reports to provide data insights which in turn drive business decisions. Your submission should include:
a) Appropriate modelling plus any business rules or assumptions
b) SQL commands to
• physically implement your logical model
• populate the database
• retrieve meaningful information
c) Visualizations that can be presented at a board meeting
This assignment brings together all the learning gained over the duration of this subject. The skills and knowledge you’ve gained in this subject forms a vital part of your ability to traverse the major disciplines in the data and database fields. You will be able to interact with analysts, developers, database administrators and managers using a common language which is vital if an organization is to function effectively. These skills are the groundwork for further career progression in data analysis and information management.
Task Instructions
1. Group Formation and Registration
• Form groups of 3 members.
• The deadline for team registration is 11:45pm AEST Friday end of Module 2.2
• To register your team, you are required to send your Learning Facilitator an email with “[MIS602] Group Registration” in the subject line. In the body of that email, please list the names and student ID numbers of all the members of your team.
• You are required to send the registration email to your facilitator before the registration deadline.
• After the registration deadline, those students who are not in a team will be allocated to a group by the Learning Facilitator.
2. Case Study
Please read the attached MIS602_Assessment 3_Case Study.
3. Database Case Study Report
Based on the information provided in the case study, create a functioning database using MySQL that can be queried to meet the requirements of the business.
4. The database case study report should include the following elements:
a) ER diagram, relational model and associated business rules and assumptions b) SQL commands to:
• Create tables and Insert sample data rows into each table
• SQL queries to provide business insights At least one of each of the following is required:
• SELECT query with a condition
• GROUP BY query
• JOIN query o NESTED query
For each query explain its business value i.e. what business question does the result answer? Does it save money/more efficient process?
c) At least two visualizations with an explanation of its business value.
For each visualization explain its business value. E.g. does the visualization highlight savings in time or money?
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here
Submission Instructions
1. Graded submission: Group submission
Submit Assessment 3 via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MIS602 Data Modelling and Database Design. On behalf of the team, only one member will submit. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
2. Peer Evaluation: Individual Submission
Each individual student is to submit a completed team participation score matrix document in the Assessment 3 – Peer Evaluation submission link. Please submit your peer review correctly as no submission may result in a zero grading for this assessment criteria.
Academic Integrity Declaration
We declare that except where we have referenced, the work we are submitting for this assessment task is our own work. We have read and are aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and
Procedure viewable online at
We are aware that we need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and we will do so accordingly.
Assessment Rubric
Assessment Criteria Fail
(Unacceptable) 0-
49% Pass
50-64% Credit (Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75 -84% High Distinction
ER diagram
Relational model Associated business
rules and
30% Limited entities and relationships identified. Limited entities converted to tables. No list of assumptions/ business rules. Most entities identified and labelled. Most relationships identified.
Identified Entities converted to tables.
Most fields listed. Design is in third normal form. List of assumptions/business rules.
All entities identified and labelled. All relationships identified. Most cardinality is correct. Most participation is correct. All entities converted to tables. All fields listed.
Most many-to-many relationships deconstructed into new tables. Primary keys correctly underlined. All relationships meaningfully labelled. Primary key labelled for entities.
All cardinality is correct. All
participation is correct. All many-to many relationships deconstructed into new tables. Foreign keys correctly underlined. Primary keys labelled for many-to-many relationships Some nonkey fields labelled. Any multivalued attributes deconstructed into new tables. Any self-joins identified.
Well-presented ER diagram, relational model, associated business rules and assumptions.
SQL commands
45% Limited number of queries provided and queries do not meet the criteria. Business statements value not provided. Create table DDL SQL provided. Data insert DML SQL provided. Minimum number of queries provided and queries meets the criteria. Business statements value provided. Queries exhibit extra detail e.g. column headers concatenation sorting.
Additional queries provided. Queries exhibit extra detail e.g. advanced
filtering calculations join with more than two tables. Additional queries provided.
All SQL is well formatted.
Overall, well presented.
Visualisation with an explanation
15% Minimum visualisations provided with no business value statements. Minimum visualizations provided. Business value statements provided Axes well labelled.
Legends well labelled. One
visualization is an aggregation. Additional visualization provided. Additional features utilized e.g. calculations Additional visualization provided. Overall, well presented visualisation with an explanation.
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Peer Evaluation 10% Showed limited efforts and contribution to the team. Other team completed tasks agreed for this team member to ensure project was finalised. Has fulfilled part of the agreed tasks and overlooked others. Has not initiated tasks or contributed substantially to group effort. A passive member of the group. Contributed to the group effort as per agreed tasks with minimal effort, but did not go beyond that. Very valuable member of the group actively contributing to the group effort and assessment tasks Peer member of the group
takes initiative and extensively contributing to the group assessment effort.
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